most embarrassing moment while working out...



  • CoolFellow
    CoolFellow Posts: 21
    When I see the elderly gentlemen can walk much faster than me while on walking track.....
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Farting during pilates.


    You clearly haven't read the thread if you think that ends it :laugh:
  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    Years ago, I signed up to one of those expensive gyms with a Ladies-only fitness area. I was thrilled that I didn't have to workout and bounce around in front of the uber-fit class-goers, gym-bunnies and the huge bronzed guys who lift.

    So I started going and seeing results, I did really see a massive transformation in a short space of time. I really pushed myself hard and was proud of my achievement that far.

    Well, I was on the treadmill one day when an absolutely stunning gym-bunny bounced in and started running full-pelt on the machine next to me. She then started to ask me a lot of personal questions which I answered and she said really loudly "Well, you're big so why don't you aim to look like me? I started at 12st and now i'm 8st, all within a year and i'm a size 10. Why don't you try to aim for a size 10?"

    All the other ladies looked round and stared at me and I was so embarrassed I left and never went back!

  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    I was in a bootcamp-style class, and near the end, when I realized the gusset seam (that would be the crotch) of my yoga capris had completely unraveled. I was glad that it was one of the rare occasions I was not going "commando" underneath.
  • GeminiFitness1
    GeminiFitness1 Posts: 63 Member
    Nothing surprises me now because as a fitness professional you will see it all. Exercise in any form will cause bodily functions to move!!
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    Coming out the other side after running through a field full of waist-high wet grass with my running club (mostly older men). This was the moment I realised that my light silver/grey running shorts go see-through when wet.

    Without thinking, I exclaimed 'OH NO, MY SHORTS HAVE GONE ALL SEE-THROUGH!'

    Just in case anyone hadn't noticed.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Got a little show boaty in BodyAttack and fell flat on my *kitten*. Like a full on high velocity fall where I slid for like three feet afterwards. Got up and executed the next jump :wink:
  • hrod215
    hrod215 Posts: 163 Member
    Uggg! This is embarrassing but I'll say it any way.

    Bad: Just resumed working out after having my youngest. During warm-ups we had to do jumping jacks and although I tried with every fabric of my being, I couldn't stop the pee from escaping!

    Worse: And it gets worse... during a new fab abs class, we were on an inclined step and right in the middle of getting those deep ab muscles, I begin to orgasm! I jumped up after that and RAN out of there. But I now take kiegels VERY seriously.
  • raqueldaisy
    raqueldaisy Posts: 47 Member

    You ladies should totally add kegels to your workout routine. That will take care of the dribble issue.

    After four kids, my pelvic floor is stronger than it was when I was 16.

    Off topic: Love the kegels! Ever tried the kegel balls? How are they?
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    MIne was when I was recovering from a bad hamstring injury and doing some leg curls. I started at a very low weight to test it out. WHen I was done a lil ole skinny woman hops on and basically laughed at how little I was lifting!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Uggg! This is embarrassing but I'll say it any way.

    Bad: Just resumed working out after having my youngest. During warm-ups we had to do jumping jacks and although I tried with every fabric of my being, I couldn't stop the pee from escaping!

    Worse: And it gets worse... during a new fab abs class, we were on an inclined step and right in the middle of getting those deep ab muscles, I begin to orgasm! I jumped up after that and RAN out of there. But I now take kiegels VERY seriously.

    Omigod, I just died! :laugh: You should try riding a horse...that's the only time that's ever happened to me!
  • karinmelanie
    Years ago, I signed up to one of those expensive gyms with a Ladies-only fitness area. I was thrilled that I didn't have to workout and bounce around in front of the uber-fit class-goers, gym-bunnies and the huge bronzed guys who lift.

    So I started going and seeing results, I did really see a massive transformation in a short space of time. I really pushed myself hard and was proud of my achievement that far.

    Well, I was on the treadmill one day when an absolutely stunning gym-bunny bounced in and started running full-pelt on the machine next to me. She then started to ask me a lot of personal questions which I answered and she said really loudly "Well, you're big so why don't you aim to look like me? I started at 12st and now i'm 8st, all within a year and i'm a size 10. Why don't you try to aim for a size 10?"

    All the other ladies looked round and stared at me and I was so embarrassed I left and never went back!


    Omg how mean! I cannot believe she said that. She must have lost a few brain cells along the way too.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    Peeing when lifting is pretty normal. Most of the women I know who are over 30 and have had children wear pads during a competition. It's standard gear. I prefer poise. I've passed them out at meets to some who forgot them. Most meets I've been to have had at least one platform pee.

    I mostly train at home so the only one who witnesses the embarrassment is my husband. I sharted doing heavy deadlifts but finished my set. Heavy pulls while experiencing lower intestinal disquietude are always an adventure.

    Hmmm that's interesting. I don't have any heavy lifting girlfriends and I had no idead I wasn't the only one!

    Yeah. You can kegel until the cow's come home but the intra-abdominal pressure during heavy deadlifts, particularly when you wear a belt can result in some high psi pee.
  • Marguarretthe
    Marguarretthe Posts: 14 Member
    I took my 16 year old son to a Hatha yoga class a couple months ago, and during class I let out a little tiny fart... nothing much, especially by yoga standards... but he heard it and started giggling, and giggling, and then someone else in the class farted, and he started laughing even more.
    Then everyone else started giggling because of his laughing. It was a good class.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    In this thread I learned that being a woman sucks. A lot.
  • sheleen302
    sheleen302 Posts: 266 Member
    In this thread I learned that being a woman sucks. A lot.

    Wow. I don't think that was the message at all.
  • EmmiDahling
    EmmiDahling Posts: 104 Member
    I work out at home, but my husband thought this was hilarious when I told him what happened. I had mopped the floor and didn't wait long enough for it to dry before doing my arm exercises (one foot on each side of a door with bent knees, using a towel around both of the door knobs, and pulling to raise and lower my body weight). My feet slid out from under me and my whole body slid forward with them. I stopped sliding when my vagina forcibly met the door.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    Towards the end of my work out, decided to throw in some burpees, was pretty damn exhausted at this point and on the 3rd one, my arms gave out on me and I face planted on the floor pretty loudly and badly and just laid there. :embarassed: lol, people walking by must've been thinking I was smelling the floor. :sick:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Peeing when lifting is pretty normal. Most of the women I know who are over 30 and have had children wear pads during a competition. It's standard gear. I prefer poise. I've passed them out at meets to some who forgot them. Most meets I've been to have had at least one platform pee.

    I mostly train at home so the only one who witnesses the embarrassment is my husband. I sharted doing heavy deadlifts but finished my set. Heavy pulls while experiencing lower intestinal disquietude are always an adventure.

    Hmmm that's interesting. I don't have any heavy lifting girlfriends and I had no idead I wasn't the only one!

    Yeah. You can kegel until the cow's come home but the intra-abdominal pressure during heavy deadlifts, particularly when you wear a belt can result in some high psi pee.

    I was going to say- I have a very strong pelvic floor- I dance- I use a lot of low internal muscles frequently and with great control. The two just are not the same thing. Putting on the belt and bracing makes me instantly turn into a the not fun kind of projectile pee-er.
    In this thread I learned that being a woman sucks. A lot.
    Wow. I don't think that was the message at all.

    no- but he has a point. It does sometimes suck being a woman.
  • Highwayman_33402
    Highwayman_33402 Posts: 6 Member
    Two (related) embarrassing moments

    1. In college, I had just jumped off a small flight of steps on my bicycle. I start to turn around to go back and do the jump again. My tire get caught in the crack, I fall down and split open my chin and had to go to the infirmary to get stitches. A week later, I get my stitches out.

    2. A week after I get my stitches out, I am drinking coffee in class...trying to hide my forbidden beverage. I spill my coffee. Trying to cover myself, I use my handy towel to soak it up. I leave class and don't want to put the towel in my backpack (Yeah, didn't think that one through). So I get the great idea of putting it on my handlebars so the wind can dry it out. In the center of campus, with TONS of students changing classes, my towel dislodges, get caught between my forks and front tire. I go over the handle bars, land on my...chin.
    At least I was less than 200' from the infirmary this time.