Elliptical VS Treadmill



  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I loved the treadmill and walking at different speeds and inclines (I don't run anywhere), after my strength training routine. But my knees don't like it anymore and after my arthroscopic surgery the doctor told me to stay away from the treadmill. I do miss it but I don't like to feel pain in my knees.

    I only do cardio as a warm up and before my strength training routine, so the water rower, ARC trainer or elliptical are my choices. They all work the upper body too so I get a nice overall warm up. I do burn more calories using the ARC and I think that it targets the glutes and legs better than the other two, and my knees don't complain as much either.

    Just stick to what you enjoy more.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Elliptical I feel is easier. For my Aunt it is the exact opposite.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    As you've probably noticed this is a pretty split group as it all boils down to personal preference. Here's yet another personal opinion...
    I purchased a higher end elliptical to have at home a few years ago because the gym involved actually waiting in line to use cardio equipment most days and my patience had run out. I debated for weeks over treadmill or elliptical and made the decision on the elliptical because I felt I got a better all over workout. You can adjust the stride on the higher quality machines so that it fits you better, don't be afraid to hit the sporting stores and try a bunch of them out, play with the features and use the programming that's why they have them on display.
    I used to use the treadmill as well and played with the incline and speeds for varied workouts now I run outside and go for hilly areas as it's a more physical challenge but on a rainy, cold or super hot and humid day I'm very thankful that elliptical is right there waiting for me at home.

    Good luck to you with your choice and seriously test them out in the stores not matter which you choose you want a quality machine.
  • Ella1882
    Ella1882 Posts: 27
    I love the elliptical, but, even though it's supposed to be low impact, when I used the elliptical daily I wrecked my knees.

    I will say, though, that it was really easy to get my heart-rate up to around 180 on the elliptical while keeping my perceived exertion level low. On the treadmill, I feel like I'm working really hard hard when my HR is over 150. On the elliptical, by contrast, I felt just lovely and relaxed when my HR was 150-180.

    As others noted, however, every body (and everybody) is different.

    If you opt for the elliptical, I'd make sure that the stride isn't too wide for you. I think that was the source of my trouble with the elliptical. If you have narrow hips, many elliptical machines may be set too wide for you. There are a lot of machines out there, so you should be able to find one built for you. :)

    *Edited to clarify potential joint issues with elliptical.
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    I love the elliptical and for the life of me, I have no idea why a year ago I didn't purchase one instead of my treadmill! I like the treadmill but the ellipictical to me personally is not as boring as the treadmill and I feel that I get a better "overall" work-out on the elliptical. As others have said before, it truly is a personal preference.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Personally I prefer the elliptical. I like that it's easier on my knees than running, plus I feel like it's more of a whole body workout, if that makes sense. I like that it makes me move my arms and kind of work my torso as well.
  • beardedwarriortx
    beardedwarriortx Posts: 238 Member
    When my knees ache or its been a super heavy lifting day I do the elliptical. If I went lighter or my knees feel good then I do the treadmill.
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    neither. Stair Master
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    It all depends on what you do on it. If I'm doing 5k runs I prefer the treadmill, it makes me work up a harder sweat and forces me to push through it. If I'm doing a HIIT workout I prefer the elliptical because its less stressful on my joints.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    For me, it's neither. I much prefer the arc trainer. Honestly, they all give a good workout. It's just personal preference.
  • rexroars
    rexroars Posts: 131 Member
    I run more often, but I switch it up to elliptical sometimes because running too often really is hard on the knees! I honestly hate the elliptical though lol... Swimming is best of all :)
  • KameHameHaaa
    KameHameHaaa Posts: 244 Member
    I have a ruptured disc, permanent nerve damage, and 5-year plantar fasciitis in both feet >_< For me the elliptical is the best bet. I also use my polar HRM which has helped a lot with my overall performance and calorie burn. When I walk I do that around the neighborhood, also with the HRM, just for the sake of walking and I like to take part in 5k's. I burn more on the elliptical simply because I can last longer.
  • wendyking1979
    wendyking1979 Posts: 71 Member
    For some reason, I have knee and hip pain when I use the elliptical. But I can run on the treadmill, or outside with no problem. I think the elliptical is incredibly awkward and annoying, but that's just my opinion. Go to a gym and try both, or switch it up when you feel like it.
  • ebbingfat
    ebbingfat Posts: 117 Member
    I can't stand the elliptical machine, personally. I find that I get bored on it very easily, and the amount of effort I'm putting in drops when I'm not paying attention. On the treadmill, I have to keep up with whatever speed I've chosen. I'm not going to slow down if I zone out.

    Plus, I just feel like I get a better workout from the treadmill, and the range of motion seems more natural and functional.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    i use a precor elliptical crosstrainer. It doesn't have the hand things that ellipticals have. That's good. I have a hard time coordinating all 4 of my limbs. super graceful. I prefer to run outside. Treadmills give me shin splints and outside doesn't. weird huh?
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    elliptical will help endurance out a bit, but nothing else about the machine can translate to the real world as the motion is not something you would ever do if not on the elliptical. Treadmill on the other hand is a "normal" motion (walking, running, jogging) and can help improve performance in any activity that uses that, and will increase overal endurance.

    If you are going on calorie burn, don't compare what the readout on the machines say, treadmills tend to be fairly accurate, if you enter, age, gender, weight, elliptical, even with that info can be way off as the calculation of work done used by the machine has not been tested and verified as the one use on treadmills.

    Another issue with elliptical is that if the stride pattern is not your natural length it can overtime cause injury to hips and knees as your body is not "supposed to" move like that.

    A lot of machines in the gym don't translate to the real world - they don't have to. they are designed to isolate and build on specific muscle groups. The elliptical is meant as a pure cardio machine to burn calories and improve heart health while enabling the user to not suffer unnecessary joint pain, and it does that.

    haha Thank you!
  • roenutrition
    roenutrition Posts: 26 Member
    Sorry replied to the wrong person
  • MRSpivey
    MRSpivey Posts: 270 Member
    I prefer walking very fast (~3.8-4.2 mph) on an incline (~8-10) on the treadmill.
  • CleanUpWhatIMessedUp
    CleanUpWhatIMessedUp Posts: 206 Member
    I prefer the elliptical.

    On the treadmill, I'm tempted to walk more than run and that doesn't burn as many calories as being on the elliptical.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,218 MFP Moderator
    Running outside. If not, then elliptical. Treadmills are torture devices designed to throw me off the back and make me hit my head on a wall/mirror/torture device.