Weight loss after workouts

Does anybody else ever drop a few pounds after working out? It always happens to me. For example, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I was roughly the same weight. Then, last night I went to the gym, and this morning I was three pounds lighter.

Now, I know my workouts are nowhere near intense enough to burn that many calories. So what do you think it is, just getting rid of water weight that my body has been holding onto? Because it seems like it's always the day after a gym day that my body drops pounds.


  • Joshloe
    Joshloe Posts: 14 Member
    water weight from sweating
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I've never weighed myself after a workout, but I actually find I feel/look a bit bigger after exercise, especially cardio. I don't know what that's about, and it goes back to normal by the next morning (I do cardio at night), but it's always been that way for me.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I usually gain weight from workouts due to water retention in my muscles but I do a fair amount of resistance training.

    Regardless if the question is "I gained/lost X pounds in one day what happened?!?" the answer is always "water retention/loss"
  • sheedy17
    sheedy17 Posts: 128
    I would say its water weight, unless you ran 70 miles or such haha
  • lukewind
    lukewind Posts: 177 Member
    I never lose weight at a steady pace, it always seems to come in big chunks. I will go all week at the same weight or even more then the previous week but then one day I will wake up and I will be down 3 or 4 pounds. It just happens that way sometimes. I have lost 2 pounds while sleeping before, even before going to the restroom after waking up, its weird but I am not complaining.
  • ebbingfat
    ebbingfat Posts: 117 Member
    I would say its water weight, unless you ran 70 miles or such haha

    Hahaha, if only I had that sort of endurance.
  • ebbingfat
    ebbingfat Posts: 117 Member
    I never lose weight at a steady pace, it always seems to come in big chunks. I will go all week at the same weight or even more then the previous week but then one day I will wake up and I will be down 3 or 4 pounds. It just happens that way sometimes. I have lost 2 pounds while sleeping before, even before going to the restroom after waking up, its weird but I am not complaining.

    That's how mine seems to be coming off too. I just have chunks of days where my weight will stay the same, or just fluctuate by fractions of a pound, and then one day (typically after working out) several pounds are just gone. So, I imagine my weight must slowly be changing, but at the same time my body is just retaining a lot of water. I must just sweat all that water weight off during working out or something.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Besides water retention and loss the primary way your body loses mass is through your breath exchanging O2 for CO2. You will lose weight from 8 hours of sleeping just through your breath.

    During exercise the exchange of CO2 O2 goes up..
    That is actually how they measure calorie burn accurately, by tracking the O2 volume you exchange.
  • monolith66
    monolith66 Posts: 168 Member
    A body composition scale helps out a lot in finding out for sure instead of guessing. My scale checks overall weight, body fat %, muscle mass, water %, bone mass, BMI and visceral fat. I don't think I could ever use a conventional scale, I like to see the whole picture.