Help!! Please help!!

I feel like im going through withdrawals over here! I took myself completely off sugar as far as sugary cereals/cakes/pies/cookies/candy and all things related to that goes. Man this is so hard!!! My body is craving sugar and its not getting any easier.

I broke down b/c its been 5 days since i had sugar and i ate a bowl of cocoa puffs. Its not the cocoa puffs i feel bad about, its the sugar intake i feel bad about because i really really really want to be off of it but man i feel like if i was on drugs it would be easier to ween off that than sugar!!

Help me out here please! I eat fruit for my cravings and yogurt as well, NOTHING satisfies it...


  • hotjacki85
    hotjacki85 Posts: 287 Member
    are u against things like splenda? Its really yummy and not technically sugar... it will help take the cravings away :)
  • emarino
    emarino Posts: 1 Member
    What about not going cold turkey maybe? Maybe give yourself 5 pieces of hard candy a day for a week, then only 3 the next, 1 the next? I know myself too well to say I can completely cut it out but for me a jolly rancher really does the trick for quite a bit. Don't worry though, you'll get through this too! =D
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    hun, try berries......I know they are out of season, but I just bought a huge bag of frozen blue berries, 5 lbs for 12 dollars, and Im using that for my oat meal, as well as popping a few here and there, I kinda have CEDAR FEVER, aka, allergies, and they feel great going down my scratchy , dry throat, try checking out frozen fruits at your grocery.......

    I lost tons of weight that way, just eating blue berries, as well as straw berries, black berries, and oranges............those sugars really helped me take off mega weight the first 3 months of my journey...............hang in there......Lloyd
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    You're detoxing, it's ok. There's some teas out there that will help...Yogi tea makes a detox formula that has helped me. I personally don't use Splenda or any of those fake sugars because I don't believe in replacing natural products with chemicals. That's just me though and everyone is welcome to do their own thing of course. If you are looking for a natural sugar replacement, there is always honey (not agave necter though, it's processed just as much as corn syrup is) and stevia. Here's an article about using Splenda and related products:
  • mabowden
    I like the gradual idea. I did that with Dr. Pepper, just slowly decreased it, and it seems to be easier. Yesterday I got one but only took a few sips, and today I have not got one at all. Good luck!
  • Jendf
    Jendf Posts: 36 Member
    I also LOVE sugar. I typically eat fruit to satisfy the craving but when it really doesn't work I usually give in and buy an Atkins Smores does the trick for me and it certainly better than a regular chocolate bar.
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    personally i eat mini wheats dry as a snack for the sugar, the theory being that are at least a bit good for me and have lots of fiber and iron.
  • jdmacfam
    In my opinion you're setting yourself up for disaster! You have to reward yourself for a job well done or you'll probably start caving in a lot more. You have to give yourself something to look forward to!! Maybe a short term goal such as "if I go 3 days w/o x grams of sugar I will reward myself w/ x". Once you're able to meet those short term goals you will not be as likely to cave in. Lets face it, we all have to have sugar once in a while (we are female after all!) and if you do it in a controlled manner you won't feel so bad when you EARN it and then you can feel like all your hard work is paying off!

    Also, check out truvia! It's a zero calorie all natural sweetener. I've only had it in iced tea but it was great!

    Again, just my opinion!
  • Gallen88
    Gallen88 Posts: 171 Member
    are u against things like splenda? Its really yummy and not technically sugar... it will help take the cravings away :)

    Im not but i would rather not replace it with another type of sugar... maybe i will do the gradual way
  • Gallen88
    Gallen88 Posts: 171 Member
    I also LOVE sugar. I typically eat fruit to satisfy the craving but when it really doesn't work I usually give in and buy an Atkins Smores does the trick for me and it certainly better than a regular chocolate bar.

    Oh wow you just reminded me that i have those Detour protien bars in there that taste like snickers! I might have to start eating those again
  • fishtank63
    fishtank63 Posts: 11 Member
    I agree with jdmacfam's advice. Cold turkey can set you up for failure. My wife uses Truvia as a sugar replacement and loves it. I've tried it and cannot tell the difference in taste between that and regular sugar. If your body is craving the sugar, a gradual slow down might be a better way to go.

    A little sugar as a treat for sticking to your goals is not a bad thing. Everything in moderation.
  • Sweepee2
    Try chewing (sugar free) gum when you are craving the sweet.:happy:
  • jdigjudy
    So... is sugar so incredibly bad that we should live without it?
    (I'm shuddering... what? no chocolate?!?!?!?!)... yipes! Run away! run away!!!
  • jcch00
    jcch00 Posts: 57 Member
    I feel your pain! I have a MAJOR sweet tooth. I don't like to deny myself the few simple pleasures in life, so I buy those bite size candy bars and put them in the freezer (I love them frozen). When I'm having a craving for sugar (usually after dinner) I allow myself 1 maybe 2 of the bite size treats. It really helps and doesn't throw me completely off course. Another idea is a cup of "no sugar added" hot chocolate. I enjoy having a cup of that at night as a dessert.
  • skinnyminnie
    skinnyminnie Posts: 95 Member
    I think I can understand what you're talking about - caffeine has no effect on me, I use sugar to pep up and have energy. When I first started cutting it out, I would have days where I felt like a crazed squirrel was running round and round in my brain screaming "Sugar!!!". I would lay in bed at night (having no goodies in the kitchen) and lay awake thinking of eating tablespoons of regular granulated sugar to see if that would fix it.
    I don't feel that way anymore, thank goodness, but I had to just cut it out a little bit at a time. I would pick one sugary treat that I would look forward to at the end of the day (a lowfat small frozen yogurt, a frozen hot chocolate, etc.), and then gradually when I would start forgetting about eating it, I'd cut back. Now, I rarely have sugar cravings.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    . . . . My body is craving sugar and its not getting any easier.
    Is it REALLY your body craving sugar, or it your head?

    One of by biggest ongoing struggles is recognizing, acknowledging, and being honest with myself about when I'm my BODY is generating hunger or a craving for a particular food (salt, sugar, protein, water. . .) or when I'm eating out of some emotional/mental HEAD thing (emotions that make me want to eat include but are not limited to feeling happy, sad, tired, lonely, angry, self-pitying, anxious, stressed, celebratory, needy, bored. . . .)

    I like the inspirational message that I read on some other thread from an MFP-er who hung a sign inside her refrigerator and pantry that says "WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR ISN'T IN HERE."
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Try protein to help keep you fuller for longer. You don't have to give up all things sweet. Here's some things that'll help.

    Honey and balsamic vinegar dressing (home made, a little goes long way).
    Sweet Pointed Peppers
    Fresh berries
    Dried berries (high in iron and antioxidants)
    Dark chocolate
    Spices (mixed spice, cinnomon, nutmeg)
    Sweet apples (Royal Gala, Pink Lady), try baking it and adding honey flavourd natural yoghurt
    Bananas (portable sugar and a great night snack, as it contains meletonin).
    Make your own flapjacks and cut them into mini portions.
    Sweets made from just fruit (health food stores sell these).

    I think that list is long enough, but you can have sugar, be healthy and loose weight.

    Good luck!
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    I've heard it said that you can only replace one addiction with another. Have you found anything else that you LOVE to eat? Whole grain anything? Sweet Fruit? Nuts? Coffee? Hang in there!
  • Gallen88
    Gallen88 Posts: 171 Member
    I think I can understand what you're talking about - caffeine has no effect on me, I use sugar to pep up and have energy. When I first started cutting it out, I would have days where I felt like a crazed squirrel was running round and round in my brain screaming "Sugar!!!". I would lay in bed at night (having no goodies in the kitchen) and lay awake thinking of eating tablespoons of regular granulated sugar to see if that would fix it.
    I don't feel that way anymore, thank goodness, but I had to just cut it out a little bit at a time. I would pick one sugary treat that I would look forward to at the end of the day (a lowfat small frozen yogurt, a frozen hot chocolate, etc.), and then gradually when I would start forgetting about eating it, I'd cut back. Now, I rarely have sugar cravings.

    Lol @ eating tablespoons of sugar!! I know what you mean!! I think i will try the gradual method
  • Gallen88
    Gallen88 Posts: 171 Member
    I've heard it said that you can only replace one addiction with another. Have you found anything else that you LOVE to eat? Whole grain anything? Sweet Fruit? Nuts? Coffee? Hang in there!

    I love fruit! I could eat fruit all day but it still doesnt quench that cravings. Maybe i should try making smoothies to kick the habit