Aussie gal wanting worldwide friends

rikorb Posts: 51 Member
Hi everyone.
My names Kristy and I'm from Australia. I'm looking for some friends worldwide who can give me support and keep me motivated.
Although I've used MFP on and off for years this time I'm dedicated and serious and have stuck at it for over a month now. Yes I have had my bad days but that hasn't deterred me like it used to when I used to then give up. This time I'm logging everything, even my bad days, (when in the past if I had a bad day I just wouldn't log that day). It's really showing me how bad my diet was and no wonder I kept putting on more and more weight.

My first goal is to lose at least 15kg (33lbs) by November. I'm competing in a dancing competition for the Pan Pacific Masters Games in Australia and I really want to have lost some weight so I feel healthy and fit and more confident in myself.

If you look at my diary please don't judge, I know I need to eat more fruit and veggies and I'm adding them. I've never like it and I wish I loved veggies so it's something I need to learn to enjoy. I don't want to just go cold turkey and eat full on healthy with all these veggies as I won't stick to it, I've don't that in the past and I give up quickly. This time round I'm actually sticking to it as it a a lifestyle change. I'm cutting out the crap and cutting down portion size and exercising at least 4 days a week.
And as I've said I'm still having bad meals which I'm not happy with but over time they will be cut down even more and I'll add more veggies and salads to my meals. One thing at a time.

Starting weight:
98kg (216lbs)
Chest - 119cm
Waist - 101cm
Hips - 122cm
Right Thigh - 73.5cm
Left Thight - 72cm
Right Arm - 34cm
Left Arm - 33cm


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Another Aussie here. Happy to help you out.
  • LeafyEdge
    LeafyEdge Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Kristy! I'm sort of in the same 'back on track' boat as you. Glad to have you around!

    I also struggle to get fruits and veggies in my diet. I'll use the 'too busy' excuse. Relying on meal replacement shakes and bars and such is just so much easier!
  • Hi im in the UK also new here happy to help too
  • fitmomforu
    fitmomforu Posts: 80 Member
    Great suoport person here! Anyone add away for the extra push:)
  • crhnz70
    crhnz70 Posts: 4
    Kiwi who spent 7 years in Oz before moving to Texas 3 years ago here :) Good luck on your journey!! Happy to give a little motivation where I can.
  • rikorb
    rikorb Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks everyone :)

    I'm the same Leafyedge, I know people say they are bad but I do the shakes too, not religiously but most days I start with one and it's easy when I'm rushing out the door, (as a single mum don't have much time sometimes) but then other days I'll have 3 during the day as I may be struggling with what to eat and I don't want to make a bad choice so I stick to that.

    It's all about learning and changing my habit, the way I've always done things.

    Back when I was 18 I lost a lot of weight and was 65kg for years but then when I had my son 6 years ago it all came back and I haven't been able to lose it. Until now ;)
  • Listeninguponyou
    Listeninguponyou Posts: 507 Member
    I am from America! I'm also on a weight loss journey and have lost and gain weight once before. I hope that you add me and I'll make sure to motive and keep on! Let's still to our goals.
  • Hi Aussie gal I would like to talk to friends also I just moved to a new city in Nashport, oh I dont know anyone here my husband moved us here to get out of the bigger city and start a new life
  • alex_h_88
    alex_h_88 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm from Melbourne, I make bad decisions at times, however I try to stick to 1200 cals a day. I have about 20 kg to lose and I'm also looking for local friends :)
  • GothJuice
    GothJuice Posts: 66 Member
    Hi there!! I'm Robin, from England, happy to be a part of your worldwide friend group if you want me! I'm looking to lose around 15-20lbs for October so I can start my final year of university feeling awesome! Like you this is a re-attempt which I have successfully stuck too since the end of May, I've thrown myself into the gym and made it over the two week hump and formed a good habit of it!
    Feel free to add me! ^_^
  • Kikilarue59
    Kikilarue59 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi Aussie Gal,\
    I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Love Australia. I like you have been on and off this site for years. This time I'm getting REAL. I actually posted how I currently look. and it's cringe worthy. But it is what it is. And I am logging in the good and the bad also.
    Somehow it's different this time. I would love to cheer you on and ;commiserate with you when you need that.
    Good Luck to both of us. JoAnna.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Great attitude on starting to make small changes that you can live with! That's what I did too! I just joined MFP about 2 weeks ago, but started my weight loss journey about 7 weeks ago. I knew, 7 weeks ago, if I started out hard with strict diets and intense workouts… I would be tired, hungry, and miserable within a week and I wouldn't be able to keep it up. But 7 weeks in, I'm down 22.5 pounds and still going strong. You're on the right track! Feel free to add me if you'd like…. I'm in the States… Utah.
  • chamberlain3
    chamberlain3 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Kristy! I'm from Michigan. My goal is to lose 30 pounds by November. So far, I have lost ten pounds of that total. Please feel free to add me :) Best of luck!
  • sparklenglitter
    sparklenglitter Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Kristy, I live in the USA, in Monroe, Washington, it is located on the west coast. Today was day 20 for me and I feel great, loosing 14 lbs so far. I have lost in the past and kept it off till I married 16 years ago, since then I have gained from 155 to throws you curve b alls and I did not dodge them due to my own complacency. I have adopted the healthy lifestyle change attitude but I am working it very hard. I can use a friend as well, please feel free to add me.

    we are all in tnis together so we may as well fight together !

    Carol in Monroe.