30 lbs to lose by summer!!

Hey all, just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Kendra, Im a 28 year old mother of 3 beautiful girls, I have recently began using Herbal;ife products and plan to lose 30 lbs by May.... So wish me luck, and feel free to add me as a friend :)


  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    friend request sent :)

    is herbal life stuff pricey?
  • darciwilkinson
    Well, Kendra, My name is Darci. I just recently started Herbalife too! Love it so far. I too would love to lose, but I'm thinking 50 pounds. but I'll take 10 at a time. Good Luck with your journey. Add me as a friend and we can keep tabs on each other.
  • hmarshburn
    hmarshburn Posts: 8 Member
    What is herbal life?
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    hi welcome i know in the midst of getting the weight off we will try anything but be careful bc you will lose it & then go right back 2 square one when you stop. Good luck, take it one day at a time & just keep moving:indifferent:
  • mauck1975
    mauck1975 Posts: 77 Member
    good luck!!! how does the herballife work for you? just recently a lady came up to me and told me a little about the stuff and gave me her card to try it but I never called her. let me know how it works please.. I might have to try it.
  • melissa_livesay
    melissa_livesay Posts: 8 Member
    Hey! I'm Melissa....I have 30 pounds 2 lose as well! Add me as a buddy! I am 26 with two awesome kiddos....Tegan who is almost 6 and Jensen who is 2. :) They are my world.
  • kblamo
    kblamo Posts: 12
    I was thinking of starting Herbalife but I am so afraid that it will be something I loose and then as soon as I stop spending $100 plus per month on vitimans and shakes it piles back on and then some :-/ do you know anything about the after effects?

    Best of luck to you!
  • girliegirl1822
    girliegirl1822 Posts: 164 Member
    welcome :happy:
  • Kazzieandrak
    Hi Kendra! Welcome to MFP!
    You'll love it and I'm pretty sure you're gonna make it.
    feel free to add me as a friend
    Godd vibes and good luck!
    GO FOR IT!
  • whisper2k
    I look at Herbalife this way, Its not the cheapest route to go, especially if you go in and buy a shake or 2 every day, but I bought the product, and make my own shakes and that averages about 3.00 a meal, which definately beats the 5-10 I was spending on fast food regularly. Herbalife tastes good and is easy to do, thats what I like, simple and YUMMY! lol. Im not sure of the after effects when you stop drinking their stuff, but I know for myself if I can get pop and fast food out of my diet I will likely lose wieght off that alone. :)
  • whisper2k
    I look at Herbalife this way, Its not the cheapest route to go, especially if you go in and buy a shake or 2 every day, but I bought the product, and make my own shakes and that averages about 3.00 a meal, which definately beats the 5-10 I was spending on fast food regularly. Herbalife tastes good and is easy to do, thats what I like, simple and YUMMY! lol. Im not sure of the after effects when you stop drinking their stuff, but I know for myself if I can get pop and fast food out of my diet I will likely lose wieght off that alone. :)
  • darciwilkinson
    I agree about Herbalife. It's way cheaper than fast food and when I make it at home I am able to customize my flavors. Yummy to meals a day and then regular supper. Helps my numbers and I'm full all day long. Plus my neighbor/and I started selling it so we get home products at 35% off. so really not to bad. I don't do all their vit and such, but 7 pounds lost my first week. I think I'll be sticking with it, that and starting to walk/run just about 4 days a week.