Muscle wastage and knee problems

highrise Posts: 147 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I went to my GP today about some issues I've been having with my knee. My own research has been leaning towards an IT band problem, but he said that it appeared to be due to some slight muscle atrophy - and that I'll have to speak to a physio about some exercises.

How can this be when I have such muscular quads, and do such a variety of training? Does anyone have IT band problems and have some exercises they can recommend? Far be it from me to not believe my GP (although when I had chondromalacia on my other knee he prescribed topical cream o_0; it was another doctor who eventually gave me a cortisone injection which helped) but I'm not sure he's fully grasping the issue.


  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    Try using a foam roller before and post exercise. Also, you can look up stretches. Where are you from? Is there a physician who specializes in orthopaedic needs? I assume you are living outside of the US (physio in US = physical therapist). That would be my recommendation. IT band issues, if not controlled early, can often increase and lead you to total rest if not treated early. I would suggest ice after every workout for about 20 min and using an NSAID to reduce pain & inflammation. Good luck!
  • marklb127
    marklb127 Posts: 4 Member
    From someone with many knee issues It would be worth you looking into getting a foam roller, if you don't already have one, and google some stretches for the IT band to see the proper way to use the roller. If the band is in fact tight then you should have some serious discomfort whilt using the roller, but it will get better the more you focus and stretch it. Good luck!!
  • rwilley35
    rwilley35 Posts: 25 Member
    I feel your pain, literally. I was seeing a Physical Therapist at the VA hospital for quite some time PT said I had the tightest IT bands she's ever seen. I was given a foam roller and she also suggested a tennis ball. Take the tennis ball and roll it in your palm along the outside of your thigh. Another suggestion she had was to massage the band near the knee between the thumb and forefinger.
    I have since fallen out of this but now that I've started working out again I will need to get back at it.
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