always hungry help?

Hi I have been trying to lose weight for 3 years but can't get passed that always hungry feeling. Mentally I know I have to be hungry at first to lose weight and shrink my stomach but physically I can't get passed it I eventually give in what can I do? I exercise regularly so I just need to sort out the eating please help


  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    You do not have to be hungry to lose weight, in fact you shouldn't. Although your diary isn't open, my guess is your food choices are the culprit. Enjoy more healthy fats and protein that will make you feel full longer. It's hard to give advice if we can't see what and how much you're eating. Good luck!
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    For me, the trick to staying full for longer is to make sure that I'm always eating a combination of protein and fiber for meals AND snacks. If I have only one (or worse, neither) when I eat, I find that I'm hungry again soon after.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I have this problem too. And not just when starting out. Right now stuffing my face every day with roughage seems to be helping. Plus black coffee.

    I fill a big bowl with diced onions, mushrooms, a sprinkle of raisins, maybe a cut up banana, some fresh garlic, and lots of red and green peppers, then chow down. I can't say it does much for my social standing what with the garlic and onion breath, but it does seem to be cutting down on my hunger.

    Oh yeah, broccoli is good to throw in there, too, and a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    Not sure if your about your diet but ill share what works best for me. I aim to eat high in fiber foods to become full for a longer time period. If I get hungry at night but don't want to eat too much I snack on raw broccoli and carrots along with tea or water.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    To lose weight comfortably do the following.

    1. Set yourself a REASONABLE caloric deficit, don't try to rush things. What is reasonable depends on how much weight you have to lose.

    2. If you want to get fit in addition to losing weight then exercise but if you exercise make sure to eat more calories to support your exercise.

    3. To deal with hunger (satiation) do the following:
    A) If you struggle to meet your calorie goal because you can't eat another bite then add more calorie dense foods (peanut butter, nuts, fatty meats)
    B) If you struggle to meet your calorie goal because you are starving all the time, then add more calorie low nutrient and fiber dense foods (lean protein, vegetables)

    That is pretty much it. I'm losing at a regular and satisfying pace and I am never hungry.
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    I am the same, interested in what others recommendations are. Even after upping my calories to 1600 I am still hungry especially in the evenings. If I go any higher I gain.
  • PrincessTinyheart
    PrincessTinyheart Posts: 679 Member
    I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables along with high fiber foods like raisin bran and brown rice and beans. These help me feel really full for a long time. I drink at least 8 cups of water a day too. How many servings of fruits and veggies are you eating per day?
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I am the same, interested in what others recommendations are. Even after upping my calories to 1600 I am still hungry especially in the evenings. If I go any higher I gain.

    First thing that comes to my mind is to ask you what is your protein and fiber intake?
  • ruth87jm
    ruth87jm Posts: 10 Member
    Could it be the case that you're not actually physically hungry, you're just thinking about food because you feel restricted? I sometimes feel that way, though when I go through stages of eating well and calorie counting, I find that I'm eating more, and in reality I'm less hungry than usual.

    I'd suggest mixing things around a bit to find what works best for you - whether it be several smaller meals more often throughout the day, or a different approach that fits your lifestyle and keeps you feeling satisfied.

    I also try to keep a stock of foods that I know I can snack on if I'm ravenous but don't have many calories left for the day - seafood sticks, sugar free jelly, etc.

    Best of luck!
  • midas1022
    midas1022 Posts: 151
    You know it's funny that you bring this subject up because I think about it a lot. When I was a kid and was super thin I would rather play than eat and when I would eat I would be hungry. Thirty years later (I am 42) I was eating out of control and always wanted something to eat. So one day I was in the middle of eating another big meal and it struck me. Do I really know what being hungry is anymore? When I wake up in the middle of the night to eat once again am I hungry like I was when I was a child or is it different now. To be honest with you the next several days I realized that I had actually forgot what being hungry really was. I mean I wanted to eat all the time but I can remember when I was a kid and being hungry and its wasn't the same thing. I had trained myself to eat all the time. I had a food addiction and my mind was controlling when I was hungry and not my body. (there is a difference). I know you feel frustrated and it seems impossible but you have to come to terms with the fact that you may have a eating disorder and your brain is what you need to work on before you work on your body. Once I accepted the fact that being overweight was an addiction and not just me being fat and lazy I was able to start walking down the right path. I lost weight.:smile:
  • PrincessTinyheart
    PrincessTinyheart Posts: 679 Member
    I have this problem too. And not just when starting out. Right now stuffing my face every day with roughage seems to be helping. Plus black coffee.

    I fill a big bowl with diced onions, mushrooms, a sprinkle of raisins, maybe a cut up banana, some fresh garlic, and lots of red and green peppers, then chow down. I can't say it does much for my social standing what with the garlic and onion breath, but it does seem to be cutting down on my hunger.

    Oh yeah, broccoli is good to throw in there, too, and a tablespoon of olive oil.

    I would have never considered mixing a banana with onions and peppers but now I'm curious.
  • BetterKimmer
    BetterKimmer Posts: 178 Member
    Absolute crap! I actually eat a ton of food and I am almost never hungry. Sometimes I have to make myself eat when I don't want to. It is about WHAT you eat. Eat cleaner and lower calorie choices at least 80% of the time. Honesty with yourself about that is the biggest hurdle I have found. It takes time to find what appeals to you within better food choices, but if you start now, in several months you'll have a lot of go-to foods you love that keep the hunger at bay while you lose weight. Research clean eating, weight and measure food, log every bit of it staying within your limits and you will see results. Promise!
  • orangpeel757
    orangpeel757 Posts: 38 Member
    I also try to eat meals with protein and/or fiber and drink more water. I usually eat dinner late, between 7pm and 9pm, and have a snack in the afternoon so that I won't be out of control hungry before dinner. I was snacking a lot at night so the later meal and earlier snack keeps me feeling satisfied before I go to bed.

    Try doing something to take your mind off of food. I like to take a bath with a good book, play a game, go for a walk, visit a park/museum/friend, or go for a hike. I try to get out of the house or else do something at home that keeps me busy so that I'm not looking to food to fill in my down time. Yard work is also great for this so go mow the lawn and trim the hedges.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I have this problem too. And not just when starting out. Right now stuffing my face every day with roughage seems to be helping. Plus black coffee.

    I fill a big bowl with diced onions, mushrooms, a sprinkle of raisins, maybe a cut up banana, some fresh garlic, and lots of red and green peppers, then chow down. I can't say it does much for my social standing what with the garlic and onion breath, but it does seem to be cutting down on my hunger.

    Oh yeah, broccoli is good to throw in there, too, and a tablespoon of olive oil.

    I would have never considered mixing a banana with onions and peppers but now I'm curious.

    I think it tastes good. And the raisins mix with the garlic and little bit of oil at the bottom of the bowl, maybe a sprinkle of salt, and it's delicious. Reminds me, I forgot, I do throw a bit of salt in there, too, or some salted, toasted sesame seeds.