Zumba!? What do you all think?

Kshorter27 Posts: 3
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I have a few friends that do Zumba *religiously*. They LOVE it, and look amazing!
What are everyone thoughts on Zumba? Anyone try it?
It SOUNDS fun, and i love a good workout... but ill admit that im scared. Im not the most amazing dancer and am afraid about my lack of coordination lol.

Any feedback would be appreciated :)

Thanks, Katrina


  • GonnaDoIt
    GonnaDoIt Posts: 36 Member
    I've been thinking the same thing. I hope someone post thoughts on this.....
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    there's been tons and tons of posts on this lately. Go to "search" and type zumba... you'll find many threads.
  • sweating_it_off
    sweating_it_off Posts: 5 Member
    I started doing Zumba a few months ago and I love it!! Its a great workout and a great way to make new friends. You should try it. :-)
  • tea76
    tea76 Posts: 35
    i did enjoy it for a while and then i wanted to hit the gym!
    its great fun and a great laugh though
  • It's a FUN way to burn calories. Look at it that way. It is up to you whether you enjoy it or not! :)
    Classes vary drastically by instructor. Some instructors keep it basic and it's really dancey, others make it a WORKOUT with squats and jumping and really mix it up. Give it a try, you might love it. I am not one for classes often but I did enjoy Zumba when I used to do it. My PT was the instructor she made it well worth it! :)
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I started taking a zumba class in June, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. If I could do it every day I would. I've never taken a dance class in my life, and this wasn't easy, but it was LOADS of fun. You burn tons of calories doing it, and you don't feel like you are "exercising". I ventured out 20 miles in negative temperatures on roads that were drifted to get to my class tonight. Yes, I think it's awesome! Give it a try. What do you have to lose! You probably won't get the steps right away, but just keep moving. That's the zumba motto!
  • I have done it before and I am not coordinated either. I enjoyed the music so much that it didn't matter that I wasn't coordinated. I burned a lot of calories and worked up a good sweat so it does work.
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    it's SUPER fun and you don't have to be a dancing pro to have fun and get a good workout! I took my boyfriend to a class just this past weekend. He was able to keep up w/ the rest of the class.:wink:
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    it's SUPER fun and you don't have to be a dancing pro to have fun and get a good workout! I took my boyfriend to a class just this past weekend. He was able to keep up w/ the rest of the class.:wink:
    Imagine 4 squirrels all fighting to control each limb. That pretty much sums up my dancing ability. But I had a blast doing it, no one got a black eye from me and I realized I am not genetically predisposed to move my hip like the other participants there.
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    it's SUPER fun and you don't have to be a dancing pro to have fun and get a good workout! I took my boyfriend to a class just this past weekend. He was able to keep up w/ the rest of the class.:wink:
    Imagine 4 squirrels all fighting to control each limb. That pretty much sums up my dancing ability. But I had a blast doing it, no one got a black eye from me and I realized I am not genetically predisposed to move my hip like the other participants there.
    you were HOTT!
    <tiger growl>
  • Tara_Alesia
    Tara_Alesia Posts: 38 Member
    I just took my first Zumba class tonight, and it was SO MUCH FUN. I'm definitely planning on going back when work permits.. Whether it's the later class or the class I did tonight. I will find out how to do it at least once a week.
  • gdnplnty
    gdnplnty Posts: 170 Member
    I went to my first class last week. Actually the ladies that I work with dragged me by my heels to go to class. I am not rythmically inclined, can't dance very well, and certainly can not do much impact on my right knee due to massive surgeries in there. I did NOT wanna go...nope didn't want to it at all. I did not want to see myself giggling what should not have been giggled, and seeing myself in all those mirrors. Talk about a scary sight to me!

    I loved it. I danced and sweated, and did not know any of the movements at all, but I was sure following my best. I was so surprised to see ladies of all shapes and sizes there. There was one lady who was right in front of me, good, she was hiding me, who was doing all the same moves, and while she wasn't able to do them all, like me, she was still giving it her all. She was my hero for the day. She had such an energy about her. She had this jingle belt on, and was swaying her hips and moving her arms all around and having a blast. Needless to say, I got sucked in to the energy. After every song I would hit up the water bottle, then the next would start again. Soon I was wishing I had my own jingle belt and dancing the evening away.

    As the instructor told me, it doesn't matter if you can do all the steps perfectly. She told me that since I haven't exercised in a really long time, just doing something is better than nothing right now, and soon, I will get that rhythm thing down. She was good in showing me some alternative steps so that the impact on my right knee was not as bad. I can't wait to go back. This is such a good investment for me. I get to dance, and learn to sway and move to the groove.

    Perhaps I can get those swaying hips of mine to entice the hubby to join me sometime. :-)

    Oh, and I have ordered a jingle belt of mine own and can't wait!

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  • I definitely get why you'd be nervous about the lack of coordination...I'm the same way. I also, at the moment, don't belong to a gym. That's why I do Zumba for the Wii... I can do it in the comfort of my own home and no one has to see me. Plus, the moves are really easy to pick up, so it's confusing for about 2 seconds and then you'll have it down. Definitely do it! I've been doing it for 2 weeks now and it seems to have given me more energy and I can tell results already. Good luck!
  • Some friends and I took a class in the summer and it was alot of fun. And is a great workout. I just stopped going because I am not good at being somewhere at a certain time for a class. I think a Zumba dvd would be awesome, but if you are good at attending classes I would recommend it for sure.
  • Oh, and you don't have to be a great dancer, you just take your time learning the steps, everyone is usually very encouraging and helpful if you take a class, you just get in the back and watch everyone else until you learn the steps.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I'm a certified Zumbaholic who is hoping to become a certified Zumba instructor in the future.

    Zumba is absolutely fabulous but if you get a bad instructor, it can take the wind out of the workout really. There are so many people being certified and teaching nowadays that it's hard know who's good and who isn't (trust me - I've been in a class with an awful teacher and had to basically concentrate on the routines, which I knew by heart, and just do it - never went back to her class again!).

    In a nutshell, IT IS GREAT and I love it but if you do go to a class where the teacher isn't great, don't be turned off! Find another instructor and try his or her class instead. Good luck! :-)
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Classes vary drastically by instructor. Some instructors keep it basic and it's really dancey, others make it a WORKOUT with squats and jumping and really mix it up.
    I really dislike that. The purpose of Zumba is it's not supposed to feel like a workout!
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    I LOVE Zumba! It's so motivating to see everyone there, and I have no coordination or rhythm. I've found that people are more focused on themselves or the instructor, so they don't even notice if you're not following along exactly. Plus, everyones been the newbie before, and once you figure out how the instructor teaches, it's easy to pick up. A lot of moves are repetitive and used in more than one song. And you'll find the more you go, the easier it is to do the moves. :)

    I have a woman in my class who can only sit in a chair in the corner, but she does all that she can with her arms and moves her legs around to the music. She's amazing, and I look forward to seeing her! She's dedicated and enjoys the class so much that she does what she can to be there.

    I totally recommend at least giving it a try!
  • Classes vary drastically by instructor. Some instructors keep it basic and it's really dancey, others make it a WORKOUT with squats and jumping and really mix it up.
    I really dislike that. The purpose of Zumba is it's not supposed to feel like a workout!
    I don't mean emotionally feel like it, I mean physically. If it doesn't feel like a workout then it is not as beneficial. She doesn't make you stand there and squat. It's all incorporated in the dance moves and you don't even realize, which is good for people who don't do anything aside from zumba. The instructor should make our as beneficial for her members as possible while keeping it a blast. This is what she does. She is a certified pt, zumba instructor-many of them, toning, aqua, tomic, gold and she also teaches drums alive and belly dancing weight watchers coach. She teaches zumba related classes 11 times a week. In 3 different contracts or facilities. She has a possy lol a huge following and her classes at times have well over 100 people in them. She is amazing!!!
  • I LOVE Zumba! It's so motivating to see everyone there, and I have no coordination or rhythm. I've found that people are more focused on themselves or the instructor, so they don't even notice if you're not following along exactly. Plus, everyones been the newbie before, and once you figure out how the instructor teaches, it's easy to pick up. A lot of moves are repetitive and used in more than one song. And you'll find the more you go, the easier it is to do the moves. :)

    I have a woman in my class who can only sit in a chair in the corner, but she does all that she can with her arms and moves her legs around to the music. She's amazing, and I look forward to seeing her! She's dedicated and enjoys the class so much that she does what she can to be there.

    I totally recommend at least giving it a try!
    This is a great story! Have fun! That's the best way to look at it. :)
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