New again!

Hi not been on here for a long time thought I would say hi.
I am a 52 year old lady and have had two weightless surgeries ,the second being in April this year. I had the gastric sleeve op done. We'll I may as we'll not bothered as I only lost 5kg the first week and nothing since then.
Because of the surgery I can. Only eat small amounts at a time. Been eating lots of protein up until now but fed up with it all, and am at a loss on what to do to lose weight. Any advice will be great. Lorri


  • Linda_10
    Linda_10 Posts: 95 Member
    Hey I havn't been on here either for awhile. I just signed back in today.I guess hoping for some inspiration myself.
    I too am 52 yrs. old maybe we can inspire one another.
    I have health issues myself that makes exercising pretty difficult. but I know I've got to get my act together.
    I have two grand children I take care of through the week, and it's so hard all the lifting and running for them.
    I just want to be healthy for there sake .
    I'm starting tomorrow!
  • lorri1961
    lorri1961 Posts: 3
    Hi Linda. It's not easy is it, I am going to try and log my food everyday, a simple thing I know but doing it is another thing.