Website for calculating weight lost

I used to go on this website that if I typed in what I was eating per day it would give you a table of how much you would lose each week over time, calculating the changes in weight loss. It was a random page on a website that was about food I think, or travelling I can't remember. Does anyone know what website I mean? It was white background...

I know they are not truly accurate but it kept me sane and I've completely forgot the link!!


  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    I would love to know of this website too!!
  • coconutfox
    coconutfox Posts: 23 Member
    I've remembered!! It's called losertown!
  • rebeccaisafish
    rebeccaisafish Posts: 87 Member
    Ooh that's a handy little tool!
  • ChristineRoze
    ChristineRoze Posts: 212 Member
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Sobering. At 1500 calories a day, it'll take me 5 more months to lose this last 14 lbs.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    Wahoo it says if I follow TDEE at 1860 a day I will be there by 02/09/2015.

    Guess I need to up my 2 workouts a week to 3-5 hours total because then it says 9/08/2014 which is much happier of a date.
  • csy108
    csy108 Posts: 58 Member
    Pretty sure this calculator is going to be inaccurate for most people on MFP who are trying to lose weight. The calculator used on that website doesn't take into account body fat percentage. It thinks I'm burning way more calories per day than I really am because it's assuming I have a proportional amount of lean muscle. That's also why my TDEE drops so fast in its calculation as I lose weight. In fact, my TDEE should drop very gradually if I burn only fat and none of my existing lean muscle.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    Pretty sure this calculator is going to be inaccurate for most people on MFP who are trying to lose weight. The calculator used on that website doesn't take into account body fat percentage. It thinks I'm burning way more calories per day than I really am because it's assuming I have a proportional amount of lean muscle. That's also why my TDEE drops so fast in its calculation as I lose weight. In fact, my TDEE should drop very gradually if I burn only fat and none of my existing lean muscle.

    I noticed that too but for most people who have no idea what BF% they are at the other methods will not work for them. I have more LBM so this is saying a lower TDEE then what I really have but meh like all calculators they have a margin of error.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Pretty sure this calculator is going to be inaccurate for most people on MFP who are trying to lose weight. The calculator used on that website doesn't take into account body fat percentage. It thinks I'm burning way more calories per day than I really am because it's assuming I have a proportional amount of lean muscle. That's also why my TDEE drops so fast in its calculation as I lose weight. In fact, my TDEE should drop very gradually if I burn only fat and none of my existing lean muscle.
    We always burn muscle, too. Our BMR goes down because we're smaller, it doesn't matter if it's from water or fat or what. It takes less calories to haul a smaller item around. That site's TDEE was similar to the one I get from Fitbit for both sedentary and mildly active.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Well it is entertaining anyway. I should be close to my goal by Christmas according to that site where as other sites dont out me there until May or June of next year . I would have to lose at least 10 pounds everymonth to be there by xmas. Nice but unrealistic. Especially as I get smaller
  • adstott
    adstott Posts: 102 Member
    Pretty cool I would love to be the weight they are suggesting by the time I go to Disney in November - now that's a goal to strive for :)
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I put in the calories that I eat now. I average about 1600 daily including exercise. I calorie cycle that is just my average. When I put that in, it has me at my goal by 8/25 at a 1 lb per week loss. Seems to match what I am doing now. So for me its about right.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    To calculate your loss per week in pounds is just [Caloric Deficit / 3500] * 7. You can do that on a hand calculator or your phones calculator app easily.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Yes, but that site re-calcs your TDEE estimate for each weight loss, too, so you can see it slow down over time. And you can change your intake or activity level and immediately see how the whole time series changes.
  • TheChuDog
    TheChuDog Posts: 9 Member
    Nice tool that might add to my weight loss information, however it seems to have some inaccuracies. For example, the range for my healthy weight is 128 to 168 pounds. I pretty sure that I would be close to death at 128, sickly at 150. My ultimate ideal would probably be 175 to 180 based on my body and muscle mass...but still cool to see it laid out that way.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Can't be right... it tells me that eating 1300 calories a day I won't hit my goal till June of 2016...
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    hmmm will have to check this out at home
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Nice tool that might add to my weight loss information, however it seems to have some inaccuracies. For example, the range for my healthy weight is 128 to 168 pounds. I pretty sure that I would be close to death at 128, sickly at 150. My ultimate ideal would probably be 175 to 180 based on my body and muscle mass...but still cool to see it laid out that way.
    Are you 5'9"? I think it's just using the standard BMI chart.
  • spinnerdell
    spinnerdell Posts: 232 Member
    Thank you, coconutfox! It's close to my own calculations, but the visual reinforcement is helpful and inspiring. :flowerforyou:
  • ColourfulFiasco1
    ColourfulFiasco1 Posts: 37 Member
    10/20/2014 seems awfully soon- but it is motivating to know that by some account (however exaggerated) I can make it by Christmas!