Need help with breakfast.

My brother randomly asked me a question I been meaning to look up for a long time.
I know that eggs (obviously) are a breakfast food. But I pretty much eat breakfast seven days a week, scrambled, fried, omelette and all that good stuff. When I do not have time to eat eggs I grab a quick bowl of cereal or something like that.
But I am sure that it cannot be to healthy eating eggs seven days a week.

So any thoughts on what could replace eggs as breakfast foods?
What do you eat for breakfast besides the usual eggs?
And in general, what are other good foods to have during breakfast?


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You can eat eggs everyday. If you want something different, eat leftovers from lunch or dinner the day before.
  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    I love eggs and eat them every day. I think that is old thinking that you should not. Now I think they say there is no correlation with egg intake and raised cholesterol levels.

    I eat all sorts of weird non breakfast things for breakfast like fried plantains, lentil dhal, dinner leftovers on occasion. But here are some other ideas: greek yogurt with honey or fruit, cinnamon raisin toast with some almond butter, plain toast with avocado on it, protein and fruit smoothie, oatmeal (have it with any combination of fruits, cinnamon, honey, etc...), cottage cheese, rice with milk and raisins, if I am on the run maybe some hardboiled eggs and whole grain crackers or a granola bar.

    Typically I like to include a protein and some complex carbs- keeps me full longer that way.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I eat eggs, cold leftover chicken, yogurt, almonds, walnuts, almond butter, raw veggies, fruit, etc. Oh, and bacon. Can't forget bacon.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I do hope you eat breakfast every day (although, those who don't, that's cool, too). I eat 2 eggs every. single. morning. I have for the better part of 2 decades. And my cholesterol levels are perfectly healthy (despite a family's not the eggs). Oh, and bacon only once a week, merely for fiscal reasons. Paired with oatmeal or toast, that makes a pretty easy and complete (macro wise) start to the day. If you like your eggs, have at 'em, as often as you like.
  • LuisEOJr
    LuisEOJr Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks everyone, seriously, did not think it wad OK.
  • Crzyangel
    Crzyangel Posts: 5 Member
    I usually never get to eat breakfast so I drink shakeology. When I am able to eat breakfast it's usually because I prepped refrigerated oatmeal the night before.
  • JaneLane33
    JaneLane33 Posts: 80 Member
    Eggs used to be thought of as a "bad" food but newer research says they are not bad after all.
    I like hard boil eggs. I have one with sauteed mixed veggies and some feta cheese.
    right now I am really into fresh strawberries. breakfast tomorrow will be a homemade shortcake (biscuit) with sliced strawberries and a splash of milk.
  • nixxthirteen
    nixxthirteen Posts: 280 Member
    I eat eggs every single day :).

    Breakfast right now is usually a whole wheat pita with one fried egg, one piece of chicken bacon, some spinach, some light cheese spread, and a tbsp of salsa. With a coffee and a bit of fruit. Can't live without my eggs.
  • tuaam
    tuaam Posts: 5
    Yes, a western breakfast usually includes eggs which are high in protein low in carbs and high in cholesterol. In talking to my heart specialist he recommends eating oatmeal rather then eggs as blood clots are dangerous for me. He also highly recommend exercise by the way.. Now getting back to your original question. As I stated eggs are a part of every western breakfast, but living in the eastern world ( Thailand) breakfast is usually a rice soup with some kind of meat or fish. Also, I have come to accept that I can eat anything I want for breakfast-- chicken and veggies, steak, fish, or anything else you want. I will often eat bacon and eggs for dinner.
  • SusanUW83
    SusanUW83 Posts: 152 Member
    Some weeks I pre-make mini-omelettes to take with me to work. Some weeks I pre-make oatmeal and then put it in 1 cup containers. I try to make a week's worth of cooked breakfasts on Sunday that I can take to work and reheat. I also eat greek yoghurt daily.
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    Eggs and Oatmeal w/chia seeds most everyday here.
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    How about :
    * yogurt with some granola sprinkled on top and a bit fruit
    * half a bagel with light cream cheese
    * protein shake and a fruit
    * Pb2 peanut butter, toast and skim milk

    Lots of food out there you can experiment with ...just make sure you've got protein in it... good luck!
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Try porridge/oats with milk or hot water

    Protein shake with fruit

    Peanut butter on toast

    Yoghurt with fruit. nuts, seeds etc
  • riadhdeb
    riadhdeb Posts: 211 Member
    I'm gonna cut the philosophy, here what I have for breakfast and u can adjust portions to ur needs.

    2 whole eggs + 2 egg whites

    50g oats on dry matter

    How I cook my eggs, which I believe the healthiest way.

    Crack each egg in a rubber muffin case and microwave for a min check and repeat until u have the preferred constancy.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    As has been said, it's OK to eat eggs every day. But I like variety, so I have 4-5 different breakfasts that I ring the changes with.

    1. Eggs. 1 whole, 2 whites (glug from a carton) scrambled in the microwave with mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, ham, cheese, whatever's in the fridge.
    2. Toast. I keep a good quality loaf in the freezer (Burgen is my favourite) and toast one slice straight from frozen. Top with marmite and cottage cheese, slice of ham, slice of cheese, humous, peanut or other nut/ seed butter, smooshed avocado.
    3. Overnight oats.
    4. Greek yoghurt with seeds and berries
    5. Smoked fish
    6. Soft boiled egg with asparagus spears for dipping.
    7. Porridge.
  • tgraves9875
    tgraves9875 Posts: 16 Member
    I eat an eggbeater omlette with veggies, ham and salsa cooked with cooking spray just about every day. Check the nutrition label on this product, very healthy.
  • fromaquasar09
    I eat eggs every single day too! Scrambled on toast, amazing, and not just for breakfast.

    Other breakfast ideas for you though:

    If I'm in a rush I'll have a shake, banana, frozen berries, almond milk and protein powder in the blender, boom - drink it on the way to work.
    Proats - I cook oats with vanilla protein powder (just mix both with water and cook as normal) sweet creamy delicious
    Over night oats (oats + milk of choice + flavour, my fav is banana and maple - in a container, raw, leave over night and eat the next day)
    Or avocado and tomato on toast, with greek yoghurt (not on the toast, just next to it :)
  • vld22
    vld22 Posts: 1 Member
    Try some overnight protein oats if you don't have time in the morning to cook or want something different to eggs.
    Put 50g oats, 1 scoop protein powder of your choice, 125g fat free natural yoghurt, fruit of your choice (although bananas go a bit weird!) and top off with a splash of skimmed milk to loosen. Mix it all up and put it into a jam jar, pop the lid on and stick it in the fridge overnight. In the morning just grab and go. It's delicious and packed full of protein - so many options for flavours as well I never get bored. Chocolate and raspberry, mocha (add some instant coffee in with chocolate protein powder), blueberry and lemon, the combinations are endless. Plus they'll keep you going until lunch :)
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I usually eat two breakfasts a day LOL! I am a breakfast person and hungriest in the morning. I eat egg whites (egg beaters) with veggies, turkey bacon, some light cheese, some low carb bread, pretty much every morning. About an hour or two later I'll have a yogurt with some fresh fruit. I also agree with the other suggestions for breakfast foods. Although, I don't really limit my self to foods labeled as "breakfast/lunch/dinner" and I certainly don't go by any timing. I eat what my body needs when I feel hungry. I doesn't have to be a "breakfast" food.
  • swimnurseteacher7
    swimnurseteacher7 Posts: 24 Member
    I do a quick smoothie with frozen berries (they come in a package mixed blueberries, strawberies and blackberries in the freezer section of the store) soy milk and a scoop of powder protein