big short girls what r ur goals

I'm 5' 1" 190 I think I want to get down to 135 I was just wondering what weight yall are hoping to get down to? Bec right now bein this big I just dnt think I could ever get that small


  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Hi, Tall Girl! I'm 5 foot nothin' and I'm aiming for 145. Once I get there, I may push down to 120, but right now just trying to get down to "overweight".
  • Crzyangel
    Crzyangel Posts: 5 Member
    If you put your mind to it you can do anything!
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    I am 5'0 and I am thinking I want to be 130. I used to want to be skinny, but now I want to be buff so that weight may change depending on how I feel and look.
  • MrsGraves1987
    MrsGraves1987 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm 5"3 and currently 159lbs - my Goal is 130. I think I might be a bit more confident when I get to 140. Who knows :)
  • SamNicoll
    SamNicoll Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 5" and currently 137, down from 182. Aiming for 126 and top end of the 'healthy' BMI range - will review when I get there.

    Older than the rest of you (50+) so my priorities may be different!

    Good luck!
  • natalee8
    natalee8 Posts: 34
    I'm 5 ft (although perhaps half or one inch smaller and in height denial!) As of this morning I am 148lb and aiming for 106. The smallest Ive ever been was 110, and I wasn't skinny, but I lost weight unhealthily and so perhaps through good diet and more exercise I'll be happy with my shape when I'm heavier :)
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    i'm 5'2"(okay 5'1.5) and my goal was 105, down from 157.

    hit my goal last august and have been hovering 102-111 since.
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    I'm 5'0. Down from 147lbs to 126lbs. Aiming at 110.
  • Wow all of u r doing so great with ur weight loss I've always been a big girl I guess that's y its hard to picture myself at 130 even though that is a good weight for my height hopefully I will b as successful as you guys:) feel free to add me so we can continue to share our stories:)
  • Tippy05
    Tippy05 Posts: 43
    I'm 5'1" and am aiming for 120.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    5'3" and want to be 130. I'm 48 years old and I've always had lots of muscle, plus I've been obese for 20 years, so getting to 130 would be feather light for me! :)
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I'm 5'3 currently 161 and want to get down to 150. My goal was 145, but I love my curves. I will reevaluate at the 150 mark and see if I want to go lower from there.
  • Terrappyn1
    Terrappyn1 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi I'm 5'3", I'm 242.8 now and am looking to get to 160 and then re-assess! I might try to get a little smaller but well see!
  • JacqueJo
    JacqueJo Posts: 33 Member
    I am 5'2" and currently 180. I initially wanted to get down to 125, but now will be thrilled to hit 160. That is my "first" goal... unfortunately, my weight keeps going up... ugh. I have some work to do and a lifetime of being "overweight" to overcome. :)
  • cindyj7
    cindyj7 Posts: 339 Member
    I'm 5'2" and currently 168. I'd like to get down to 135. At my age (50), it sure seems to come off more slowly!
  • dutchi2010
    dutchi2010 Posts: 47 Member
    Hey! I am 5'1.5. I like to add the half. I started at 163 Iam now 152 My goal is 145 but I would LOVE to be 135-140. I said if I ever get down to 145 I will never complain about my weight again.
  • bambishealth
    bambishealth Posts: 134 Member
    I am with you Sue. Just trying to get down to "overweight" I actually feel my best between 155-145. I don't know that I would want to be 110 which should be my goal weight for my height. I like to have some junk in my trunk, just not this much! LOL
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    5'1 1/2 ;-)

    Started at 86kg (189lb)
    First goal was 65kg (143lb), now I'm at 57kg (126lb)
    and going for 54kg (119lb). That's the middle of my normal BMI range. I'll see what happens, when I get there.
    I feel there is still enough of me at the moment.
  • MelonW
    MelonW Posts: 4 Member
    I am around 5'3". I started out at 186 and my cw is 128. My current goal is 115.
  • MsSickOfBeingFluffy
    MsSickOfBeingFluffy Posts: 32 Member
    I am 4'11.5 ~165 & aiming for 125! Depending on how that feels, I may try for 115.