Water intake- What's your secret!

Fgillies Posts: 194
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
Hey everyone, just looking for other ways to get my water in! I dont have a problem getting 64 + ounces in a day, it's the fact that i think i am just drinking it so fast, makes me have to run to the ladies room about 100 times an afternoon at work! haha,today i am trying to pace myself and say, a bottle for every two hours so it is spread out! Any suggestions/tips/comments?...

**also on a side note, has anyone had headaches from overload of water?..maybe not overload, but more than usual (also quit drinking pop..maybe that is it)***

Okay~ That's all for now! :)


  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Yeah, the headaches are probably from coming off the soda, not the water. I just keep a cup next to me at work and drink all day long. It's not a chore for me though and I love drinking it!
  • Alyssa215
    Alyssa215 Posts: 8 Member
    I'd say the headaches are more due to your caffeine cutoff! I tend to get headaches if I'm dehydrated, not overly hydrated.

    As far as frequent ladies room visits, I've just gotten used to them :) But the only thing I can suggest is, if you aren't having trouble drinking enough water, just switch to smaller cups. I have a little 6-oz cup that I love to use all the time, and i just have to remember to drink 10 or so of them throughout the day. Also, if you replace a couple of your cups of water with hot tea (esp decaf and herbal), I find hot beverages more conducive to sipping rather than chugging.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    4 cups by breakfast, 2 more cups by/with lunch and 2 more cups by/with dinner. And maybe a cup or two in between.

    Peeing comes with the territory. :tongue:
  • ...
  • I just keep a liter bottle on my desk and try to down at least 3 bottles during the day. I try to get it in earlier in the day. Yes I'm running to the ladies' room 100 times a day too, but if I get the bulk of it in earlier, I don' have to worry as much about getting up in the middle of the night. :)

    If you've recently given up the soda pop, that could be the reason for your headaches -- caffeine and sugar withdrawal.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    The headaches are from the lack of pop. Actually if you drink alot of water it gives you a euphoria affect but it needs to be alot for that to happen.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    Headaches are definitely from caffeine withdraw.

    I'm not a big water drinker and I sometimes find it hard to drink the recommended amount.

    Just a few things I do. When i'm eating I take a drink after every bite of food. It helps me slow and and I fill up on water so it helps me feel full. Sometimes I'll add some spice to my food then I really want to drink my water.

    And yes you will pee a lot but that's good for your body. It helps flush out your system and keeps you from holding on to excess water weight.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I use a sports bottle or a reusable cup from a smoothie place. They both hold about 24oz of water, I drink 3-4 a day. I keep it next to me and take a drink every now and then. I don't drink it fast enough to get a stomach ache or have to go to the bathroom every 10 seconds.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    By noon I am at 72oz. The bathroom trips were annoying at first, but you get used to the increased intake and the frequency lessens. I just keep a water bottle next to me and drink it constantly.
  • I dont know if its of any help what so ever but I keep a pint glass of water with me when i go to bed, its amazing how many times I wake up during the night and just take a mouthfull. by teh time i wake up the glass is empty
  • nezeray
    nezeray Posts: 34
    I have a 64oz bottle that I make kool-aid in with splenda at work. I usually barely finish it before I leave for home where I have a huge beer glass (Octoberfest size) waiting to fill with water. :)
  • amelia4153
    amelia4153 Posts: 27 Member
    I have a 20 oz insulated mug that I use. I fill it up and drink it all the way gone with each meal and then I drink one full mug between each meal. I eat three meals a day with about 4 or 5 hours in between so I've found that it helps space it out so that I'm not having to run to the bathroom every five seconds! :) Then before bed I try to fill it up and drink it gone. Ends up being about 120 oz of water a day. The only hard part is making sure I do it! lol
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    Thanks for all of the replies everyone! I love water so it's not hard to drink it, i think my mind set was OKAY LETS GET THIS WATER In..and so i'd drink a bottle of water (16.9 ounces) and move right onto the next one, and next thing you know, i had my 68 ounces in..but in like 2 hours!! I'll def. take some tips/advice from all of you! Thanks so much :)
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    I find it easier to drink from a bottle with a sport lid than anything else, it also keeps me sure of how much I've actually drank. I have a 32oz bottle and my goal is to drink 3 per day. I usually get to 4 or 4.5.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I have a designated cup that I keep at my desk. It holds about 20 ounces, and whenever it's empty throughout the day I fill it immediately.... I always drink a minimum of 80 ounces, it's become such a habit now.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Yep, the headaches are probably from the caffeine withdrawal. You don't get headaches from drinking "too much" water. You'd have to drink a looooooooot of water and not go to the restroom to "overdose" on water. Depending on how much soda you were drinking, try cutting back slowly instead of all at once. If you were drinking 3 cans a day, cut back to two, then 1, then none. Fewer headaches.

    One thing I used to do was to carry around a large jug (64 oz) filled with water and ice. When I saw it sitting there, I'd take a little swig, making sure I drank the whole thing before the end of my work day. Then I'd have at least one glass with dinner, and maybe another if I needed it later. Yes, you're going to have to go to the bathroom more. This is a good thing. :) You'll be keeping your kidneys and bladder flushed out that way.
  • KcFitCoach
    KcFitCoach Posts: 135 Member
    My fave is to use a big insulated cup with a straw. My motivation to sip all day is to think of all the FAT and toxins floating out of my body =)=). Agree with everyone else that the headaches are from caffeine withdrawal. Also if you just cut out artificial sweeteners you can get a detox headache from that.
  • 2hdesign
    2hdesign Posts: 153
    I get the WORST caffiene headaches for almost a week when I quit soda. They suck. Take some ibprofen and wait them out, they will pass. It's not the water.

    I have a 32 oz. plastic water bottle from the hospital (a friend who's a nurse gave it to me) and i find that with it sitting on my desk, I just naturally drink from it. I have one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Viola. 64 oz.
  • Regarding the frequent trips to the rest room, I look at this as an opportunity to force additional exercise.....my pedometer validates that point. In fact, I don't use the closest facilities which adds more steps and burns even more calories!
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    I didnt drink much pop before, MAYBE a full 12 oz can for lunch, but usually i didnt even finish it, BUT it was everyday during the week, so i think even taking that away caused the headaches!!

    I actually thought about getting a pedometer to see how many steps i take at work, but, probably shouldnt count them as exercise?..b/c i do it daily? Or is that incorrect?

  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    I think i have found my own secret! I have just been drinking my water right out of the bottle instead of a STRAW! I noticed yesterday that i would just suck on the straw and half of the water gone in a couple of gulps..i have been spacing my water out throughout the day by just sipping on it, and not SO many trips to the little ladies room ! :)
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