No one in my family eats healthy

So like no one in my family eats healthy, today i went to the grocery store with my mom and my siblings and all they were getting was junk food, like they always do that... I told my mom that they spent $300 worth of unhealthy foods and she freaked out like she got mad, tf... Since i still live with them because im going to be a senior next year i know how it is... My mom yelled at me she was like "so what they eat like that let them, you used to eat like this" and she just kept talking **** to me saying that not everyone in the family will go anorexic for me... As a kid i would get bullied and even by my parents about how fat i am, literally, and my youngest sister is going the same path, shes not fat, but she got a somewhat big belly, same with youngest brother, he looks pregnant, my 13 year old sister is really skinny but she eats whatever she wants... But if you tell my little sister shes chubby, my mom freaks out, same with my little brother. My mom used to be skinny a year ago but she gained weight, now shes trying to lose it by not eating, but it aint working and she gets mad when i try to help her... She thinks i do this for other people but im only looking out for myself, i believe in god and it gets me mad when she says people like me will go to hell because all we care bout is vanity.... Like what?


  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    Hey I struggled the same struggle you did and still am (I'm 21 and still live with the fam most of the year). I think you should make due with what you have until you have money to buy your own groceries........ unfortunately its just the way it is when youre a kid and people are taking care of you. Pick the healthiest things you can out of the groceries.......I guess the whole family doesn't have to be on a diet because you are......... and when they start to see you looking fit and healthy they may be motivated to change.... but you can't force them..... and I know you're doing this out of love for yourself and them.
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    Also, I would just ask her to buy frozen fruits and veggies..... and canned...... or when you get extra money if you have allowance or a job stock up on them ......... they won't go bad for months so they can be your go to option....
  • elizabethroyce10
    elizabethroyce10 Posts: 37 Member
    The only person you can help really and true is you. I would just do my thing... and they will see. If younger sibs see you doing right choices... they will learn... You really dont need to say anything at all. Mom/ well let it go... She is a big girl and like i said.. you can only control you. Show them by example. I like what above said.. I hadnt thought of the fact that you are forced to eat crap. Hopefully you can afford to buy some good things..
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    No one in mine eats healthy either, so now I do the shopping alone and if they don't like it, they don't eat it!

    They still get their own junk sometimes though, but I am dead-set in my goals now, so it really doesn't bother me. Other times I was trying to lose weight, I tended to cave to temptation.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    It's one thing to want to eat healthy for yourself. It's quite another to tell those who don't want to hear it how to eat.

    I would suggest either sitting down with your mother and telling her, calmly, how you felt about yourself in the past, and why you want to improve yourself in the future. If you thing it won't get you anywhere, then try to hold out until you can move out on your own.
  • CaitySins
    CaitySins Posts: 57 Member
    You can try with your siblings to ask them if they want to work out with you if you're worried about them getting chubby, as for the food, if they want to spend $300 worth of money on what you see as junk, let them, as long as you get the food you will eat too. For me, I find when I exercise though I don't want to stuff my face with loads of junk and that might be the same for your siblings... I find it better to get hem started on a healthier life style while they're young though 'cause a lot of kids grow up, being overweight, being told it's puppy fat and they'll grow out of it and a lot of the time, you don't just grow out of it.

    The hell thing is nonsensical, eating healthy and exercising is not a one way track to damnation.
  • 0ebergst0
    0ebergst0 Posts: 7 Member
    show the kids how you eat, and why. They will teach mom...
  • cheesevixen_staci
    cheesevixen_staci Posts: 153 Member
    I am in charge of the food shopping, and more times than not I have to buy fatty this or sugary that. However, I have my own amount of money, and I spend it on the healthy things I like to eat. I merely encourage others around me to eat more fruit and veg less gummy and sweet by setting an example. I am doing a pretty good job too. We love our apples and broccoli in this house ! So my advice? Buy it yourself.

    Mom sounds stressed.. Let it go and help her out more, and maybe she will have more patience to deal with another persons struggles. Your siblings will find their own way no matter what you do. Set a good example. That's all you can do.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Cool, you can be the first! Lead by example! As my friend Declared Practically says "Be the change you seek."
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Make some money. Buy your own groceries. Cook your own meals. Don't eat what your family buys.

    Are you going to be a senior in High School? Huh... so you are already 18?
  • missgamer84
    missgamer84 Posts: 19 Member
    I understand :/ if I lived alone I know I would be in way better shape. I try to buy my own healthy food and usually they stay away from it...but damn that junk food is always there tempting me late at night when I am most off guard -___-
  • I started school 2 years late because i used to live in a poor country and couldnt afford school @athihade
  • ColourfulFiasco1
    ColourfulFiasco1 Posts: 37 Member
    This is my situation as well. I'm in college but living at home for the summer and all of the breaks. My mom regularly brings home fast food (mcdonalds, wendys…) for dinner or she makes frozen pizzas, etc. It's hard to stay healthy in this kind of environment but at the end of the day I just appreciate her effort, eat in moderation as much as I can, and exercise as much as possible with my schedule.
  • EightDMB
    EightDMB Posts: 155 Member
    Does your Mom buy healthy items for you, or is it all junk food?
    Do you think she would be open to buying healthy items and letting you make some fresh salads or other items for the family?

    You are setting a wonderful example for your siblings and I'm sure that you are making an impact, in the long run.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    So why not volunteer to do the food shopping and prepare meals for the whole family, instead of complaining that everyone else isn't doing what you want them to do?