Ive totally lost it :(

my 70 day streak was scuppered yesterday after a heavy night of drinking and eating the night before and then a family birthday party the following day.

I have been slacking a lot recently with my calories going over them massively a few times a week, my weight loss slowed right down.

Ive just lost all my drive and determination which upsets me because I really need to keep going with it!

right now I'm eating a big bag of crisps and just downed a cream cake! help!!!


  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    I'm going to home depot after work and buying chains to put around the fridge and snack drawers at 8:30pm every night-- cos I've been in the same boat since winter
  • melissahopper6
    melissahopper6 Posts: 8 Member
    Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Don't look back at the past, focus on NOW and TOMORROW!
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    SNAP OUT OF IT !!!
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    You need to set small goals and achieve them. Perhaps its to run a mile or lift a heavier weight

    I always indulge a little bit every week, so i do not binge. Perhaps stop buying these trigger foods, and try to slowly omit them?

    I find the more I focus on macros adn exercise, the better I feel and look.

    Move around and put down those chippers!
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Stop what you are doing and go for a walk. Clear your head and start over. Dig deep....you have to want it bad enough. Do not throw in the towel over a few bad days.
  • christinehuds
    christinehuds Posts: 42 Member
    I feel the EXACT same way.

    I've been a mess lately after a few relatively good weeks. I've been really stressed so lately I've been eating so much junk food that my roommate brings into the house ... entire bags of chips, chocolate chips, cookies, queso. I ate all of her junk food while she was out of town and had to go spend nearly $25 to replace it all. It was awful. And now the junk food is still in the house.

    The important thing is to realize that mistakes happen. A few days of eating over your calorie goal will NOT ruin ALL of your progress. Don't beat yourself up. Don't starve yourself to make up for it. Just try to focus on making healthier decisions at each meal and staying positive.

    I know it's easier said than done, though.

    Best of luck!
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    Guilt will keep you caught right in the middle of that cycle. Just move on and start again. It happens to all of us, its the ones that learn how to refocus and move on, that become successful. Don't be one of the ones who gives up.
  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    START OVER right now!! Put down the crisps, forget the cream cake, put on your sneakers and get busy! You can no longer think about your 70 day streak, that's in the past. Just remember that if you could do it then, you can do it now.
    This moment has to be the beginning of your new streak. Read your avatar! :flowerforyou:
  • nogoodworkouts
    It sounds stupid but what I did to get my butt in gear when I hit 245 was when I snacked, I had to sit on the floor and stare at myself in the mirror while I ate my Doritos. It did not even take me a week to absolutely hate them... It sounds crazy but it was effective, it made me hate the idea of junk food. Now 200 days later i'm down over 90 pounds and gaining weight back in muscle! It really changed my life, all in a week. I feel better than ever and now I understand that "Do I want my abs or those doritos?" Its a pretty obvious choice now.
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    Stop what you are doing and go for a walk. Clear your head and start over. Dig deep....you have to want it bad enough. Do not throw in the towel over a few bad days.

    Absolutely this. You can do it!
  • tmyers541
    tmyers541 Posts: 53 Member
    Just stop. Seriously. Stop looking down on yourself. Stop looking down at the food in your hand and go throw it away. Stop pressuring yourself to eat perfect 24/7 because it probably will never happen that way. You're allowed to LIVE and by living sometimes you just need to let loose and be carefree for a day or two. It's ok, I promise. What you did a few days ago isn't going to matter a few years from now.

    What was your motivation to begin with? Bad news from the doctor? Kids that are difficult to keep up with? Clothes that are too tight? Go back to those things, relive how you felt when you decided to change.
  • lmann72
    lmann72 Posts: 82 Member
    We all have moments where we feel out of control. Just remind yourself that its a journey and there are going to be ups and downs - just get back on the right path... You can do it! :smile:
  • alg42
    alg42 Posts: 45 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it. This happens to everyone so it's completely normal (well it happens to most people as you can see from the responses on here) :-) Just move on from it and forget about the cream cake. Think about how good you felt when you were eating healthily, exercising and achieving one more day closer to your goal because that's the type of attitude you want to get back to. Remember that slips happen but its easier to stop the slide now rather than to keep going because you feel miserable or bad about it :-) Good luck and I'm sure you'll continue on your journey successfully.
  • cidalia1973
    cidalia1973 Posts: 51 Member
    Every day is a chance to start over.

    For someone committed to a healthy lifestyle for LIFE, even a week or two of bingeing is not going to ruin that. It can put a small dent in it, but that's it unless you let it take over.

    Guilt is of no use here. It only makes you feel bad about yourself, etc. Pick yourself up and brush yourself off. There are speed bumps in the road, but as long as you keep on the right track for the most part, you'll be fine.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I messed up a lil like that a week or two ago.

    remember you didn't get to the shape your in, in three days - it can't take three days to undo all that work either.

    smile - your human like all of us.

    don't beat yourself up.

    smile again.

    decide your going to make today the day where you pick yourself up and get back to feeling happy again.

    consider it a tiny bulking phase ;D
  • cazziecoo
    cazziecoo Posts: 29 Member
    what are peoples thoughts on reducing my calorie goal for the week days and allow myself that extra 1000 calories back to indulge and enjoy at the weekends?

    I think the reason I go wild at the weekends is because I make myself feel too restricted and unable to go out for dinner with friends or for drinks with my OH and then I rebel by allowing myself to have an uncontrolled binge!
  • alg42
    alg42 Posts: 45 Member
    To be honest, I try and exercise more on the days I'm going out or at least for a couple of days beforehand to work off the extras. I feel like I can have a treat if I work it into my meal plan and do an extra 10 minutes jog or walk the dog a bit further. You have to treat yourself at times because otherwise, it's an unrealistic lifestyle. Do whatever works best for you. I don't save the extra calories for the weekend because then I find I can't stop the binge and I get into a habit. If it'll motivate you towards your goal, then surely there's no harm in it? :-)
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I prefer to give myself a bit more freedom on planned days. Which of course means easing off most of the rest of the week!
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Put down the food and go brush your teeth, have a large glass of water. Glad you were able to come online for support, thats why we are here. You just have to listen to all the good advise.
  • jaimie120
    jaimie120 Posts: 39 Member
    When you drop your phone on the ground you don't keep throwing it on the ground until the screen smashes, when you eat a piece of cake you shouldn't keep eating crap until you gain back all of the weight. Good luck. I know its very hard.