
I have no rhythm what-so-ever. I am flat footed and I am not sure if that's the reason but I loose my balance easily. I'm 5'1" and 180lbs and I'm just beginning my weight loss journey. The gym I go to has zumba classes and although the people in there look like they are always having a blast, I'm afraid to try it.

What are your experiences from beginning zumba? Did you have any of the same problems I do?


  • reesepieces
    reesepieces Posts: 253 Member
    I'm not very coordinated either and I absolutely love doing zumba! the moves are easy to pick up on and it makes you feel nice and sweaty by the end of the workout!
  • tknuzum
    tknuzum Posts: 52
    I LOVE ZUMBA! Its a blast and even if you have no rythym just go try it. You won't get the moves right I garuntee, but its still a good work out and its fun. Just try it once and go in with an open mind. Ye never know what you may think!
  • nresides
    nresides Posts: 15 Member
    I do Zumba at home, and I love it!
  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member
    I LOVE ZUMBA! Its a blast and even if you have no rythym just go try it. You won't get the moves right I garuntee, but its still a good work out and its fun. Just try it once and go in with an open mind. Ye never know what you may think!

    LOL, Ok, I'll have to look up the beginner's class.

    I'm just so self-conscious. I'm always afraid people are watching me, you know?
  • dtcauley4
    dtcauley4 Posts: 110 Member
    I say try it!!! I thought I was to heavy to do it (over 200lbs at the time) but tried it anyway and I love it!! Who cares what you look like, as long as you are burning calories and having fun doing it!:wink:
  • jhebert87
    OK first everyone has rhythm... trust me I teach dance classes and everyone has rhythm contrary to what they believe.

    The first part of joining a Zumba class is you have to be ready to work... it's a lot of fun but also work

    I'm sure you can do it! just have some confidence in yourself... once you have that confidence you can do anything you want!

    Good luck girl!
  • gatorliz
    I definitely get the self conscious thing...I think everyone feels that way. That's one of the reasons I don't go to a gym. I do zumba at home on the Wii and it's great. It gets you moving and even though you feel clumsy at the beginning, once you learn the steps, it's really fun. They are easy routines to pick up. And it definitely burns the calories!!!!
  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member
    OK first everyone has rhythm... trust me I teach dance classes and everyone has rhythm contrary to what they believe.

    The first part of joining a Zumba class is you have to be ready to work... it's a lot of fun but also work

    I'm sure you can do it! just have some confidence in yourself... once you have that confidence you can do anything you want!

    Good luck girl!

    Thanks, I'm willing to do the work. I've been feeling run down for far too long.
    I tried to do a beginners tutorial off of youtube, where they broke certain moves down into steps. Starting with the feet, I did good. Adding arms to the mix? I looked like I was having a seizure. HAHA
  • calvarado
    I love it! I mean LOVE it!! Try it- check your inhibitions at the door. Where I go- and most places I think, the people there are going for a common goal- a fun workout... it's not a competition... you're only competing with yourself. I did feel a bit shy I guess you'd call it, in the beginning too. The way I dealt with it- you let out a little "woop" hoot or holler during the song- in our classes someone always does.. makes us all laugh and push through it! I promise you- I felt less awkward or stupid after a few classes, and a few "Ay yi yi's" !! Have fun- the most important part. :laugh:
  • fasttrack27
    My wife teaches zumba and has people of every size, shape, age and ability you can imagine - And they always have fun and come back for more! There are even a couple ladies in their 60's-70's that come! She's also just starting a class at a local nutrition store and she was told by the owner to expect a couple of the students to be 250-300lb. My mom even comes to a class every week and she REALLY cant dance. So dont worry about your weight or dancing ability - go have fun!
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    I do Zumba at home on the Wii also and my daughter started with me - she teaches dance and is an awesome modern and lyrical dancer and even SHE can't get some of the moves. It's a new dance style for most of us, it's faster paced than anything we are used too - and we are doing it to get fit! So just go for it! Before you know it, you'll be the skinny girl in class :)
  • treesa57
    I am 53 years old and feel like I am 100 compared to some in the class, but I have fun trying to do all the move in Zumba class. I sweat and get a lot of them correct. I miss a lot too but I keep moving and trying so that is the point. I just bought zumba for my wii so maybe I will get some rhythem that way. Dont worry about anyone watching you, they are all trying to keep their eyes on the instructor so they dont miss a thing either! Just try it and have fun!
  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member
    I love it! I mean LOVE it!! Try it- check your inhibitions at the door. Where I go- and most places I think, the people there are going for a common goal- a fun workout... it's not a competition... you're only competing with yourself. I did feel a bit shy I guess you'd call it, in the beginning too. The way I dealt with it- you let out a little "woop" hoot or holler during the song- in our classes someone always does.. makes us all laugh and push through it! I promise you- I felt less awkward or stupid after a few classes, and a few "Ay yi yi's" !! Have fun- the most important part. :laugh:

    HAHA, I can see where that helps break the ice. I take spin classes every once in a while and one time I was really hurting and trying to push my way through when I accidentally let out a really loud "Gah!" everyone started laughing and the instructor yelled out, "Don't die on me, Alexandra!" :laugh: After that people were letting out whoops and grunts all the time.
  • plagirl227
    I LOVE ZUMBA! Its a blast and even if you have no rythym just go try it. You won't get the moves right I garuntee, but its still a good work out and its fun. Just try it once and go in with an open mind. Ye never know what you may think!

    LOL, Ok, I'll have to look up the beginner's class.

    I'm just so self-conscious. I'm always afraid people are watching me, you know?

    Don't worry if people are watching you. ;-) So what if they are! But I doubt it. No one is perfect. They'll be busy getting their own steps together! Don't let what you think of how other's view you deter you. You'll enjoy it. And WHEN you mess up, laugh and keep it moving.
  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member
    I do Zumba at home on the Wii also and my daughter started with me - she teaches dance and is an awesome modern and lyrical dancer and even SHE can't get some of the moves. It's a new dance style for most of us, it's faster paced than anything we are used too - and we are doing it to get fit! So just go for it! Before you know it, you'll be the skinny girl in class :)

    Haha, wouldn't that be nice!
  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member
    My wife teaches zumba and has people of every size, shape, age and ability you can imagine - And they always have fun and come back for more! There are even a couple ladies in their 60's-70's that come! She's also just starting a class at a local nutrition store and she was told by the owner to expect a couple of the students to be 250-300lb. My mom even comes to a class every week and she REALLY cant dance. So dont worry about your weight or dancing ability - go have fun!

    Thanks. That's pretty neat that your wife teaches zumba.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I LOVE ZUMBA! Its a blast and even if you have no rythym just go try it. You won't get the moves right I garuntee, but its still a good work out and its fun. Just try it once and go in with an open mind. Ye never know what you may think!

    LOL, Ok, I'll have to look up the beginner's class.

    I'm just so self-conscious. I'm always afraid people are watching me, you know?

    I felt the same way at first, but what I found is that everyone is WAY too busy making sure they have it right to even notice what you are doing! There are people of all different ages and sizes at my class. Nobody really cares what you look like as long as you are having fun! Work it girl! You can do it!
  • Cjramirez34
    I say try it! Im scared to join Zumba (because I also think people will just be staring at me) BUT I am starting my first class tomorrow! Im excited but scared at the same time but Its time to kick this baby weight to the curve!
  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member
    Thank you everyone for the input and support! I'm looking up class schedules now! :smile: