The People Who Notice What You Eat



  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    People have been judging what someone else eats since the first Hominid used the first tool to kill an animal and eat more than what another hominid considered his fair share. And on the opposite end of that spectrum, the mother of the second australopithecus probably made her eat more fruit or ants or whatever because she worried she hadn't eaten enough. It's human nature to judge. It's always going to be human nature to judge. It's always going to be human nature to gather in public places to consume food and be judged. Therefore, I eat what I want and don't care what others think. And if someone's eating something I want to eat or thought about eating, I'm going to look. If someone is eating something that looks like vomit on toast, I'm going to look at that, too.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I get questions every day at work. I just don't pay any attention as I do not care.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    People have been judging what someone else eats since the first Hominid used the first tool to kill an animal and eat more than what another hominid considered his fair share. And on the opposite end of that spectrum, the mother of the second australopithecus probably made her eat more fruit or ants or whatever because she worried she hadn't eaten enough. It's human nature to judge. It's always going to be human nature to judge. It's always going to be human nature to gather in public places to consume food and be judged. Therefore, I eat what I want and don't care what others think. And if someone's eating something I want to eat or thought about eating, I'm going to look. If someone is eating something that looks like vomit on toast, I'm going to look at that, too.

  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    The only time I notice what other people eat is when they have something I want.

    me too.

    i don't usually notice or care what anyone is eating unless it looks particularly yummy. i try to play it cool but delicious food excites me. a couple times, when particularly impressed with someone's selection, i think i have actually uttered a low "oooooooh "
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I notice things... all the time- I'm attentive to my surroundings.

    But I also don't really care. I may mentally make a note- usually of things in excesse or under whelming quantiies- like shoping carts loaded completely to the top? I notcie those things and wonder if they are having a party- or just a large family.

    I notice of someone only has 1-2 items at the store- then offer to let them go infront of me.

    I only notice food in restaurants if it is making sounds and or smells good (sizzling plates catch my attention) or smells bad- looks bad.

    Extremely over weight people catch my eye- much like extremely under weight people catch my eye. I sometimes note what they are eating- sometimes not- I tend to take a book with me everywhere and journely/work on projects- OR I'm engaged with my dining partner.

    So while I notice- I don't typically care. Everyone has to effing eat. period- if they go to a place to that sells food and are sitting consuming food- I'm assuming they are hungry and need to eat. I may make a story about them in my head- (usually very random) but it's completely irrelevant.

    People need to be busier so they are less occupied with everyone else and more occupied with their own things- i'm too damn busy to sit around judging peoples food. I have work constantly to do- fun work or work work- I'm full of stuff to think about.
  • KikiBerry
    KikiBerry Posts: 64 Member
    The only time I notice what other people eat is when they have something I want.

    This.. lol
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    People have been judging what someone else eats since the first Hominid used the first tool to kill an animal and eat more than what another hominid considered his fair share. And on the opposite end of that spectrum, the mother of the second australopithecus probably made her eat more fruit or ants or whatever because she worried she hadn't eaten enough. It's human nature to judge. It's always going to be human nature to judge. It's always going to be human nature to gather in public places to consume food and be judged. Therefore, I eat what I want and don't care what others think. And if someone's eating something I want to eat or thought about eating, I'm going to look. If someone is eating something that looks like vomit on toast, I'm going to look at that, too.


    QFT again. Except, I don't understand why some people have to voice their opinions. They can think whatever they want and keep it to themselves.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    The only time I notice what other people eat is when they have something I want.

    So true.

    But people always comment on what I'm eating and say I'm lying about what I eat because I'm thin. They can go to hell.

    i have also always gotten a lot of comments about my weight & what i eat. it used to bug me but now i just ignore it. anyone judging my food choices can suck it.
  • rageginger
    rageginger Posts: 74 Member
    I really would prefer that people mind their own business. No one has manners any more! I would never comment on others' food regardless of what I think.

    + 1000000000
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Family is the worst.
    EIther i eat too much or too little...its like never am I eating right. Yet anyone who has anything to say is larger than me... so Idk if they are just trying to figure out what works for weight loss or what.

    Ill go to a family function and they will say EAT EAT...because I am not eating the junk they brought.


    Ill go and eat what I want (most likely a lift day or long run day-which is none of their business)...and Ill get... Oh your eating a lot today! Or they will say are you off your diet today... I try and shrug it off.. Sometimes if its a family member I like enough I will explain to them I do still log everything... I just have more calories to eat today... Most times I just say yeah Im hungry
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Does anyone find it annoying when people who are not overweight take notice of what you ate even if it is not intended to be rude? Gets under my skin a little bit and wondering if I just need to brush it off... :smile:
    People just look at what I eat because I'm vegetarian. I understand the curiousity, but after a while I just want to eat my lunch in peace when I am on a lunch break and not be asked why I became vegetarian, what I'm eating, how you can "NEVER live without meat!" ( eew) yes, annoying.
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    The only time I notice what other people eat is when they have something I want.

    This is the only time I play the pregnant card LOL