

Hard to know what to say bar I am bored of all the things related to being overweight.

I have tried and failed too many times (fad diets / proxy dieting (when my wife is on a diet) / gym, I lose my standard stone and get lazy. My downside is beer and I am lazy paired with great at finding excuses to not go to the gym.

I want to properly try MFP before going to weightwatcher at last resort.

So me, I am from Poole Dorset (England), I am a social 19 stone and just under 6'2, I want to get to the magic 15 stone mark. I have always since a young age been overweight.

So the plan is gym + tracking via MFP + public weigh in (wife and my eldest daughter), I need the weigh in fear to keep me true.

The plan is to also hit me £££ wise, going to pay in £5 to weigh in every week, and £10 if I don't lose weight. Ultimate aim is to pay for a family holiday.

First day tomorrow.

Interested in anyone in the area or general support.

That's me, sorry for the waffle.



  • JGonzo82
    JGonzo82 Posts: 167 Member
    good luck Dan!
  • Dumping70
    Dumping70 Posts: 18
    Nice motivation, good luck!
  • danbaylis
    danbaylis Posts: 3
    Thanks all. I am trying a change of mental approach towards food and drink, rather than a diet it’s a change of life and I know the consequence if I don't change. Also I want to change how I treat (reward) my kids so they don't have the same issues. Rewards can be a bike ride or go to the park rather than some food base reward like sweets (candy).

    I rode to work and back yesterday (15 miles) which helped my weight loss but not butt!
  • janet41283
    janet41283 Posts: 217 Member
    Sounds like a great start! Motivation to get moving is hard. I am the excuse queen. I can easily find excuses for everything. Some people find walking groups, etc. but I wouldn't be good with that since I exercise when the mood strikes and not at a specific time. Riding a bike to work is admirable! What a wonderful example to set!