30 day shred

Hi there, I am quite new to all this so please be patient. I started the 30DS yesterday and could barely walk this morning, however I did not wAnt to admit defeat and so I completed day 2. Do you need to do it everyday?
When do you stop aching and start to see results ?
I have also started celebrity slim active shakes as I am a glutton for punishment.


  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    She says do it 6 times a week and rest on one day. Yeah, you gotta do it to see results. Hopefully you won't stop aching but you will definitely get stronger and see results. I like the ache. It reminds me to go the next day.

    Also watch the food intake too.
  • az20709
    az20709 Posts: 1 Member
    I think the goal of 30DS is to do it every day, I have been doing it for about 2 weeks now. I have skipped two or three days but always try to make sure to do something active that day to compensate. I stayed on level 1 for the first two weeks and on Monday moved on to level 2. I never really got used to the push ups! But did try to throw in some standard push ups during my 2nd week. It does get better I promise! But if you try to increase your intensity each day and week you still will probably feel the workout afterwards...but that's a good sign:) Keep it up! I read a few threads on 30DS when I started and it looks like a lot of people are getting good results when they stick to it and do the entire 30 days.
  • p66jlo
    p66jlo Posts: 7
    Thanks, I shall stick with it. To be honest I felt much less pain whilst doing it. Strange.
    Thanks for the tip
  • HeatherScent37
    HeatherScent37 Posts: 25 Member
    If you listen to Jillian's podcast, she always says that 30DS is outdated and she wishes people would stop doing it! She recommends now Ripped in 30, but honestly I think that she just wants everyone to run out and buy the new DVD. How can HIIT (which is basically what ALL her DVDs are) be "outdated"?
  • p66jlo
    p66jlo Posts: 7
    Yes I read a few and that's why I decided on this programme. And the fact that it's 20 mins and your done.
    I work shifts so there will be the odd occasion when it will prove difficult. But I'm determined at the moment to stick with it.
    Thanks for sharing.
  • massivediet
    massivediet Posts: 54 Member
    I have done 30DS and Ripped in 30 along with some other Jillian videos. It takes 4-5 days for me to stop aching after I have re-introduced the videos to my routine. If you can, do some light exercise such as walking after the video, rather than stopping cold, and try having a protein shake right after (a Midol or two would not hurt either).

    I just did Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism yesterday after not having done any hard exercise for a few weeks, so I feel your pain, quite literally!
  • RedRider230
    RedRider230 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm fairly new here too but I've been doing the 30 DS and I'm on level 2 day 5. I remember one of the first days of the workout I was also barely able to walk I was so sore! Personally I think if you're that sore you should take a rest day. You don't have to do it every single day, take a rest day here and there as you need to. Let your body recover so you can be stronger and feel better for the next workout. I'm able to do Monday through Friday now and I rest on the weekends, so that's a big improvement for me compared to when I first started! I think I spent like three weeks on level 1. So yeah, go at your own pace...follow the girl in the video that's doing the easier version and before you know it you'll feel stronger and have more stamina. As for results I've definitely lost a few pounds and my clothes are starting to fit a little better. Hang in there and have fun with it! :)
  • stephanieharms1290
    stephanieharms1290 Posts: 48 Member
    I did the 30 day shred, and felt the EXACT same way at first. It encourages you to try and stick with it everyday, so I had to suck it up. It gets better, I promise. The harder you push through, the less sore you will begin to feel. The upside, at least you know if you are sore, that is a great thing :) Good luck!
  • jess2351
    jess2351 Posts: 1
    Hi my name is Jessica Brown, 36 yrs old mom of two children and i decided to get my life in order especially with my weight and i also started the Jillian Michaels 30 day shed thing and in the beginning it was so hard but im tryin to stick with it cause im so busy with school and two jobs, im 4'11 and weighing 224 but you cant tell really but i can , so i made a promise to my kids to try to live healthy and lose this weight before 40 i really want to be back to a size 14 at least im in a 18 now without surgery i know i can do it
  • p66jlo
    p66jlo Posts: 7
    I looked at ripped in 30. But the reviews on the shred seem genuine.
    I used to go to metafit which is almost the same. But my fitness lately is shameful.
    Perhaps ripped will be my next purchase in 30 days.
  • massivediet
    massivediet Posts: 54 Member
    Oh--as for when you should see results--it depends on what you mean by results. I lost some inches from doing each of the 30 day sequences along with diet, but the best results to me were the strength and endurance gains. You will probably feel noticeably stronger by the end of week 2. It's awesome when you know you can get through an exercise that initially killed you or that you had to do a modified version of.
  • p66jlo
    p66jlo Posts: 7
    Guys I'm so glad it's not just me feeling the burn.
    This is so motivational. Thanks for your comments and support and who knows in 30 days time I may be shouting from the rooftops about my weightloss and new found stamina.
    Thanks again.
  • ruth87jm
    ruth87jm Posts: 10 Member
    I've recently finished 30 Day Shred, and at the moment I'm mixing up various levels of 30 Day Shred with some of Ripped in 30 too - for some reason I just CAN'T get the hang of level 2 of Ripped!

    Anyway, first time I did Shred, I was thinking to myself 'that can't have worked - I feel fine'. The next day my muscles were killing me, it was a struggle just to get up the stairs! After a couple of days though I got used to it and it was fine - I could 'feel' my muscles aching slightly if I was walking up lots of stairs, but it wasn't painful.

    There's loads of debate about whether to have a day off or not - I personally had two days off over the course of the 30 days, because I really felt like I needed them. Just listen to what your body is telling you - you aren't going to lose any points if you really need to take a day off, providing that you don't fall off the wagon completely.

    Best of luck with it - feel free to add me as a friend if you like :-)
  • aubsangels
    aubsangels Posts: 24 Member
    I started it yesterday and woke up really sore but ready to go back for day 2. I know we will be happy when we complete it!!!
  • p66jlo
    p66jlo Posts: 7
    Thanks Ruth, I'm so glad I joined this site. Lots of positive comments and support. I'm hoping to do the 30 days straight through. But if life gets in the way then so be it. I'll just work around it.
    Am debating whether to do a before and after shot. Yikes !! It may motivate me more.
    Thanks for responding.
  • RedRider230
    RedRider230 Posts: 89 Member
    Just a reminder...in the video Jillian Michaels tells you to take 1 to 2 rest days on each level. Just saying...:wink:
  • leesalue
    leesalue Posts: 2
    Its so important to eat enough protein as well as a round diet. I always eat over my limit of protein and the log still says I will lose my desired weight. If you can find a good recovery drink that would be good for you too. I am doing Jillians ripped in 30. I just started monday. I was doing p90x but because I am breastfeeding it was just taking way too much outta me. I also have thyroid issues and was laid out for the rest of the day, The house was trashed and I was sick. But I can really kick butt on ripped in 30 with a month of p90x under my belt. Just remember you are experiencing a good pain. And it will pass. In order to be done with it you have to go through it. Be sure to get 8 hrs of ZZZ's as that is the only time when your body builds itself up. Another tip, after you workout your body will be absorbing nutrients best for up to an hour, so the best time to eat or have your recovery drink is post workout.
  • annziexo
    annziexo Posts: 90 Member
    Oh wow. I just got the 30 day shred DVD and planned on starting it tonight, great advise from previous posts I hope I'm not in so much pain tomorrow!
  • annziexo
    annziexo Posts: 90 Member
    Its so important to eat enough protein as well as a round diet. I always eat over my limit of protein and the log still says I will lose my desired weight. If you can find a good recovery drink that would be good for you too. I am doing Jillians ripped in 30. I just started monday. I was doing p90x but because I am breastfeeding it was just taking way too much outta me. I also have thyroid issues and was laid out for the rest of the day, The house was trashed and I was sick. But I can really kick butt on ripped in 30 with a month of p90x under my belt. Just remember you are experiencing a good pain. And it will pass. In order to be done with it you have to go through it. Be sure to get 8 hrs of ZZZ's as that is the only time when your body builds itself up. Another tip, after you workout your body will be absorbing nutrients best for up to an hour, so the best time to eat or have your recovery drink is post workout.

    This advise is very useful! Thank you!
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    Take some ibuprofen. It will help a lot. Do some stretching, and keep moving. It'll help, really!

    I'm on Day 9 of Level 3 of the 30 DS.

    I am thrilled with the results. I could hardly do one lady pushup at the start, and can now do about 20! I could barely manage a Rock Star Jump (level three) but can now do all of them along with Jillian and her "best girls." I can even do the jumping lunges, which were crazy hard the first time I tried them.

    I, too, was quite sore when I started her program -- made the mistake of starting with the 7 Day Shred, which was incredibly challenging!

    I'd say keep at it. I'm always amazed at how the soreness dissipates once I'm moving again. The soreness won't last forever, but you'll feel great about the progress you make!