Mobile Apps - which ones are you using?

I just found out one app for android mobile phone that we take pics from our meals. I was thinking this is a good idea and I decided to write a post here to ask if you have another suggestion or if you are already using this app:

"See what I eat" =>

For exercises I am using "Runtastic Road Bike" which is possible to link with MFP.

I am here for 15 days and I still need to discover a lot.


  • Sivangj
    Sivangj Posts: 182 Member
    Do use "Endomondo" which you also can link With MFP. Really Nice
    Hehe well use and use though. Still Learning to might be more right to say.
    Used RunKeeper earlyer and might go back to using that one (aslo able to linke with MFP)
    If someone have better use of others me too are interested
  • supratt
    supratt Posts: 33
    I use Wahoo Fitness on my iPhone, paired with a BlueTooth HRM, when I run. I bought the HRM on eBay for $20 and it looks identical to the Wahoo one but without the logo, for 1/3 the price.

    Wahoo Fitness is a brilliant app, with multiple screens focussing on different things, so you can choose what's important to you and change the screen by flicking thru as you run. It syncs with MFP, as well as RunKeeper and most other similar apps. It provides a very simple way of automatically uploading an accurate calorie count to MFP from cardio work and it is easily the best designed fitness app I have used (and I've tested almost all of them). It's free.
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    MapMyFitness apps
    Stronglifts 5x5
    C25K Pro
  • carlosjenno
    carlosjenno Posts: 174 Member
    Strava & Garmin Connect, as I use a Garmin Edge 500 for cycling (and running with a wrist mount) and a Garmin Swim (for swimming, strangely enough). But mainly Strava.

    Considering a Garmin VivoFit as well, so would probably keep more of an eye on Garmin Connect, but it's not as intuitive or as inspirational as pushing for a KoM on Strava.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    I used to use Endomondo but i have a lot of connection problems where I am now so it's not very accurate for me. It sometimes had me running in the ocean :( So had to delete it. But when I was back in Canada, it was AWESOME.

    Otherwise, I use:
    - Skimble, a workout app, has strength and yoga workouts with both dumbell and body weight workouts
    - <30 days which is a Canadian Heart and Stroke foundation app to promote healthy lifestyle changes... it give you a challenge a day to complete... they're pretty easy and open ended so very possible to do
    - Just 6 Weeks - has programs to help you do up to 200 push ups, squats, situps, tricep dips and pull ups... as the name suggests, in 6 weeks. I've gotten about half way through the triceps and squats, and a week through push ups and sit ups but then switched to doing 30 day shred instead... though the app is still pretty good
    - Tabata! as the name suggests- offers tabata programs with alternating exercises- all body weight stuff, no equipment
    - moves to track my steps
    - Spitfire has some pretty awesome work outs on it but I've never done a full program
    - weightTrend+ to track my weight (I step on the scale quite frequently and use this to track the ups and downs, though generally only log on MFP on Weds if there's a loss)
    - FoxTube - this is an app which saves videos from YouTube on your phone. Not technically a workout app but I have 30 day shred and yoga videos saved on there which I do. I've also made playlists for songs that I can run to on there... I tend to use it basically through my entire workout.

    Keep in mind that I have an Iphone, so not all of these apps will be available... though apps are great to have, they help with finding new workouts to do so you don't get bored
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Fitness Buddy
    Cycle Meter
    HIIT Timer
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member

    All on iPhone
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    I mainly use these two:

    Spartacus epic workouts (brilliant - a free app for the Men's Health Spartacus workout)
    Tabata timer
  • CoolFellow
    CoolFellow Posts: 21
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    Nike + Running
    Pocket WOD
    Heart Rate
    SEAL Fitness
    Timer +

    iOS apps