10 lbs is all i need

Cricketw Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Good Afternoon...just a quick Hello to say im going to try and get this 10 lbs off this time, and keep it off. Through stress last year i lost 20 lbs in less then 4 weeks....and with in the year i have gained it all back...I dont want to go back to 115 lbs, its too skinny (i have no butt then :tongue: ) just 10 pounds will do :happy: Wishing you all the best of luck with your goals too!


  • Jendf
    Jendf Posts: 36 Member

    I seem lose my butt too, it's always the first thing to go for me :cry:

    Good luck!
  • Good Luck! If you stick to your goals and calorie intake, you will lose it! Remember cardio is key to weight loss and keeping it off :happy:
  • Mwaaaa
    Mwaaaa Posts: 10
    I also only need to lose 10 lbs and I lost 5 then gained it back. When I am into my regime I am soooo into it doing cardio all the time eating healthy. But then I got a cold then went on vacation and now I just cant seem to get back into it. My birthday is this weekend so I am hoping to get back into it on monday. I would love to lose 2 lbs a week and be where i want to be in 5 weeks. Need MOTIVATION
  • Mwaaaa
    Mwaaaa Posts: 10
    Good luck! Maybe we can help each other out since we have the same goal?
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    It's hard when you only have a little to lose. My body seems to hold on to it the closer I get to my goals. I see lots of mention of cardio, but have you tried strength training? It will burn a ton of calories, build lean mass and change your body shape faster than anything else, as long as you're eating is clean. Good luck to you!
  • Good Luck!
    My Fitness Pal has really helped me. Just being more concious about the choices you make will help you make the right choice. Try this.....my worst time for snacking is at nite. Instead of snacking...drink tea. I swear this is why i have lost 28lbs. It curbs my appetite and aids in digestion. Also try Zumba....once you try it you will be addicted. Have fun!
  • I'm in the same boat you are. 10lbs that's it!! It sounds easy right. We can do this. GOOD LUCK :)
  • To Bella911: Silly question but what kind of tea do you recommend? I have the same late night craving problem and I'm worried about the caffeine and being up all night.
  • Mwaaaa
    Mwaaaa Posts: 10
    I drink caffeine free green tea....they say green tea is really good for you
  • Thanks for the welcomes and well wishes! im going to need them...my problem is the nice glass of wine (or two) at night after work, or with dinner. I need to curb that. Oh, and the carbs! they go straight to my belly :(
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