Trying Insanity for the billionth time...

I've tried Insanity four or five times over the last couple years and I never seem to make it past the third week. Now that it's summer and I have more time I've decided to try it again. I have some questions though -- for those of you who've done or are doing Insanity, how do you stay motivated? What should I do if I miss a day? I usually just offset everything by one day and treat it as my rest day, but then if I miss two or more days I get discouraged and end up just stopping. Should I just not worry if I miss a day and continue as per the calendar? Also, how much water should I be drinking during a workout? Thanks!

I'm planning on starting on Monday, June 30th. I haven't worked out for a while so it'll be a challenge but here's hoping I can do it. If anyone here is planning on starting Insanity as well maybe we could start together and compare results? That might help with motivation. :)


  • basiabroker
    basiabroker Posts: 48 Member
    I'm only on Day 5 but I am getting a lot of motivation from becoming friends with girls on here who are also doing Insanity. I love reading their food diaries for new food ideas and love seeing them log their workouts and knowing they are going through all the same things as me.
  • ice_fire_89
    I did all but the final week about three years ago. I lost twelve pounds and got great muscle definition in my legs -- even my skinny calves. It strengthened my hip stabilizers and I believe was the main solution to correcting my hip imbalance. I've tried to get back into it, but I can reason my way out of doing the workouts until there is no more time in the day. Now I do it first thing in the morning, 5 days a week. I'm 1.5 weeks in. Some water retention and soreness. Having cross-training shoes is a good way to prevent shin splints (I don't know if that's an issues for you). I also do shin exercises right after to strengthen those muscles. I look out the window too. I get sick of Tania being a ham for the camera. Good luck :-).
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Since you've started and stopped so many times before, you know exactly what it entails. Maybe it's just not your thing? I think the motiviation to finish the program comes from wanting to see how your level of fitness improves over that time (hence the fit tests) so if you don't care enough to follow that through, maybe find something else that you enjoy more and that you care about more? Or just have a varied workout? I have all sorts of fitness interests including spinning, dancing, lifting, running and pilates to name a few. I do them all. I take days off when I need them and I never worry about it. I think the key to finding long term success with weight loss and fitness is to do what you like, and challenge yourself with those things. I did Insanity and I found that I definitely didn't enjoy jumping around my living room 6 days/week. I missed the outdoors and the spin bike and dancing, ya know?
  • Adaniel65
    Adaniel65 Posts: 105 Member
    I do insanity but I do it in an Insanity class at my gym with an instructor. The group setting is what gets me through it b/c I know I would not stick w/it in my living room.

    FYI... be sure to modify those jumps etc. since you're just starting. No sense injuring yourself.

    Good luck.
  • liz_walkerrr
    liz_walkerrr Posts: 38 Member
    I'm on my second round.. Idk what motivates me, TBH. I'm getting great results and I can feel myself improving. I think that is motivation enough for me! If I'm feeling sluggish, I make myself push play and tell myself to at least do the warm-up (which is a workout in and of itself.) After I have done the warmup, I always finish the rest of the workout. Then I feel like I have really accomplished something! Maybe that's my motivation-- the feeling of success day in and day out.
    DO NOT SKIP A WORKOUT DAY. Wherever you leave off and take your rest day, start it up from there the following day. The first month is conditioning you for the raging hell that is the second month, and if you skip your workouts during the first month you probably will not be ready for what's to come.
  • liz99887
    liz99887 Posts: 9 Member
    I do pretty much the same thing. I work out every morning as soon as I wake up. If I'm not feeling motivated, I work out anyways. Now that it's become a habit I don't worry about if I "feel like" working out, I just do it. If I'm feeling super lazy I'll tell myself I just have to put on my workout clothes and push play. Of course once it starts I join in.

    I also printed out the insanity schedule and hung it on my wall. When I finish a workout I cross it off the calendar. It helps me to see my progress and makes me not want to break the chain of crossed out days.