Pregnant and still haven't lost weight from Baby No.2


Juts wondering if there are any mom's out there that are currently pregnant, and still exercising?

I just had baby no.2 in Sep 2013 and recently found out I am pregnant again! shocker!!

anyway i was working my butt off and focussed but my clothes were getting tighter i felt so discouraged turns out I have another one on the way....We're happy about it because we did want to try for a boy in the future....that is once I had lost the weight and current baby was at least 2 years old....

Previous two babies i was warned off exercising by midwife and doctor which to me seems silly....Anyway I have decided to keep going with my exercise running as normal and doing weights...... Any other mom's in the same boat as me and still successfully exercising?


  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I am 6 months pregnant and still workout but I am also had been working before my pregnancy I'm in the military I was already jogging and stuff yes Jog time is terribly slow now because of my baby bump and weight gain but my dr and midwife say I'm still able to workout I understand every pregnancy is diffrent I am sure thee most have been a reason why they told you to not workout and I think that don't women to start a work program when pregnant but I was told I could keeping doing the jogging and light weights since that's what I was doing before the pregancy there are benefits to working out while pregnant that I have read about ( but this is my first pregnancy ) I log what eat I don't care if I go over cals I mainly want to make sure I'm eating balance diet and not eating a bunch of junk I gained a lot of weight in the beginning of pregancy about 45lbs from just eating and sleeping but now that I'm watch what I eat and getting out feel a ton better I work with a girl who is 6 months also and her pregancy is taking big toll on her she says she only is able to get thru work and after that she's in bed till she has be back at work she also has lot of swelling in her feet and legs but I'm not sure if diet and excersise plays a part in how diffrent things are going for us but I like to do Zumba dancing a good workout and fun I don't do all the jumping though I enjoy getting in the pool half the time I don't want to get out there are also prenatal DVDs I seen to help keep active during pregancy I have to keep active in the military we only have 6 months after the birth of our kid to get back in shape so I don't want to get too out shape during this pregancy hope this helps feel free to add me
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Why would your doctor discourage you from exercising? Are there risks associated with your pregnancy? I wouldn't push through and exercise if you've been expressly told *not* to. If you think that that guideline is in error, talk to your doctor (or find a new one).