Motivation Lacking



  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    brower47 has it right. You're an adult with responsibilities now - make this one of them. Think of it like a job if you have to. Schedule workouts like you would a meeting with your boss that you can't reschedule. Whine if you want (I know I do sometimes) but get it done.

    You said in your profile that you work three 12 hour shifts then spend most of the rest of your time watching Netflix. Make the most of your time instead - that rear sure isn't going to get smaller with you sitting on it! Get up, do some jumping jacks, squats, lunges, push-ups, etc. Put a piece of exercise equipment in front of the TV if that helps. Or shut it off and go for a walk or bike ride or go to an exercise class.

    If you want it bad enough, you'll do what it takes.
  • tamihawk12
    tamihawk12 Posts: 3 Member
    Keep on believing! First off DONT beat yourself up for getting off track. We are human and it happens to everyone. Also dont tell yourself "I'll start tomorrow, I've already done bad today". Just start right back where you left off :). Drink tons of water lots of water and try to cut of calories in drinks! Im here if you need some motivation :)
  • danabpennington
    danabpennington Posts: 14 Member
    So much great adivce! Just reading all these replies is making me want to get up and walk or something (but i'm at work, of course). My next day off is Friday, so I think when I get some down time I may print a calender (im very organized) and try to schedule workout days (like someone mentioned). So far I have cut out sugary drinks. Today, I got unsweet tea instead of sweetend. I also didn't get any fries with my sub sandwich!
    I bought a new chain for my bike and rode it to work today (even though I live behind it). So, I am reaching small goals, just need to keep going.
    Also, may I ask, do fat burners work?? What exercises assist with fat burning?? Any foods I should avoid, that may slow down the fat burning process?? Also, I am doing Couch2 5K currently. How long did it take you (if you have done it) to not be so out of breath by the end of the "run" session??
    Thank you so much everyone!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    congrats op, you're normal.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    How long did it take you (if you have done it) to not be so out of breath by the end of the "run" session??

    you're supposed to be out of breath after exercising.
  • danabpennington
    danabpennington Posts: 14 Member
    Capt_Apollo, I am only at the 2mins of running then 1.5min walk, then 2mins of running stage. I get out of breath after 1 min of running... how long does it take to become more conditioned?
  • danabpennington
    danabpennington Posts: 14 Member
    another question: should I log my walking at work? or only actual exercise sessions?
  • itsthenewhealthyme

    I am the same way - no motivation whatsoever lately. What helps me is to set short-term goals, so I can look forwards to rewards along the way and not just at the end. I also always have to remind myself to be patient - I get frustrated if I don't see results fast enough, but remember weight loss is a journey, not just a two-week diet plan.

    Hang in there! You'll feel great later if you start now....or you'll look back and regret not committing. I have had a bad two weeks eating-wise because I've become frustrated, and it has set me even farther from my goal.

    YOU are the only person that can change doesn't come from food or exercise. It starts with you and your brain. Go out there and get it!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Capt_Apollo, I am only at the 2mins of running then 1.5min walk, then 2mins of running stage. I get out of breath after 1 min of running... how long does it take to become more conditioned?

    it takes a while to build conditioning. but you have to run more often. don't run every day, but the best runners get a lot of running in.

    and no, i wouldn't count your walking at work.
  • smithj787
    smithj787 Posts: 14 Member
    I would have to say I was in the same boat as you. I lacked motivation (even though I would walk up to 4x a week after work with coworkers), and I finally told myself that I would work out after a few days after the school year ended. That was June 3rd, and I've done something every day, even if it was just a short walk. The scale hasn't moved much because I wasn't really tracking my food until a few days, but an RN commented today that she thought I was losing weight AND my blood pressure was in the normal range (a problem with me because of some needed Rx I take). That made me so happy that I couldn't wait to go home and go for a walk

    I try to trick myself into doing activity. I try to leave a pair of walking shoes under my desk at work or near high traffic areas at home so that I subconsciously tell myself that I should take a walk or go to the gym. I also created a Motivation board on Pinterest, so I can rotate my motivational quote written on my door.

    All in all, you're doing this for yourself, so you need to find the motivation from within.
  • upasanaD
    upasanaD Posts: 56
    I was doing lots of cardio and was following a strict diet. Then i noticed that i am reducing fat from my upper body only and very less in my lower body. I know the fact that we can't spot reduce our lower body.

    But the problem with pear shaped people is that the 1st place to gain will be lower and the last place to lose.
    Then i started squats, lunges and different butt workouts and they are very useful. I can feel my lower body is toning.
    I am not telling you to do only lower body workout. I am doing body weight training and weight training for upper body as well.

    And off course body shape has their different diet and workout routine. For pear shaped people its little bit different from apple shaped people.
  • upasanaD
    upasanaD Posts: 56
    I think you are pear shaped that's why you have this issue ...bigger butt.
    1st of all identify you are in which shape and exercise accordingly.

    What exactly does this mean, exercise according to your shape?
  • upasanaD
    upasanaD Posts: 56
    I think you are pear shaped that's why you have this issue ...bigger butt.
    1st of all identify you are in which shape and exercise accordingly.

    What exactly does this mean, exercise according to your shape?

    I'd like to know too - I'm pretty sure body shape has nothing to do with how we should exercise

    I was doing lots of cardio and was following a strict diet. Then i noticed that i am reducing fat from my upper body only and very less in my lower body. I know the fact that we can't spot reduce our lower body.

    But the problem with pear shaped people is that the 1st place to gain will be lower and the last place to lose.
    Then i started squats, lunges and different butt workouts and they are very useful. I can feel my lower body is toning.
    I am not telling you to do only lower body workout. I am doing body weight training and weight training for upper body as well.

    And off course body shape has their different diet and workout routine. For pear shaped people its little bit different from apple shaped people.

    Lower carbohydrate diet (avoiding processed and 'white' carbs).
    Lower fat diet (avoiding full fat foods; cheeses, butter).

    Check this link for pear shaped -
  • srogers89
    srogers89 Posts: 190 Member
    I try and go straight before or after work so there is no chance for me to find something else more's amazing how clean my house is when I don't want to exercise!

    Just put your gear on and go! You might be exercising for 20 minutes or 2 hours depending on your energy levels but at least you are doing something :)
  • danabpennington
    danabpennington Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks to everyone's suggestions, I have created a workout calendar! On the days I don't work I am going to do SOMETHING, maybe go for a jog around the block or ride my bike a bit further than usual. I won a free month at a gym, so my next day off (Friday) I am going to go there and start some weights. On Tuesdays, my work offers free Zumba classes, so every Tuesday I am going to try to go!
    I swear just reading how everyone began is motivating me =) Thank you everyone!
  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    sometimes just wanting it isn't enough. I've been big my whole life and always had confidence issues. theres a few things that I think about when I feel really unmotivated. for some reason thinking this helps me- "the days will go by regardless of if you eat well and exercise or not. make them count." I stopped looking at the big picture and focus day by day. try to make every day a competition- how great can you do today? buy a beautiful dress in a smaller size and hang it up in your room. and BELIEVE that one day you WILL fit into it! I also tend to tell myself that I deserve to eat better than all the fried foods and sugary sweets. my stomach is not a trash can, and neither is yours!! its hard to stay motivated no matter how much you plan and how dedicated you are. just take it one day at a time, and if you fall down 7 times, stand up 8 :)
  • Snailman44
    Snailman44 Posts: 25
    Take pictures and give yourself goals. When you do that and see your progress it really motivates you to keep pushing forward. Goal setting is important imo.
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member