Well it was fun while it lasted

I used to think that doing nothing all day was fun!

Boy was I wrong....

I'm a student, and only really have to be at school twice a week. While I thought that was so much better than having a job, I could get up and drink my coffee and watch the news, etc etc etc....I'm slowly starting to learn this sucks in more ways than one!

For starters, I'm incredibly bored all day. Secondly, it's not good to sit around and do nothing. While I haven't gained any weight (have actually lost), my body is literally telling me to get up and do something!

I need ideas on what to do. I will be going into school at least twice a week, maybe more because I'm bored. When I'm there, I will be at class, meeting up with friends, and going to the gym. While I'm at home though, ugh! There's literally nothing to do out here. I could go for a nice long walk, but I planned to do a cardio video and weights while I'm at home. Would a walk be too much?

Anyways, I'm over this doing nothing thing. Time to get active...


  • tasteoheavn
    tasteoheavn Posts: 47 Member
    I was the same way for a while and found volunteering at our local Habitat for Humanity has given me something postive to do to stay active as well as gives me the opportunity to give back to my local community.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    What about working with Big Brothers/Big Sisters? That way you can teach your healthy habits to a child who needs a positive role model in their life. I worked with that group in college, and cant tell you how much I enjoyed it. So rewarding and fun and it just makes you feel good about yourself and humanity again :)

    I like the Habitat for Humanity idea, too. Physical activity and fun!
  • lizb59
    lizb59 Posts: 35 Member
    I agree with the poster who suggested volunteering. It could be tutoring once a week or helping out at a shelter. What you need it sounds like, is to feel useful. Think about it...
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    yes volunteering would be great if not habitat for humanity maybe a food bank or something along those lines. Also walking is great exercise along with exercise dvds, exercisetv.com has some excellent workouts. You could also get a stationary bike or a reg bike off craigslist and start riding. I hope this helps
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Yeah I just need to get out and do something!