Anything can be unhealthy

JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
I wanted to share this with everyone. I have been on my fitness journey for about 7 years now. A couple years back. It got addicting. If I miss my work out, or didn't eat perfect. I would be so upset with myself. I would let it ruin my day. I would let it affect my attitude on life. I would stare at myself in the mirror. I would pinch myself where I still had fat. I would examine and judge myself everyday, and not in a positive way. I did not care about anything else. I was being selfish. I needed to get my workout in, I needed to eat right. The thing is. I was not enjoying it. It was consuming me. It was making me crazy! I would have a lot of anxiety. I would put myself down. When I should of been excited about my results! I should of let inspire me. It was controlling me. My mind was just glued to one thing that was it. I woke up, I prayed. My boyfriend told me he could see me acting different. He asked where did the positive Jessica go? Of course I was stubborn and attacked back. I stopped and really thought about that comment. Where did I go? Anything good for you can be a negative impact on your life. Remember to have balance. Remember what life is all about. Its about love, and building relationships with other people. Its about spending as much time with your love ones. Do not let weight lifting, eating, or any other workout consume you. Its okay to skip a workout, its okay to not eat perfect. We are all human! We all make mistakes. Just remember where you started and how far you have come. We will go over those bumps. Everyday that goes by you will get stronger. Do not make skipping your workouts a habit. Remember its okay, its okay if you gained a couple pounds. Its okay. Enjoy life, and remember fitness and health is a journey enjoy it! If anyone out there needs someone to talk too. Please message me! Hope everyone has a fab day!


  • laurenleola
    laurenleola Posts: 8 Member
    You're exactly right. We are humans and we will all make mistakes. This isn't an easy journey. It comes with it's up and downs. No one can be perfect. We just have to learn to cope.
  • 1FearlessFighter
    1FearlessFighter Posts: 114 Member
    i love taking care of myself, i spend around an hour or some days two, working out, those are the times for ME, its not selfish, its taking care of myself to be healthy .we only live once; make the most of your life, and this is not just about being healthy , health comes under one of the many branches of life and if that branch dominates the others it can overload and snap. share your life with others, enjoy new experiences, spend time with family, socialise, stop striving for perfection, as you said, make mistakes, learn from them and find new ways of accomplishing things, love life, be strong and be happy,
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Make it fit, is how I feel!

    Paragraphs, please.
  • MaeRay007
    MaeRay007 Posts: 68 Member
  • JaysWays
    JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
    Health is very important. I never said it wasn't. That is great you do that for yourself. Me time is the best. I am just saying I see a lot of people letting it take over there lives. Thats all they care about. Thats all they do. That is how I was. I was just sharing my story to help others;-) I was just saying how there needs to be balance in all the things we do with our life. To much of something that is good for you, can also affect you in a bad way. Keep up the good work.
  • JaysWays
    JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
    well said<3
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    Yes, anything can become unhealthy if it turns into obsession. It can be a slippery slope for some people.