I need motivation!

I am a mother of four amazing children and wife to my amazing husband. I have been trying to lose weight for over a year now without sucess. I started off trying diet pills which was a huge mistake, here I am now with an arrthymia because of them and 50 pounds heavier. Needless to say I am now determined to do this the right way. I have set myself a 1500 calorie diet and packed with healthier foods and I am now down 19 pounds. I have found MFP to be just what I needed BUT I need more friends to keep my on track and to get motivation an ideas from. If you don't mind please share your stories and add me as a friend. I will do everything I can to return the favor and to give as much support as I can. Thanks everyone :)


  • jsherrill0613
    jsherrill0613 Posts: 233 Member
    This is my second go with MFP. Early last year I lost around 20 lbs then I found out I was pregnant with my second child. I gained that weight back plus more. I found MFP to be extremely helpful and great support on its own. My husband is very supportive of my weight loss even though is perfectly happy with my weight now haha! I am not happy though. I want to be healthier for my family and for me! The person I see in the mirror and in pictures is not the way I feel on the inside. I want to have fun clothes shopping again and feel comfortable in pictures with my family and friends. MFP has helped me because I am able to keep track of my calories and be accountable for what I eat! Counting calories works best for me. MFP has set my calories for a little over 1200 a day but almost every day I am under. I also workout at least 30 minutes a day. I walk or play Just Dance with my 10 year old daughter. What keeps me motivated are all those clothes in my closet that I bought before I found out that I was pregnant I can not fit in to now, BUT I will again! :-) Good luck on your journey!!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I just hit 27 pounds down this am, and my 58th day logging - feel free to add me! I do my best to comment and encourage people on my list!
  • MissSarahAllison315
    MissSarahAllison315 Posts: 263 Member
    Way to set a decent calorie limit!!!:smile: I'm on my 200th day logging!

    If you want to friend request me, please go ahead! Just tell me who you are (aka how you saw my profile please!!):flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,237 MFP Moderator
    My husband caught me looking at a bottle of diet pills once eons ago, and just rolled his eyes and said 'It doesn't come in a bottle, honey," then walked off. I put those suckers down and walked on. LOL!

    But I've done my share of fad dieting. The only thing that works for me is to be honest with myself and hold myself accountable. Friends are a great 'extra' help, though. You've got this, honey. :flowerforyou:
  • Hey there! I am back on MFP again for a second time and need more friends also. I gained 50 pounds after I was done having babies. A few years ago I joined MFP and lost the weight, and was in the best shape and health of my life! I fell in love with nutrition and went back to college for dietetics. Well, the freshman 15 (or 25 in my case) found me and now I'm back again. In my field of work, I realized how important a healthy lifestyle really is.
  • Rnk21391
    Rnk21391 Posts: 6 Member
    I have been on my fitness pal for awhile now, but I have never stuck with it. I do good for a few days and then I just go back to "normal". Well I want being healthy and active to be my normal!!! So this time, I am only on day 5, I am trying so hard to just stick with it for the long hall. I have a lot to lose and I am ready to lose it! I have made a goal for myself to exercise 5 days a week, even if it is only for 15 minutes or so. And as my body gets used to moving more I will keep increasing my time. They say it only takes 21 days to make something a habit. That is my biggest goal right now, to get to 21 days! I believe it will only become easier to keep going from there! I have a serious lack of motivation within myself, not sure why because I really want to do this and I feel that should be the only motivation I need. But clearly it isn't enough for me. I am hoping that by increasing my friend list it will make me more accountable to just keep going even when I don't want to. :)
  • Mrs_K_
    Mrs_K_ Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all for your stories and support! I look forward to all of you becoming my fit family as we go through this journey together! Outside of my home I really don't have support, even my family is laughing at me. When I told them I had lost 19 pounds so far, I got the you don't look like it and was even told "yeah,yeah how many times have you lost weight" so it's not very motivating. At least it wasn't now I use it to fuel the fire, when I am tired and want to give up or when I am craving that snickers bar, I get extra motivated to push harder or eat an apple instead! I will prove everyone wrong and I will be healthy! One day and hopefully soon!
  • TiffieLand
    TiffieLand Posts: 159
    Hi, I used to never really shared whenever I'm on a diet in real life to anyone because I thought about them laughing at me and say the things that I didn't wanted to hear to. But I think you need to share it to the right people. Those people who told you that don't deserve your attention. I do say now and do it confidently. I'm always been on the chummy side and hate it. I'm determined to do it till I reach my goal now. I want to prove some people wrong just like you too ^^ Lets support each other.
  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    I think you are doing GREAT!!!!! I am proud of you, and I am older than you but you give me motivation to keep on going and of course I would be too embarrassed to tell ya I fell off wagon LOL..

    You go girl! Im watching and keeping track :flowerforyou: :smokin:
  • mgpearce4
    mgpearce4 Posts: 71
    I'm here for my second round. It's not easy. It never will be, but doing it properly will help you to keep it off! I am here now on day 99 and I'm at a 17-18 pound loss by hard work. Diet and exercise!

    Feel free to add me if you need motivation :) That goes for anyone.