Staying Motivated Through Injury

Hi Everyone!

I've been working on changing my lifestyle and getting fit since the beginning of this year. With a few minor blips along the way and help from a couple friends, I've managed to stay on track for the most part thus far. Generally, I like to work out 3 to 4 times a week while also eating healthy, of course. Being a college student, and a music major in that, I am extremely busy during the school year, so sometimes that work out schedule can be diminished. Knowing that I would have more time this summer, I got very excited with my plan to start and complete the Insanity workout program.

Unfortunately, during the first week of my summer break, I went to see a doctor for what I thought was a minor knee injury (sustained back in February, but I had been working out ever since). He told me that I would need arthroscopic knee surgery including some micro fractures. I had the surgery a little over two weeks ago, and I'm able to walk around with no problem. Unfortunately, the only exercise involving my legs that I'm allowed to do for the next three months (at least) is on a stationary bike or elliptical. This was pretty devastating to hear because I do enjoy running and playing various sports. Also, knowing that I will not be able to squat or jump for at least 6 months, I cannot do the Insanity program until next summer. Since I've planned to do the program for a year now, I was pretty devastated to hear that I'll now have to wait two years total before I will be able to do it.

I know that losing weight is possible when simply eating healthy because I've been able to lose about 7 lbs in the last month and a half through basically just that. However, I also find it difficult to stay motivated to eat healthy when I am not working out. My mentality when working out is that I don't want to waste the workout by eating more than I should. Obviously, with my limited workout options at the moment, it's pretty hard to keep that mentality.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to stay motivated and positive about weight loss goals when you feel like everything possible is getting in your way?


  • bv109
    bv109 Posts: 83
    i eat popeyes every other day and empty out cheezits. if there was 5 guys around me, i'd go there everyday. and i still managed to get to 10 bf. just eat whatever you like and eat less calories. really, please.
  • clutterqueen
    clutterqueen Posts: 1,652 Member
    I think you should focus on what you CAN do, instead of what you can't do! You can still do stationary bike and elliptical. Do you belong to a gym that has the bikes like they have in cycle classes? If so, you can still get a great workout doing intervals on the bike. I find the elliptical really boring because I can't seem to make myself do intervals on it, but you might be more successful. You might use this time to do some Pilates to strengthen your core. I know you are disappointed! I've been there myself. Just try to use this time to have the opportunity to try new things.
  • snovak12
    snovak12 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I'll definitely try to focus more on the positive side of the situation as much as possible :)
  • ClassyBrass12
    ClassyBrass12 Posts: 5 Member
    Hope you're doing alright sadodsworth! i'm in a similar boat as you. I keep telling myself that focusing on healthy eating can be just as effective as a strict workout regimen. here's to hoping that a little patience will allow our injuries to resolve themselves quickly.