Amiigo fitness tracker

jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
Has anyone received their Amiigo fitness tracker or have you preordered one? I just found out about this two days ago and am very interested in it. I workout 3x/week, play golf 1-2x/week, and am down at the shore a lot so I'm pretty active. I'm thinking about preordering it but want to see if anyone has gotten theirs yet as $179 is a steep price if it doesn't do what it claims it can.


  • piekillar
    piekillar Posts: 5 Member
    I have one just went to the gym today to test it out what questions do you have?
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    I've got one ordered, latest status for delivery date was July.
  • plipsurt
    plipsurt Posts: 185 Member
    I have one just went to the gym today to test it out what questions do you have?
    I have had a fit bit for 2 years but am very interested in what the Amiigo has to offer. Does it track all exercise? Is it waterproof? So many questions but that will do to start.
  • piekillar
    piekillar Posts: 5 Member
    so far it has tracked all my weight training exercises it can track exercises that have a specific form like pushup, squats, and etc. yes its waterproof the band is at least shoe pod is water resistant
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I'm interested too, but I'd really want it to sync with MFP.
  • mcdnjim
    mcdnjim Posts: 2 Member
    Received mine on Monday, almost 2 years after ordering.