Need to lose 100 pounds

I am new to this and have been doing the calorie counting thing for a few months. I have lost almost 20 pounds from when I started and I have not been super strict about it or about exercising. I need to lose for health and I want to have a baby in the next year with a healthy weight to start. Please send me motivational stories I am not to good at this whole diet thing. :flowerforyou:
I just wanted to say hi and Im here just like the rest of you.


  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    Hello and welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • AntoinetteONeill
    Hi! How funny that just minutes before your post, I also did an intro post with a title of losing 100lbs.
    Sounds like you're off to an amazing start! I like that you're going slow (like me.) My big fear is changing too fast before I'm ready then not knowing who I see in the mirror and being left with lots of loose skin. Ewwww! I'd rather go slow and steady and tighten up as I go along.

    Good luck! :wink:
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    Hi and welcome :-)

    I too had to lose around 100lbs, I'm already down a bit.
    If you need motivation, take a look at the success stories, there you find plenty of motivation!
    There are stories from people who lost way more than 100lbs, with loads of pictures before/after. You'll find all the motivation you need to get your weight down.

  • feetypajamas
    feetypajamas Posts: 104 Member

    I just came here yesterday, so I'm a newbie too. I also want to lose 100lbs, in the long run. For the time being though, I'll settle for getting out of the plus sizes. But I won't stop when I hit that little goal!!!
  • iambayd
    iambayd Posts: 235
    Welcome! This site is amazing :flowerforyou: I was a little over 200 when my husband and I decided we wanted to try for a baby. It took me a year and a half to get pregnant, and I did after I lost about twenty pounds. I'm here now losing the baby weight plus some. You can do it! We're here for you! :smile:
  • fjanvlb
    Hi I am new to this site and need to lose about 100 pounds. I am ready to be that person who I don't mind looking at in the mirror. I am really bad about sticking to diets so hopefully with friends here on the site I will get the help and motivation I need to get moving.:happy:
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    When I first started I had to get to kind of a selfish place. I would take some time to think about Future You and how much you care about her. How much she deserves to feel lighter, free-er, happier. How much that baby deserves to be born into a healthy, happy home. And then think about how MAD you'd be if someone was trying to keep those wonderful things from happening. Get a little mad, our society is designed to keep us fat. So take a second and say HEY, I AM WORTH THE WORK. Choose to say NO, in the future I will NOT be another obesity statistic. With every pound I lose I relieve the pressure, the stress on my heart, my bones, my joints, my emotions.

    You can do this!
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    You can do it! :D

    Try to be your own best friend instead of your worst critic.....other than that just commit to do it :)
  • Turbo_Addict
    Hi there im a newbie too just started yesterday actually, can do this, i need to loose close to about 50-60 pounds i think. We r all here for one thing to loose weight and of of coarse get support from others! So far i love this site and im sure you will too, they have awesome tools to help you keep trak and everything! So you can do this just exercise and eat healthy and drink your daily water amount. =)
  • Turbo_Addict
    hey i think you will do great, it is always differant when you have people to talk to about it or help you with it. It is also more fun and helps keep you motivated. you can add me if you like, im a great supportor becuz im a person that needs motivational pick ups too. =) you can do this we all can, dont ever say you cant!