Looking for new friends to help keep me motivated!

Hi! I'm looking for new friends to help keep me motivated. I am 32 yrs old and 5'8". I currently have plateaued at around 234lbs. I am a baker and work a very labour intensive job which has my cal allowance at 1900 per day. I get up at 3am everyday and have a small breakfast but then a second small breakfast around 8am. I have my diary open to view...and yes I cheat with burger king or other crappy foods I shouldnt eat once in awhile (in moderation) so no judging. I only have a couple friends and I find the more people might be checking my stats out, the more motivated it will keep me to stay away from the junk. I started at 270lbs 2yrs ago and started using mfp at 242 lbs. My goal is 190lbs. Tips and constructive advice welcome!

Thanks and happy tracking!


  • sheedy17
    sheedy17 Posts: 128
    I would like to try to help with anything I can to get you motivated, send a FR
  • superfox30
    superfox30 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey thanks! And we're practically neighbors! I'm in nova scotia lol
  • Yellowbelly84
    Yellowbelly84 Posts: 33 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Whoop for motivation
  • anissa333
    anissa333 Posts: 175 Member
    Anyone can add me. I always need new friends. The more motivation the better!!
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    hello all feel free to add if you want..always happy to make a new friend!
  • Anyone feel free to add me! I love new friends and I'm on here everyday!
  • asm121
    asm121 Posts: 50 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. Any little motivation boost helps.
  • aleyjewell
    aleyjewell Posts: 65 Member
    I can help motivate!! Feel free to add me anyone!
  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    Welcome!! I lost 150 pounds on my own, before this site. With this site I have lost another 50 pds it is amazing the amount of support you get. The support and motivation you get on here keeps you going. Feel free to add me if you need an extra motivating buddy :)

  • Ditto for me, feel free to add! It is so nice to have people to talk/write to who understand how challenging it can be, and how good it feels, to successfully lose and maintain weight!! I too lost a lot of pounds over the course of 5 years, slowly, and almost at goal. Just joined MFP today!
  • riadhdeb
    riadhdeb Posts: 211 Member
    You can add me any time x
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Me too! I had a terrible food week (oh so delicious but ooooh my tummy hates me now). I'd love some motivational support! Let's add each other!
  • Rnk21391
    Rnk21391 Posts: 6 Member
    I sent you a FR. I am in a similar boat. I have a lot to lose and have been having a rough time with motivation. Any FR are welcome my way as well! :)
  • Anyone feel free to add me! I need more accountability and motivation myself.
  • Hello dear, nice to see your post! I am new to this site, and also have some weight to loose. I am a lot older than you (67) but I guess we are all fighting the same fight. You are about the same age as my son (35) and he is in the process of also wanting to loose weight. I am a retired grandma so I have all day to think about food. lol I bought some books, and also some videos on exercizing. I have a treadmill and a stationary bike, so I have no good excuse and that is bad. And sad. lol Where do you think you need the most help? Just having a friend going thru the same thing? I am here! I have not had time to really look thru this site and see what all they have to offer, but I really like the fact we can visit back and forth with each other, and support each other, I think that is very important! I sure can relate with you, I am in the same boat! Hang in there, we can do this!
  • rfrfrffrfrrfrr
    rfrfrffrfrrfrr Posts: 81 Member
    You're more than welcome to add me, I motivate all my friends, and love talking to new people :)
  • courtneyaspeleiter3
    courtneyaspeleiter3 Posts: 4 Member
    I am also welcoming to any friends requests to keep us all motivated. I struggle with my love of junk food... *sigh*
  • Cutefrog
    Cutefrog Posts: 6
    I found that the more people I tell the more motivated I am as well. I even started posting my workouts on facebook to get more comments from people. The more you are cheered on the more you will succeed. In my opinion. Good Luck.. also, try to find walking groups or other people in your area using the Find Members section of MFP. Great way to make friends going through the same struggle!
  • softspoken
    softspoken Posts: 3 Member
    you are more than welcome to add me...I think motivation is good for all of us and we all need it...I'm just starting my journey and I'm looking for friends as well...