binged.... ON QUEST BARS??



  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Now I want a Quest Bar :/

    I want 2 in a row...Cookies 'N Cream...lightly melted...:heart::heart: :heart:


    I like to flatten them out, bake them a little, and then spread ice cream on top with some sugar free syrup, like a little cookies and cream dessert pizza.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    OKAY MAYBE IM OVERREACTING I DONT KNOW. but at least empathize, im sure plenty of people on here who are just starting (including some of you on this thread) would beat themselves over a lot of things

    I've eaten an entire box of Cheez Its once. I can't empathize with two Quest bars, sorry lol
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    That is binging.. eating something like that, in a row after eating a meal is kinda binging methinks.

    That's not even close to binging. That's overeating. It happens to everybody. Binge eating is eating unusually large amounts of food, eating even when you're full or not hungry, eating rapidly during binge episodes, eating until you're uncomfortably full.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    OKAY MAYBE IM OVERREACTING I DONT KNOW. but at least empathize, im sure plenty of people on here who are just starting (including some of you on this thread) would beat themselves over a lot of things
    It's important to know this. And how realistic/useful your goal is. If your goal is too much of a deficit you will be more prone to wanting to binge and also feel bad about and also lose more lean mass (which is something you want to keep.) A lot of people just starting out mistakenly think that "eating right" means super restrictive food lists and/or a very small calorie goal.
  • OKAY MAYBE IM OVERREACTING I DONT KNOW. but at least empathize, im sure plenty of people on here who are just starting (including some of you on this thread) would beat themselves over a lot of things

    I've eaten an entire box of Cheez Its once. I can't empathize with two Quest bars, sorry lol

    Okay, i JUST started this diet. you even a box of cheez its? i've eaten so much more junk in one sitting. an entire bag of hot cheeto puffs, pack of mint oreos, so much processed food and desserts. ive basically been eating terrible all my life. i dont know how 'eating right really works, okay? so instead of making fun of me for worrying over this just tell me what you think in a more understanding matter rather than being such a smart alec.
  • astralweeks82
    astralweeks82 Posts: 230 Member
    Now I want a Quest Bar :/

    I want 2 in a row...Cookies 'N Cream...lightly melted...:heart::heart: :heart:


    I like to flatten them out, bake them a little, and then spread ice cream on top with some sugar free syrup, like a little cookies and cream dessert pizza.

    Oh my god. Definitely trying this!
  • I LOVE MY QUEST BARS-they do taste good-I am eating one right now-but you do have to watch eating too many of them-I try to only eat 1 -but my friend they do taste good-so just move on it is not the end of the world-just log it and move it-don't beat yourself-:smile:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Please explain why you think eating 2 Quest bars in one day is a "binge"? I'm so confused...

  • I had to Google Quest Bars. I've never heard of them. They look really good! I'd be tempted to make a meal of them, too. :bigsmile:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    That is binging.. eating something like that, in a row after eating a meal is kinda binging methinks.
    eating 400 calories "un planned" and with a balanced set of macros is "binging"? NO.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    OKAY MAYBE IM OVERREACTING I DONT KNOW. but at least empathize, im sure plenty of people on here who are just starting (including some of you on this thread) would beat themselves over a lot of things

    some people on here are so rude
    yes you are overreacting. 400 cals is not a binge
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    Two Quest bars are fewer calories than a big piece of cake or half a container of Ben and Jerry's, and they have way more fiber and protein. Everybody falls off the wagon at one point or another, but I wouldn't even call it that. If you went over your calories for today, eat a little more mindfully for the next few days to make sure you stay at or under your calorie goal for the week.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    OKAY MAYBE IM OVERREACTING I DONT KNOW. but at least empathize, im sure plenty of people on here who are just starting (including some of you on this thread) would beat themselves over a lot of things

    some people on here are so rude
    I don't think anyone's been "rude". Just trying to help you put essentially 200 calories of good, healthy foods (that may be over your calorie goal) in perspective.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    OKAY MAYBE IM OVERREACTING I DONT KNOW. but at least empathize, im sure plenty of people on here who are just starting (including some of you on this thread) would beat themselves over a lot of things

    I've eaten an entire box of Cheez Its once. I can't empathize with two Quest bars, sorry lol

    Okay, i JUST started this diet. you even a box of cheez its? i've eaten so much more junk in one sitting. an entire bag of hot cheeto puffs, pack of mint oreos, so much processed food and desserts. ive basically been eating terrible all my life. i dont know how 'eating right really works, okay? so instead of making fun of me for worrying over this just tell me what you think in a more understanding matter rather than being such a smart alec.

    Ok, here's your moment of serious from me: lighten up. You will have problems with your weight loss efforts if you categorize two Quest bars as a binge, because binges are "bad" and can cause derailment. Also, ditch the notion of eating "terrible foods." Worry about putting up good numbers at a deficit while eating what you enjoy. That's my secret to one year of maintenance after losing almost 30 pounds. I still eat my Cheez Its, Goldfish, and heck today I had some birthday cake frosting filled Chips Ahoy. My diary is open, check out what you can eat if you put in the work.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Bingeing doesn't really have different parameters depending on one's own experience. Overeating, perhaps, but bingeing is thousands of calories in one sitting. Two quest bars are @400 calories. Not. A. Binge.

    OP, go back to your typical deficit the next day. It's really not that big of a deal.
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    Also, there are no "good" or "bad" foods. It's all about understanding portion sizes and what portions fit into your calorie and nutritional needs for a day. Going over your calories in Quest bars or broccoli or anything else "healthy" will prevent weight loss as much as going over with junk food. Likewise, you can still have treats as long as you make them fit.

    People in this thread are trying to show you that you're overreacting to help you put what you did in a better perspective. If you think they're being rude, you're not going to last in the forums very long.
  • I do have binging problem though... let's say i had 5 bars left or maybe 9 or something, i'd eat them all right there earlier if could. i probably won't be buying more for a a while, i just have a hard time limiting myself i guess....
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I do have binging problem though... let's say i had 5 bars left or maybe 9 or something, i'd eat them all right there earlier if could. i probably won't be buying more for a a while, i just have a hard time limiting myself i guess....
    And that's an entirely different issue. If quest bars trigger a REAL binge, then I'd suggest not buying them til you figure that part out.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I do have binging problem though... let's say i had 5 bars left or maybe 9 or something, i'd eat them all right there earlier if could. i probably won't be buying more for a a while, i just have a hard time limiting myself i guess....

    I don't even think Furious Pete could shotgun 9 Quest bars. Try prelogging. If that doesn't work, remove yourself from your current environment. Go for a drive or something, but not to a place that sells Quest bars :wink:
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    Please explain why you think eating 2 Quest bars in one day is a "binge"? I'm so confused...

    Yea im confused also :huh:
