5'3 / 5'4 Women; Goal Weight



  • NoMorePerfect
    NoMorePerfect Posts: 47 Member
    I am 5'3" and my goal weight is 120. BTW, I need some "shorty" friends, so please send friend requests!
  • 1saturn
    1saturn Posts: 95 Member
    I am 5'3 and 138. I would be happy at 130. I am curvy so I feel like I will always weigh a little more than most at my height but oh well. Where the fat is distributed is more important anyway so I keep track of my measurements more.
  • a2902c
    a2902c Posts: 96
    HW: 222lbs
    CW: 206.5lbs as of 06/06/14
    GW1 (07/01/14): 195lbs
    GW2 (08/01/14): 187lbs
    GW3 (09/15/14): 180lbs

    And then ultimately, just keep losing weight until I hit 125lbs!
  • pinkvici
    pinkvici Posts: 140 Member
    I'm 5'4" - currently 135, would like to get to 128-130lbs (and then I'll re-evaluate). I've never got much below 140 before but I've since had a baby and weight train and my body shape has totally changed!
  • elleybean
    elleybean Posts: 9 Member
    Hey there...I'm 1 inch off but I hope I can still post :P I'm 5'2 and started at 167lbs and my goal was to get down to 130lbs. My trainer told me that my body fat was at nearly 40% :( That made me super sad, so now my goal is to cut that body fat in half. I've been researching like crazy so I can work on that ASAP.
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 577 Member
    I am 5'2' .....CW is 155....GW is 135......I would love to have new friends with a similar goal! :)
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    5' 3 1/2" here. I set my goal at 122, but that number is more of a placeholder than anything else. Since I've been lifting, I fully expect my actual end weight to be much higher. I'm way more interested in a bodyfat percentage goal of 22%, a hint of abs, and going back to size 5 jeans.
  • MelonW
    MelonW Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" and currently 128. My goal weight is in the 115-119. My original goal was 125, but now that I am close to there I want to go a little further.
  • babsabs2011
    babsabs2011 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 5'3 and maintain around 120-125
  • RiniSixxx
    RiniSixxx Posts: 54 Member
    Wanted to bump this. I'm 5'4, SW 155, Goal is about 140/130. Peared shaped so i'm ok with having bigger thighs/hip/butt as long as i lose more of the tummy for now.
  • 5'4" here, SW 197, CW 188, have an initial GW of 150.

    I broke my leg (tibia) back in early April (at 197 lbs) and have been on non-weight bearing restriction along with recovering from surgery. I've managed to lose with strict dieting so far (1200 cals, mostly fish and protein shakes), but have stalled out this past month. My shorts size has gone from size 14 down to 8-10 though, but only because of losing so much muscle.

    Running is out (for the rest of my life, due to the break running down into the ankle joint), so I have an elliptical and new bicycle ready to go as soon as I get the all okay from the Doc. Just 3 more days, and very nervous about trying to walk again.
  • KettyLoyd
    KettyLoyd Posts: 51
    Your goal weight should be according to your height and weight. As your height is 5 '3'/5 '4'4 and you are women then your goal weight should be medium frame and your goal weight should 118 lbs. To reach your goal weight you should exercise three times in a week, maintain your diet and exercise to keep your body in lean shape.
  • manini21sep
    manini21sep Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'3
    Aiming for 105 lbs.
    Anyone want to buddy up?

    Hey there,
    I am 5'3 too currently at 136lbs and want to get to 100 lbs. It would be great to have a weight loss buddy. can i send you a request?
  • ColourfulFiasco1
    ColourfulFiasco1 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 5'3" and my starting/current weight is around 153. I'm hoping to bring that down to 120, but if I'm happy at 125 I may just maintain…or lose even more than that- who knows!
    I would love love love to be 130 by halloween, so I can feel more confident taking part in my crazy college town's festivities!
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I'm 5'3. I weight 125. My goal is under 110. But not much under. I'm a little twig under all this fat, though, if wrist size is anything to go by.
  • fitnessjunkiexo
    fitnessjunkiexo Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'4 and my goal weight is 110, I'm currently 133.8 with my highest weight at 140. I'm taking things slow as I'm going to Hawaii March of 2015 so I'm in no rush to get down to 110. My plan is to be at least 105 but I want to be in good shape with muscle and become toned which will at more weight. So Anywhere between 105-110 and I'll be quite satisfied :)
  • Welshgem84
    Welshgem84 Posts: 45 Member
    hi, I am 5'2 SW 192lbs, CW 131lbs, GW 116lbs. Really struggling with motivation at the moment (so feel free to add me as I need additional buddies particularly with similar goals) but really hoping to get down to 116. I was 125 a few weeks ago but struggled with a binge holiday so hopefully going to get back on track soon.. Good luck everyone with achieving their goals.
  • siobhanclark93x
    siobhanclark93x Posts: 22 Member
    I am 5"2 and 168lbs. My Goal is 140 - 147lbs. I'm really struggling!

    Good luck x
  • ashgirl95
    ashgirl95 Posts: 48
    I am around 5' 3.5". My SW was 185. I'm 177 right now, and hope to ultimately get down to about 135.

    I'm always open to new weight loss buddies so please feel free to add me!
  • aprilslusher
    aprilslusher Posts: 127 Member
    I'm 5'3 and weigh 125lbs. My highest weight was 167lbs. I am at goal.

    Feel free to add me!