Anyone Have PCOS?



  • thelowcarblady
    thelowcarblady Posts: 137 Member
    Hi, I am so glad you posted this. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS. Before last month, I don't think I've ever heard of it. I've been doing a little research and noticed that I have majority of the symptoms that comes with it. And I've had these symptoms for a long time but my doctor never thought to test for it. I go to my OBGYN next month so I guess I will know more. And I worry about everything so of course I have been freaked out ever since I found out I had it.

    I'm just going straight to my OBGYN since I read that they can diagnose as well as look into it further whereas a primary physician might be able to diagnose but then refer I am just going straight to the lady doctor! lol.

    I don't know if I have it exactly, I now have a strong feeling I do -- esp considering we haven't been using any protection for like a year or more and nothing...then I remember my periods changing more when I gained all this weight and so on so I can totally understand why I might have it. It actually makes a lot of sense now.

    I'll add you as a friend and maybe we can get through all this together! lol. Hoping for the best!
  • heidianne92907
    heidianne92907 Posts: 5 Member
    I was tested for PCOS when I was 17 years old because I had not started my period. Sure enough I was diagnosed with it and they said some of the signs were the hair growth on my stomach, my pear body shape, acne and chin hair. The reasoning for the painful periods were because the ovaries have cysts on them and when the menstruation starts the cysts can break causing severe pain. It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does it is very painful.
  • thelowcarblady
    thelowcarblady Posts: 137 Member
    I was tested for PCOS when I was 17 years old because I had not started my period. Sure enough I was diagnosed with it and they said some of the signs were the hair growth on my stomach, my pear body shape, acne and chin hair. The reasoning for the painful periods were because the ovaries have cysts on them and when the menstruation starts the cysts can break causing severe pain. It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does it is very painful.

    I am so glad I don't have painful periods, I'm sorry that you have had to deal with that!! If I do end up having PCOS I guess I am lucky for not having some of the crappier symptoms. I heard that some can have the pain without the cyst bursting, just pain from them being swollen or enlarged.

    I have an appt with my OBGYN on Thursday, though, so hopefully I can figure out wth is going on! lol
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    I have most of the symptoms of PCOS, however have not been diagnosed yet and don't want to be until I'm done with my current struggle of weight loss. Once I'm at my goal weight or within 10 lbs of it, I will find out, even though I am pretty sure I already know what the doctor will say.
  • PhysicalGraffiti
    PhysicalGraffiti Posts: 6 Member
    I was also in the 6th grade when I started my period. I don't recall many other girls my age having periods, think there was 3 of us. I always had very LONG HEAVY Irregular periods in my early teens and into my twenties. When I say long I mean 10-14 days of heavy bleeding. I was anemic. I would be in bed for the first couple days of my period each month just because I was in so much pain. I had cysts that bursts and would put pressure on my ovaries. Out of all the Dr's I saw no one ever said PCOS to me. It was always just "take these birth control and you'll be fine." I was never overweight then, but I was always active so it must have balanced out.

    I had three very rough pregnancies. One ended at 12 weeks due to a partial molar pregnancy, one was premature by 6 weeks, one was just hell on my body. When I hit 25 my periods just all of a sudden changed. I went from long heavy periods to short periods. From 10-14 days to 4 days. Then out of nowhere I started having No Periods. I would go 5-6 months without a period then have one period then not start gain for 3 months. I went to the Dr when I was I think 26 and she tested my hormones, which were within normal limits, my thyroid was low at 0.08, and she sent me for an internal ultrasound. I had the classic "String of Pearls" in both ovaries. After that she didn't give me any advice. I was basically sent home with no more knowledge than when I went to her office other than now knowing that my thyroid is low and I have PCOS.

    I went to my family Dr who gave me metformin, but after 3 weeks I couldn't handle the side effects and she took me off of it. I felt like I had the worst stomach bug ever when I was taking it. I couldn't leave the bathroom. It was awful! So here I am almost 33 now, 6 years after my "diagnosis", I still don't have a Dr who takes the time to help. I'm also not on anything for my thyroid. So weight loss for me is extremely slow. I get frustrated A LOT! It takes me so long to lose weight, but I gain it so easily. I have other symptoms as well like many of you... Oily skin, tags, weight, hairs, acne, depression.