I weigh more than I look



  • AGirrl
    AGirrl Posts: 29 Member
    having wider shoulders, a larger rib cage and a wider pelvis. This usually goes with having larger joints, but not always.

    It's meeee, it's meee! I mean, my shoulders are broader than my hips, my height is 5'2", weight is 127lb, my upper body looks skinny (bones protruding etc.) BUT I have killer thighs, although hips per se aren't awfully wide (narrower than my shoulders.) I have quite wide ribcage too (since childhood.) As a child I was even approached by swimming coach to join his classes. Yes, bone structure is important when considering one's "normal" weight. I have to take into consideration that "normal" weight for me is different from someone w/ narrower frame.
  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 380 Member
    OP, I'm 5'5" too. Was 166.2 when I started, but I have very skinny legs, so could often disguise my big belly. Nobody knew I weighed that much and I almost had myself fooled as well. =) My initial goal was to get below 150 - so 149. Once I got there I could see that I needed to lose still more, so 145 became the new goal. Now I can see where the excess weight is and I believe that 138 would be pretty decent weight for me. I think 130 might look great, but at my age it's probably not realistic to think I could a) get there or b) maintain that. That said, I think you will know where you should be as you get closer to it. Good luck!
  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member

    I don't know how to post a pic on here, but check out this photo. This is a pic I've seen a number of times online. Each of these women weigh 154 lbs.... they are all different sizes, shapes, heights, etc. I would have guessed their weight quite a bit differently.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Has anyone noticed that EVERYONE says they weigh more than people think??

    Perhaps this just means that either
    1. We have a distorted image of what is a normal weight. And/Or
    2. People are just being nice.

    I have never heard anyone say, "people think I weigh more than I really do"

    I think in general, people are just very bad at guessing weigh, particularly for the opposite gender. I believe men tend to think women weigh less than they do. I also do believe that there is a wide range of weight that can look different on people of the same size though.

    In my line of work we often have to guess people's weight and/or ask them. It isn't the type of situation where you are being polite about it. I notice the guys very often lowball women. While I am really good at guessing women, I have a hard time guessing men. Most people also don't have the opportunity to see people and know their weight to get a good idea of what people really look like at different weights.

    I am also one of those people who's goal weight is higher than a lot of people of the same size, not because they want to look thinner or anything, but because I carry my weight different. 130 for me would be far too lean but looks really good on others of the same height. I had abs at 140.

    ETA - I also think it is a "nice" thing. No one wants to overshoot the weight guess.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    I don't know how to post a pic on here, but check out this photo. This is a pic I've seen a number of times online. Each of these women weigh 154 lbs.... they are all different sizes, shapes, heights, etc. I would have guessed their weight quite a bit differently.

    put [ img ] at the start and [/ img ] (remove the spaces)
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I always carried my weight well. So did my mother. Even at my largest I looked more like a big football player, definitely overweight, but still visually smaller than my scale weight. Most people would be shocked that I topped out at 320. Part of this was my ability to dress well for my size, and part of it was fat distribution; I gain weight over my entire body so I never had that huge gut/pot belly look that most guys get.

    This is the reason why I alway assumed I was just a large framed guy, or "big boned" back in the day before I learned that such a state is a myth. When I first lost weight and got down to the weight/size that many large framed men would consider optimal, I was surprised at how much fat I had left. And I wasn't lacking in a decent amount of lean muscle either. I discovered eventually that I'm a medium framed guy who needs to be a lot lower in weight to achieve the look I want than I ever imagined when I was younger.

    I learned that carrying your weight "well" visually absolutely does NOT always mean that you're a larger framed, "big boned" person. I've learned that fat is just way, way more deceptive visually than some of us imagine. I, as a 5'11" male, finally arrived in my 180s I was shocked at how much fat was left. I always assumed all the BMI and height/weight charts were off, or didn't apply to me, because the weights just seemed absurdly low.

    Nope. For me, they were dead on. I discovered over the years that a ton of people, especially people in the US, are totally warped about body weight. Weights that seemed normal 50 years ago seem too low to many of us, especially if, like me, you've been fat since childhood.
  • segastler
    segastler Posts: 207 Member
    I used to weigh between 145-150 and wore a size 4-6.
  • AliceSwarthout
    AliceSwarthout Posts: 808 Member

    I don't know how to post a pic on here, but check out this photo. This is a pic I've seen a number of times online. Each of these women weigh 154 lbs.... they are all different sizes, shapes, heights, etc. I would have guessed their weight quite a bit differently.

    put [ img ] at the start and [/ img ] (remove the spaces)
    Wow! The only one I would have been close with guessing is the center one.
  • flow2512
    flow2512 Posts: 74 Member
    I am 5'5 and 149lbs. At my heaviest I was 170lbs. People are always surprised when I told them my weight. I have family members that weigh less than me but wear bigger size then I. Is there really a such thing as being "big boned"? Even when I was pregnant with my son I went the first 6 months without people noticing I was pregnant. I remember going to the ER at 7 months and the doctor thinking I was 7 weeks instead. Anyway, I just think it's weird how people that weigh the same can look so different and it's making me rethink my goal weight . 130 sounds good but I think If I lost another 20lbs I'd look sickly.

    Hi, I have exactly the same issue, I am 5 ft 5" and started off at 215 lb, I wanted to get to 124 lb ( which is the weight I was when I got married 32 years ago ) the healthy weight range for our HIEGHT is 120 - 150 lb.

    I reached 150 lb and everyone was telling me not to lose any more, as I looked fine etc, so I stopped for a while, I am now 140 as of this morning and I want to reach 135 lb as this is half way in the weight range, but in have my husband and friends telling me that I am too skinny!! But I don't feel it at all, yet.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I'm 5'11" and I have long arms and legs (33 inch inseam), a tiny ribcage, and narrow hips, so I'm comfortable with saying my frame is small. Or at least narrow. My body does not carry extra weight attractively. When I gained 40 pounds, it was in the form of 7 inches on my hips, 8 on my waist, 3 on my bust, an inch on each thigh, and nothing on my arms. I went from a size 6 to a 14.

    Still, because I have long, thin arms and legs and dress strategically to hide my belly, even at my heaviest, I would get the side eye when I talked about being overweight. I stopped discussing my weight loss goals with anyone outside of a few people because I got tired of being told that I was already skinny and would become anorexic. I wasn't about to strip to my skivvies just to prove ignorant people wrong.

    I'm now 25 pounds away from my starting weight of 155 and am a size 10. I look fabulous from the front and good from the back with the exception of my waist folds. However, from the side, I still look like a bowling pin with legs. My waist is currently 31.5 inches, which is down from 34, but still a ways from my goal of 26. My hips are now 40 inches, which is down from 42, but not at the 35-36 that I started from.

    Last week, my coworkers were discussing their weight loss goals and exercise plans. I got caught up in the moment, forgot my rule, and said that I had lost about 15 pounds and was still about 20 pounds overweight. I won't make that mistake again.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    My doctor tells me that bone structure doesn't matter when considering healthy weights for your age and height, but I have to respectfully disagree. I have a coworker who is about 90 lbs soaking wet. She's Asian and has a teeny tiny frame. I could starve myself for a year and lose every inch of weight on my body and I will never look the way she does right now. I've also always said that I weigh more than I look. I think if people knew I was in the 190s right now, they'd never believe it. When I was 215, and 5'2", mind you, people would say, "But I don't consider you to be BIG big."

    I read somewhere that bone density/weight matters but not as much as we would like to believe...it's usually about 10 lb range, give or take...
  • PrincessTinyheart
    PrincessTinyheart Posts: 679 Member
    Body shape has a lot to do with it. I'm morbidly obese but a lot of people don't think I'm anywhere near as heavy as I am, because I have huge boobs, then carry my weight on hips and legs, and so have a defined waist. Makes me look a LOT smaller size than I am.


    I carry weight on my BACK too. I did not realize this until I saw some pics of me performing in a bedlah (bellydance costume - matching bra and belt with a long skirt) the picture was taken from behind and I have rolls of back fat I was previously unaware of :( I looked like Rita Sue on "Carnivale"... Rolls everywhere...
  • pamelas9
    pamelas9 Posts: 29
    My sister in law and I technically wear the same size clothes, but I weigh almost 100 lbs more. I dress sharper than her generally so it often looks as if I might be be a bit smaller to a casual observer. At the end of the day it's about how you feel, confidence takes off 10 pounds.. I swear!