People with <15 pounds to lose?



  • buttercrud
    buttercrud Posts: 20
    I'm about 15 to 20.
  • brimichaud
    brimichaud Posts: 22
    I'm right there with you guys too! I have about 13 lbs. to go. Anyone feel free to add me for support and more friends! xox
  • allergictodiets
    allergictodiets Posts: 233 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have < 10 lbs to say goodbye to.
  • Kari121869
    Kari121869 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm struggling to loose the last 15lbs (may be more but I'll decide once I FINALLY reach the last 15)... seems this 'go' has been the longest - taken me over a year just to loose 27lbs already!!
    I've reset my macros so many times I lost count lol.. Would love to get some words of wisdom or 'extra push' from ppl in the same boat - I, too, am finding myself getting discouraged and having some 'screw this' cheating days (although not too badly , but cheating days none the less).
    I have 2wks til my wedding - and while I did have to change my dress this passed Feb for one that was a 'more fitted' choice as the original was too big - I would still love to loose another 5lbs before the big day...

    Open to being added - especially to a group!!
  • StazLR
    StazLR Posts: 3
    11 lbs to go :)
  • nosekids8840
    nosekids8840 Posts: 4 Member
    Looks like there are a lot of us...12 to go here! I've done it before, so i know I can do it. Nice to have company though
  • emmanap91
    emmanap91 Posts: 300 Member
    This is me, too! So glad to see this post. I struggle a bit because my calorie allotment for the days is only 1200 calories - and I'm only supposed to see less than a pound a week loss. My ticker is wrong (somehow got off track) - I've lost 2 pounds, but that took awhile. Motivation is slow when you have to wait a while for small results. Looking forward to 5/6 weeks when hopefully that loss is over 5 pounds.

    How are things going for others?

    I'm pretty much with you, except my loss is closer to 5 pounds.
    I am on the 1200/day allotment as well, and it's tough. I tend to eat back most of my workout calories and go over on the days I don't do cardio (only by 100-200 calories, usually). I want to lose 15 more pounds to be at 115, but I know it'll be slow work.
  • honey_tequila
    honey_tequila Posts: 31 Member
    5 pounds to go over here! Love to see a group created :)
  • I have about 15 lb left to go too. I was around 135 but then went through a rough breakup, put on 5 lbs in two days, and two months later, those 5 lbs are still stuck with me. Last time I ate this strictly (not that strict as you can see from my journal...) I got to 130 easily and 125 when my mileage was around 35 per week.
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I'd like to lose 5-10 pounds - I'm in my O.K "range", albeit on the higher end. It's like trying to lose "those last 10 pounds" forever!! I just can't seem to get it done....or if I do go down some, I pop right back up. :sad:
  • marisas80
    marisas80 Posts: 116 Member
    I have 4 pounds to get to my initial goal weight (which I was until this past Christmas) and 14 pounds to get to where I really want to be at. I have to eat VERY clean and workout at least 6x per week to maintain that goal weight. I've been trying to get down to my second goal weight for YEARS!
  • estaticaa
    estaticaa Posts: 67 Member
    I am 11 lbs away from my initial goal weight, so feel free to add me!

    Although I should probably say that lately I haven't been focusing so much on losing the extra weight, but I'm looking for decreasing body fat and becoming fitter and healthier. :)
  • lorileahb
    lorileahb Posts: 14
    This is me, too! So glad to see this post. I struggle a bit because my calorie allotment for the days is only 1200 calories - and I'm only supposed to see less than a pound a week loss. My ticker is wrong (somehow got off track) - I've lost 2 pounds, but that took awhile. Motivation is slow when you have to wait a while for small results. Looking forward to 5/6 weeks when hopefully that loss is over 5 pounds.

    How are things going for others?

    I'm pretty much with you, except my loss is closer to 5 pounds.
    I am on the 1200/day allotment as well, and it's tough. I tend to eat back most of my workout calories and go over on the days I don't do cardio (only by 100-200 calories, usually). I want to lose 15 more pounds to be at 115, but I know it'll be slow work.

    I'm hopeful by Halloween I'll be there... then figure out how to somewhat maintain through the holidays... I already picture my going over with a big piece of pumpkin pie. Maybe I can start some light weights... to keep the calories burning a little longer.
  • hotplugged
    hotplugged Posts: 37
    8-10lbs here as well! (though I seem to adjust my goal down ionce I reach it lol)
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    I'll make a group when I get home from work! We have a pretty good number of people here :) Maybe we can do weekly fitness challenges or something!
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I've set my first goal to 10 lbs., and my ultimate goal to 15.

    Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • asm121
    asm121 Posts: 50 Member
    Same here. I'm looking to drop 10, and maybe an extra 5 when I get there. Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • Insomniac8
    Insomniac8 Posts: 182
    I'll make a group when I get home from work! We have a pretty good number of people here :) Maybe we can do weekly fitness challenges or something!

    Please add me in! :)
  • blackhawkdown03
    blackhawkdown03 Posts: 8 Member
    Please let us know when you start one
    I'll make a group when I get home from work! We have a pretty good number of people here :) Maybe we can do weekly fitness challenges or something!
  • i have about 15 lbs to lose and would love to join!