I Can't Stop Thinking Of Fooood!

Joannacopley Posts: 2 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
From the moment I wake in the morning to the moment I go to sleep, I just cannot stop thinking of food. Even when I am not hungry, I am thinking, what could I eat, what shall I eat for my next meal and the meal after that!!

How do I stop this obsession of food thinking!!??


  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    What's your typical menu? How often do you eat?

    I will be ravenous if I fill up on carbs and sugar.

    When I plan my meals, I eat every 3 hours (smaller amounts) of protein, fibre and fat. Keeps me full and I don't have cravings.:smile:
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Find another healthy obsession. Listen to music, workout, read a book, distract yourself, meditate... etc..
  • trish2011
    trish2011 Posts: 31 Member
    workout more, the more you workout the more you can eat... and I also think meditation is a good idea :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Have you just started this journey? It took me quite some time to retrain my brain (still does if I have a bad weekend or something of the sort). For a while I was constantly thinking the same way, what should I eat next, how can I eat the most yummy food for the least calories, etc. After a while though, you learn to simply eat food when you're hungry. I have pre-portioned food ready for me at work that I could eat and munch at all day, but I simply eat when I'm hungry. It takes some time, but your brain will retrain itself to stop needing food as entertainment and start only needing it as fuel.
  • trish2011
    trish2011 Posts: 31 Member
    and protein :))
  • From the moment I wake in the morning to the moment I go to sleep, I just cannot stop thinking of food. Even when I am not hungry, I am thinking, what could I eat, what shall I eat for my next meal and the meal after that!!

    How do I stop this obsession of food thinking!!??

    I totally understand! I am SO the same way! Would love advice, too :-)
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    For what I've seen on tv, some people really have food addictions.
    Maybe you need to see a therapist?
    Just telling you to stop seems too simple a solution.
    I do agree about looking into what you are eating, and snacking reguarly.
    Protein helps you feel fuller.
    I wish you all the best :-)
  • Busy yourself with other important tasks, like cleaning or exercise. Learn to listen to your body and realize when you are actually hungry. Pop in a piece of gum in between meals if you are one of those people that needs to be chewing on something 24/7.
  • Don't worry about it if it keeps you focused. Thinking about it is ok even eating it is ok as long as you stay within your limits and move.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I think about food all the time - but I look at it as before my weight loss I didn't think about what I was eating and it got me to 440 lbs. So now I may think about food a lot but its more like planning on the healthy things I'm going to put in my mouth. Sometimes its tiresome and that's why I do a free day on Fridays. I eat a healthy breakfast, do a hard workout, and then don't worry about what I'm eating for the rest of the day. Gives me a change to relax and eat the things I may have been obsessing about. Some people would disagree with this but in the long run, I found I don't eat nearly as much as I used to on my free days and there's a lot things like pasta that I just can't tolerate anymore anyway. The strategy has worked for me - down to 182.
  • When i first started changing up my diet and exercising I dreamed of food. Spagetti, pizza, chinese food. It made me crazy for a little while. I try and make sure i have water readily available and healthy snacks. I try and plan for about every 3-3 1/2 hours to eat something. breakfast at 9-930am and lunch around 12pm a snack at 3pm and them dinner around 6. And there is usuall a little snack between breakfast and lunch, but not always. I had serious portion control issues, it took about 2 months in reality for my body to accept less food and be satisfied. Good luck, everybody is different, so do exactly what your body tells you it can handle.:drinker:
  • I was the same way! However, whenever I joined this website and set my mind to losing this weight, my constant thoughts of food have been replaced with thoughts of exercise and fitness! I also stopped eating fast food all the time, and I've found that the less I eat it, the less I crave it! Good luck, it will get easier!
  • From the moment I wake in the morning to the moment I go to sleep, I just cannot stop thinking of food. Even when I am not hungry, I am thinking, what could I eat, what shall I eat for my next meal and the meal after that!!

    How do I stop this obsession of food thinking!!??

    I do the same thing....but I'm also dealing with food addiction. There are plenty of websites that tell you the warning signs and symptoms, and I'm not saying you have it. But if you did there are ways of treating and dealing with the process of everyday life...Add me as a friend if you would like more information!
  • Also, as others have said, the more you exercise, the more you can eat! So it's a win-win! Lol
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    A few things:

    1 - When I'm getting obsessive, it's usually because I'm not satisfied. When this happens, I make sure my diet consists of foods that keep me satisfied (i.e.: foods that consist primarily of protein, fiber rich veggies and fat).

    2 - As 'dumb' as it sounds...think about other things. Turn off the cooking show. Log off this website. Put the issue of Cooking Light away. Instead, pursue other interests/distractions: Celebrity Gossip, browsing online for that perfect dress, write a letter to grandma, catch up on your DVR'd episodes of Oprah from the last few weeks, clean the house...whatever. You get the idea.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  • Joannacopley
    Joannacopley Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks all for your fab advice!! I have just started my diet, (about a week in now), but even when I am busy at work concertrating on work things, food is always niggling in my mind!!

    I eat throughout the day to stop my hunger but keep on thinking food food food!

    My usual daily intake:

    09:00 special K breakfast
    10:30 2 pieces of fruit (usually clemintines)
    12:30 a large bowl of soup
    14:30 a bag of crisps or popcorn
    15:00 Hot chocolate
    16:30 another piece of fruit (an apple or banana)
    18:30 fish supper

    ...with tonnes of water

    I will def see if all your kind advice works.

    Thank you friends xx
  • samgig
    samgig Posts: 25 Member
    OMG i have the same problem...but it only occurs when i am at home (anywhere in the house )
    so I end up going to the gym or going shopping or watching tv (BUT THAT CAN BE A BAD CHOICE) plus i try to keep on hand low
    calorie stuff and nibble on that..sometimes it works ..sometimes i can ward off the thoughts but sometimes i just binge out..yikes!!
    so take it one day at a time...i will try to do the same...
    stay positive
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    I agree with the others about making high protein meals so you feel fuller longer. But maybe think about planning your meals a week in advance, then you only have to think about food once awake and only need amend your MFP diary if you eat something not on your weekly menu.
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 385 Member
    OMG! I thought it was just me. The only thing is it really helps me be more aware of what I eat and helps me plan better to keep my counts down! It is so obsessive with me as well. HELP!
  • trish2011
    trish2011 Posts: 31 Member
    jodianna, I think your list shows why you are hungry. (Which is good that you probably are not an addict, you are just sincerely hungry.) Your list looks high in sugar and carbs,..... I really think you'll think about food less if you had some protein. A cereal like Special K sets you up to be hungry all day. As numerous people have mentioned protein fills you up. Good luck!!!!
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