OT: Migraines



  • Emdicio
    Emdicio Posts: 270 Member
    Interesting timing for this topic; I'm up at 1:50am because I got a monster migraine late this afternoon and it put me down for ~5 hours. As a result, I'm working late to complete paperwork I had planned to do this evening. I dont get them regularly (5 or 6 times/year) but when I do they come on with a vengance. Light sensitivity, nausea, cant lie down, cant move much, any noises hurt.....the usual. Bags if ice and Excedrin Migraine or Tension usually help (but not today). I hope I dont have one of these again anytime soon. I empathize with those of you who fight them regularly; few things worse..........Mike
  • battykatty2002
    i've tried all sorts for my migraines, but nothing but sleeping in a cold dark place will get rid of them, even then i'm ill for few days after (like today, just want to curl up and sleep)

    This is a wonderful thread, i'll have to try some of the ideas
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    I too USED to suffer from migraines. When pregnant got them every 10 days and had to take major meds. However, I can't take anything with codeine (revs me up, opposite if what it does for most), so could never take them to sleep. Tried Immitrex (bad reaction), used to take fiorinal (sometimes 2), but the only thing that works now is liquid advil gel caps upon onset. And, as I have just read, maybe because of the Mirena IUD, I hardly get them anymore!