Healthy fish recipes??



  • amblight
    amblight Posts: 350 Member
    Oh man, I just made this most delicious dish the other day!

    For 2 servings:

    2 slices crisp bread, a fiber full kind. Don't know how common that is around the world, but you could use 1 cup of fiber-cereal too, I suppose.
    4 tablespoons of spices. I used oregano, basil, parsley, mint and black pepper
    1 egg
    2 fillets of fish. I used pangasius, as it's very lean, super cheap, and doesn't taste of much, making it ideal for a loaded recipe like this.
    2 tbsp cream cheese - I used goats cream cheese, more flavour
    2oz tomato paste
    Some cooking spray, if you like (I didn't use any, but some prefer it)

    Turn on oven at 350F
    Grind crisp bread/cereal in a blender with all the spices, until it's very fine, like breading crumbs.
    Dry the fish fillets with a paper towel. Crack egg in plate, and dip and shake the fish in it, before flipping them in a plate with your crumb/spices.
    Spread cheese on one side of the fish - it can be a bit tricky, especially with a firmer cream cheese, so make sure it's not too cold, and also good to stir it a bit. It doesn't have to be evenly spread anyways, since it will melt, so you could drop some smudges along the middle of the fillet.
    Spread tomate paste on top of the cheese.
    Roll up fillets so the cheese and tomato is on the inside. Put them in prepared oven safe plate, with the last rolled tip in the bottom (so the don't unroll). Optionally, you can spray some cooking spray on top. Bake for 20min

    Soooo delicious!
  • Compton1950
    Compton1950 Posts: 6 Member
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    I like to keep it really simple with fish - incidentally, a lighted candle in the kitchen helps eliminate fishy smells.

    Salmon steaks - sprinkle with chilli powder and sea slat flakes and griddle - outide goes crispy and gives a lovely spicy hint.

    Monkfish - nice solid pieces - excellent in fish curry. Make a curry sauce then add fish pieces and prawns for about 10 mins before serving.

    Fish pie - cream sauce to wish you add white fish pieces, smoked haddock, scallops and prawns. Put a crumpled filo pastry sheet on top and bake.

    Sea Bass - whole or fillets, herbs (dill) and pepper, baked in oven (this is nice cooked on a bed of seaweed)

    Any white fish or trout, knob of butter on top, wrapped in cooking foil and baked.

    Mackerel - off the fishing line, gutted and thrown on a grill/barbecue. Mackerel is really best if eaten same day as caught!