Whats your drive

attybell Posts: 81 Member
What has you on this journey ?? Is it an ex boyfriend/girlfriend , a class reunion, a certain outfit ?? For me it is all about health, and those jeans, you know the ones, I want to wear those again lol


    APLAWING Posts: 36
    Yes, the jeans! And being able to go into an AE or Aeropostale and buy a pair of jeans without having to "special order" the big size because they don't carry them in the store...
  • mbauer013
    mbauer013 Posts: 34 Member
    I used to be a pretty fit guy in highschool so I know I can do it, but pretty much my motivation is my wife and son. Our 10th anniversary is coming up soon, so my goal is to be the same weight as when we got married by then, but that is still short of my ultimate goal. My wake up call was my last Dr. appointment, my weight showed up on the scale as 298, and I pretty much said, no way am I going over 300! I want to be around for my son, and actually live to see all of those retirement dreams my wife and I make.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Being able to do the farm work I have to do, since my husband no longer can.
  • ktroiano1983
    ktroiano1983 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't want to get any weight-related illnesses, like diabetes, etc. Also, there's this pair of pants I wore 10 years ago when I met my husband that I'd die to fit into. He's always stayed the same weight -- 165 lbs -- while over the course of the last 10 years I've gained 50 or more. Also, I'd just like to feel more comfortable in my skin.
  • MsPantherNPink
    MsPantherNPink Posts: 24 Member
    For me it's health first, and then there are these jeans I bought last year that were 2 sizes to small (intentionally). I AM determined to wear those jeans "THIS" fall/winter.:drinker:
  • My driver at the moment is not jeans, it's three pairs of new pants I bought for work. I'm currently at that annoying place in between sizes, the 14 is too big and almost falls off, the 12s are a teeny bit too tight to wear comfortably all day. I spent almost $100 buying those new clothes and it's annoying that now they feel too tight. I want to lose the weight or inches so that I can be more comfortable and almsot instantly expand my wardrobe! (Plus I already spent the money on them). And I do need new jeans as well, but am hesitant to buy any because 14s will be too big and 12s too small uncomfortable, ugh!

    My best motivation to keep going (I've been at this a whole 3 days so far) is all my friends on Facebook, Instagram and now here on MFP who are cheering me on and joining me on the journey! I've started the Couch to 5K running program and so far so good! Even my manager at work is doing it so we check in with each other. Even 3 days in I am feeling better about myself (it's all in my head, I know) but I am proud of myself for almost getting through the first week of C25K without a hitch!
  • Both parents got type II diabetes. 50% chance that I will develop it, and I have one sister. Do the math. ;)
    The truth is that type II is primarily caused by lifestyle, and I assume the data comes from the fact that children tend to maintain a lifestyle similar to their parents'. Be the change!
  • marchellaz
    marchellaz Posts: 70 Member
    self confidence...entering the dating scene, applying for new jobs. I am awkward hiding behind the fat. I feel with losing weight it will comeback and allow my personality to shine through again.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Um.. not much for me. If I had to pick then... for now it's fitness. Maybe because I think my bf will propose soon. But.. does anyone else feel like they don't really have a reason but are going through the motions? Technically I was overweight so it's not hurting me. Motivation is a problem for me I guess.
  • KarenB927
    KarenB927 Posts: 94 Member
    Gaining weight after becoming severely hypothyroid and developing major problems with gluten when I had to have my thyroid killed off with Radioactive Iodine because I had thyroid nodules. That was causing out-of-control hyperthyroidism. I spent a year feeling absolutely awful every single day until my endocrinologist suggested that I might have Celiac Disease because once I reached my correct dose of Synthroid, my symptoms did not get better, they actually began to get worse, and for an added bonus I started losing my hair! Once I cut out gluten I felt incredible for the first time in a year. That enabled me to exercise again, I found MFP app and started using that. I've lost 30 lbs and am at my weight goal. I'm now working on muscle building. For the first time in my life (and I'm 55, soon to be 56) I actually SEE my deltoid muscles!
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    I don't want to be fat and gross anymore. Plain and simple.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    self confidence...entering the dating scene, applying for new jobs. I am awkward hiding behind the fat. I feel with losing weight it will comeback and allow my personality to shine through again.

  • fauxpunker
    fauxpunker Posts: 59 Member
    I work in a hospital. My time here has led me to be terrified of diabetes and I was on the road to it for sure. Not gonna let that happen.
  • I want to be a triathlete but ive always carried too much weight. its working for me so far i think :)
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,007 Member
    There are a hundred reasons I want to lose weight but number one is simple...

    I want to be normal...thats it. To blend into a crowd will be so sweet.
  • szkodzt
    szkodzt Posts: 124 Member
    My biggest driver is my kids. I realized that I didn't want to be the mom that sits on the sidelines and watches - I want to be the one jumping and playing with my kids. So I need to be fit and healthy to do that. Also, I obviously want to make sure I am around for as much of their life events as possible.

    Of course looking good and feeling good about the way I look is also a driver. I have a pair of pants that I also bought a little small intentionally and my short term goal is to fit into those. We are also heading to Europe at the end of August and I hope to be about 10 lbs lighter by that time.
  • mosichd
    mosichd Posts: 12
    For me it's Hawaii in November, walking up stairs with out getting winded, fitting into all my clothes comfortably and being healthy. A lot of things are motivators for me but having friends on here for support is a big help so feel free to add me!
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    In no particular order:

    Doing it with my partner for a long healthy, happy life with her.

    Shopping!! I love shopping and clothes and having new clothes and wearing new clothes and forgetting about those new clothes so I can buy new clothes.

    To run marathons, only doing 5k at the moment but as I get lighter I run further!

    Middle finger raised high to people who ever doubted me.

  • emjohnson03
    emjohnson03 Posts: 8 Member
    Love this topic!

    For me it was a wellness challenge at work. Winner gets an iPad but more than that, it was realizing I could be better and get stronger. It was my time after a difficult breakup to do me!

    And now that the challenge is over (won it and killed it!) now it's running a half marathon in October in Hartford. Working on the miles and weights!

    The journey never stops!

    And it doesn't hurt that the boys notice you a little bit more and you have the confidence to do even more!

    Everyone's drive is unique but the goal is always the same, be better! Work hard! And believe!
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i was surprised and interested at how diverse everyone's reasons are!

    i've been losing a little weight over time, but i have type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, and they got worse. my doctor convinced me to try some blood pressure medications, and i had scary reactions to 3 of them; i don't want to be on diabetes meds, so the only way to avoid those medications is to lose weight. may 1st i started keeping a food diary, eating 200 calorie meals 6x per day, walking and timing my meals - since then i've lost 14 pounds and my blood sugar has gone down an average of 100 points, and i'm still going :)