Need friends for motivation

I'm a 22 year old female Looking for people who log everyday to help me stay motivated on my weightloss journey. I have struggled with weight for a few years now and wanna lose weight and keep it off this time. My main goal is to lose weight and get rid of my belly that I gained from having kids. Just feel free to add me.


  • photochik71
    photochik71 Posts: 37 Member
    Request sent :)
  • hzfit335
    hzfit335 Posts: 2
    Hiya, I'm kind of new here too, I just added you! I'm need people for motivation too. Good luck! :smile:
  • CGMartoos
    CGMartoos Posts: 1
    My name is Tony. I myself also need some friends for motivation. Im 24 and in the Coast Guard, recently married, and struggling to get healthier. Im stationed on a boat so food isn't always fresh and "delicious", I tend to go for bad snack for a quick pick me up. I'm trying to lose 20lbs by September and I will be out at sea for all of July. I hope people wouldn't mind friending me even though my schedule has me in and out randomly so for right now I won't be posting every single day but I'll be trying!