Looking for friends to help motivate me in my 125lb journey!

Hey all,

I was recently going through childhood photos. I was a twiggy little thing until 7, or 8. I have no idea what happened but the difference in photos is startling. There's not many transition photos - in one, I am a tiny person. In the next I have ballooned up, possibly by 30 pounds or more. And I've just kept hanging on that balloon ever since!

I've lost a bit before, about 40lbs, but could never get down past 200. I'm ready now. I take my health seriously and want to be around for a long time. I love the potential that life has to offer, and I want to climb mountains and kayak and hike and swim and do everything there is to do in my short time here.

Please feel free to add me if you're in a similar boat! We can paddle this thing to where we need to go, but we all need a little help sometimes.


  • omgsmh
    omgsmh Posts: 9 Member
    Don't loose motivation. I know its hard trust me! I myself have lost 87lbs but I need to loose 15 more.Back in 2008 I was 263lbs my heaviest I lost about 30 lbs and in 2012 I found this app and has helped me loose the rest but now im stuck.so im just taking it one day at a time! =)
  • 3293kitkat
    3293kitkat Posts: 22
    You got this girl, don't give up... I'm finally back on my journey as well... Adding you!!! (:
  • thanks for the kind words y'all! grateful for all of the support I've received in the short hours after posting.
  • FattyFatsoMcTubby
    FattyFatsoMcTubby Posts: 170 Member
    My experience has taught me that for me, it's not a diet; it's a lifestyle change. It doesn't have a goal weight or an event/date that signifies it's over. Make small sustainable changes. Log everything. I'll be rooting for you.