Need to lose 30lbs total, but at least 10 by Step Daughter's

Hello, I am new to and am loving this site. I absolutely love the food journal. Encouraging words are always welcome : )


  • lauramoitoza
    Good luck, I am new also and have found this site very helpful. My fiance and I are working on this together. Do you have someone at home to help you?
  • MTLumps
    MTLumps Posts: 82 Member
    Hi! I love the site as well and have met many encouraging people. Good luck on your weight-loss journey. :flowerforyou: Feel free to friend me & I'll help encourage you on your journey.
  • kristimartiny
    This a a great site. A friend got me to join and at first I didn't take it seriously...writing everything down, but now since late last week, have written it all down and it has made me think twice about what I put in my mouth and for the first time in a while, I am really motivated. To be held accountable for food that I eat and it also shows whether I am eating enough fiber and fruits and veggies...I wish other people would make their diaries visible, to get ideas on meals..:) Good luck to everyone!
  • Dtermined89
    good luck! its great that you have someone at home you guys can cheer eachother on!