The Dangers Of A Little Bit Of Success... :-)



  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    Oh my gosh can I relate. I have been there now for the last 9 months. Basically ever since vacation last summer. I was looking good, in my minds eye, in a tank top and shorts and it went to my head. I just couldn't get fully back on the wagon after that. I found my "mindset" again a few weeks ago, but the 9 months since last summer I gained over 20lbs back. So now I have to take that off and still meet my goal weight. I believe I have the mindset to finish it now. Also going to do things different this time. I am going to do a less severe cut so I don't have to feel deprived. I am going to do it right this time :happy:
  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    Good topic! I've felt this too, but I caught myself and now I'm pushing hard again.

    I like the way you put it, that you're starting phase 2. I'm stealing that.
  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    All I have to do is take a picture of myself..... that always kicks me in the butt! :sad:
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    Yeah the profile pic I have posted is of me when I was nearly at my heaviest - about 7lbs from it. I kind of leave it up on purpose. It's not flattering and I can see how unhappy I was.

    I'll admit that what kicked started this thread was the realization that I was making excuses again - just like I had for the last 10 years. You know: "not enough time", "stressed", "back hurts", "treadmill is broken", etc. And food related ones: "Hey, I've lost 63lbs, I can go over my calories today" (did that THREE times last week..). I didn't go to the gym this am for all of those reasons and it just made me realize that I was slipping.

    Fall down 7 times... get up 8!
  • JeffInJax
    JeffInJax Posts: 232 Member
    It's hard for me because I only had 20 pounds to lose to begin with, and once I started losing even a few pounds people started saying I'm getting too skinny.

    My boyfriend's mother commented on how she could feel my ribs when she hugged me this past weekend, but I'm only down 5 pounds and my ribs have always been visible/feel-able, even at my highest weight (I'm pear-shaped, all my weight is in my hips/thighs/butt).

    I get discouraged by my slow loss, and then people say I'm too skinny. It's double-discouraging.

    To be honest even at my size of 250 with a goal of 225 i get negative things like that from everyone. It almost feels like people know they wont do it themselves so they dont want to know someone else is able to. I deal with people at work trying to get me to stop eating right and working out or saying "you're tall and a big guy you shouldnt worry about weight" or lately everyone makes fun of me for plugging in my calories around lunch time. Its discouraging but you arent doing it for them anyways its for yourself and just remember that =)
  • 63 pounds since January is really fast, congratulations!

    And warning, after it comes off so fast, it plateaus. It took me almost a year to go from -70 to -110. And then? Complacency kicked in and now I need to loose 29 pounds again. I'm big time changing it up this time, bought a FitBit One, a Core-Body Reformer and am actually going to track properly this time. Let's see how this keeps me motivated. :)
  • rrlwelter
    rrlwelter Posts: 40 Member
    I had multiple surgeries for several reasons 4 1/2 years ago, and wound up losing 134 pounds due to all the complications and results. My comment, from the first, has been that "If I can keep my head out of my &*(*&(), I can stay this way."

    And for me, that's my big reminder. Every so often I get stupid, and that's why I'm here at the moment: I got stupid again. I'm almost out of the stupid range, but need to keep that head up and out EVERY day.
  • HobbitSithLord
    HobbitSithLord Posts: 34 Member
    I know how this is. This combined with depression turned a 26 pound loss into a 9 pound loss and now I've got to do it all over again.
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    I think I could have written this. I am struggling to get back on track right now. I feel great, but know I would feel better if I just lost those last 25lbs or so. Glad to know I am not alone!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member

    And warning, after it comes off so fast, it plateaus.

    The rate of loss has nothing to do with a plateau. If it "comes off fast" and then plateaus, it means the person is eating at maintenance for their new weight.

    Plateaus typically happen because people fail to adjust their caloric intake to their new weight, not realizing that weight loss is about a constant lowering of calories throughout the entire process. People forget that the deficit that was doing just fine at 250 will cease to be effective at say 200.
  • almondize18
    almondize18 Posts: 15 Member
    Just coming back to this thread to add that after reading this, I changed my weight lost meter back to kg. It's so much more flattering to see my weight loss in pounds, but kg reminds me of how much more I need to go (I also grew up with kg so it's way more persuasive to me than pounds haha)!
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member

    And warning, after it comes off so fast, it plateaus.

    The rate of loss has nothing to do with a plateau. If it "comes off fast" and then plateaus, it means the person is eating at maintenance for their new weight.

    Plateaus typically happen because people fail to adjust their caloric intake to their new weight, not realizing that weight loss is about a constant lowering of calories throughout the entire process. People forget that the deficit that was doing just fine at 250 will cease to be effective at say 200.
    I think some of us just lose in fits and starts, though. It's not always overeating, it's just that it's not a perfectly linear process.
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    When I started this thing, the biggest mental adjustment I had to make was to be completely, 100% ok with slow weight loss. That's why I gave myself a full year. And really, even if I hit my goal I'd still have some to lose. Regardless, part of my success to this point was being able to look at a 1 or 2lb loss in a week and consider that a success. Or, possibly even more importantly, to look at a smaller loss or even slight gain as part of the process and to just shake it off and keep going. Just keep going. It's worked so far but it's also easy to lose sight of. Last week I lost .02lbs and I had to very deliberately take a few deep breaths and tell myself that it's still progress and it's not the end of the world or a reason to give up. BUT, I also use weeks like that to reevaluate and assess my actions and often that exposes lapses or "kidding myself" moments that I need to rectify. Just trusting the process will take patience, but it will work.......
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    Stick a picture of how you started and a pic of how you want to be put them somewhere where you will see them when you wake up and say "come on today i strive further from that and closer to that" works for me feel free to add me if you want im pretty good at motivation
  • nyrie2
    nyrie2 Posts: 1
    I totally understand and relate 100% to your recent post; I've been there and done that". it is so easy to loose focus and go with appearance. I am determined not to let it happened again. Visualize your progress, concentrate on the healthy living, exercise every chance you get and watch your intake. Don't loose guard and keep focus until you reach your goal. You are almost there, move forwards. Good luck!
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    Sending motivational thoughts your way! That's been an all too common story for me. 10 pounds gone and one compliment from someone at work? Then I deserve a reward of cake! Just remember how many more compliments you'll get losing the rest of the weight.

    It might help to try to shake up your routine for the summer.

    I do this as well. 14 lbs lost? Shoot! Let's have a week of eating poorly! Oh, and exercise? HAHAHAHAH! -_- I still have 100 lbs that I want to lose, so a stone is just a drop in the proverbial bucket.

    Started taking walks in the morning yesterday and accomplished a longer walk this morning, then walked with my son around some trails at his school. He's supportive of my goals (he's 8) and wants to walk with me tomorrow morning. :heart: My dear heart.
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    Well I seem to be back on track. Just took a little bit of a kick start and some brutal honesty with myself.. haha.
    Lost about 2.6lbs last week but more importantly, got back into better eating and exercise. This was all in the face of some pretty stressful stuff going on in my life in the past couple of weeks, so overall I'm pleased and relieved.
    Just have to trust the process... :-)
  • klaff411
    klaff411 Posts: 169 Member
    Oh my gosh can I relate. I have been there now for the last 9 months. Basically ever since vacation last summer. I was looking good, in my minds eye, in a tank top and shorts and it went to my head. I just couldn't get fully back on the wagon after that. I found my "mindset" again a few weeks ago, but the 9 months since last summer I gained over 20lbs back. So now I have to take that off and still meet my goal weight. I believe I have the mindset to finish it now. Also going to do things different this time. I am going to do a less severe cut so I don't have to feel deprived. I am going to do it right this time :happy:

    I know how you feel. I'm about 15lbs from my goal give or take. But I"ve been in a weird stall because my body is very adapted now to LCHF. Part of it is carb creep which has been my fault.
  • Congrats on the weight loss so far:) I have been there two and it has cost me. A few years ago, I got to my first goal and felt great. Was told I looked great, it was summer and I felt good. Then I thought I would just maintain for a while and eventually I gained back about 12 pounds :( I started working on fitness and weight loss again and am down 10 pounds. This time, though, that goal is only my first goal. I want to get down at least another 10 after that. Good luck to all of us with our renewed determination.
  • Should have reread my post before I sent it. I meant to say, I have been there too, not two...