Alcohol and weight loss

I have a question regarding alcohol and weight loss. On an average day I am consuming around 1200 calories with my food intake and doing an hour of cardio at the gym. However there are some nights.. probably a good few nights a week I just feel like unwinding with a glass of wine.. it usually ends up being two. On these days I reduce my food intake to 1000cals to compensate.. Should I be doing this? I always feel satisfied hunger wise by the way I wouldn't go hungry just for a drink! According to myfitnesspal a bottle of Echo falls is 500cals (I don't know how accurate this is) and I've measured there are exactly 5 of the wine glasses I use in a bottle so I usually end up having around 200cals in alcohol. My question is will this damage my weight loss in the long run? What about if I did this every night? I know it has been said that alcohol is an absolute no go for anyone dieting but I'm just wondering what effect it's actually having..


  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I'm at 1880 calories, losing 1/2 lb a week and I drink. I've lost 16 lbs and I've gotten thinner (my body shows the change much more than the scale does). I wouldn't do anything that I won't continue for the rest of my life...which is also why I'm not on a 1200 calorie 'diet'.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Well first thing without doing some research off the top of my head 500 Kcal for a bottle of wine sounds pretty low so I would check that. A glass of the red I occasionally drink is around 170 Kcal making a bottle around 850 (thats a standard bottle). So I would double check to see if that entry is correct.

    The next think is it's unlikely that you need to eating as little as 1200 to lose weight most women can eat far more and still have consistent weightloss. Normally fitting the odd drink into your daily goal is OK as that's what most people do but as it takes your calories taken up by food so low and I personally think you need to be reassessing because it's just as important to get enough nutrition as it is to lose weight

    First thing is reassess and see if you are able to eat more calories. You have a relatively small amount of weight to lose so should be aiming for around .5 pound a week so if you put 2 pounds as your goal mfp would automatically give you 1200 calories. Also you should be eating a portion of your exercise calories back as well because that's how mfp work so the hour of cardio you should be eating those calories back. MFP already give you a deficit to lose weight.

    I'll give you a link have a look at it as it's a great guide on the best way to approach this. Good luck
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    I was doing the same thing you are. I was working my alcohol into my calorie allowance. After some initial weight loss success, the scale stopped moving. I made the decision to quit drinking - for me, it was more than just weight loss. I had developed an unhealthy relationship (wine just about every night). Monday will make 4 weeks without alcohol for me. The scale is moving again - I've lost 8 more pounds. My doctor said it had something to do with sugar. I don't know. I just know I feel better, healthier, and (obviously) thinner.
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    As long as you hit your macros, you can use the remaining calories for anything you like. I hope your 1200 calories is net after exercise with an hour of cardio a day. If not, you're being WAY more restrictive than you need to be to lose weight and keep it off.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Well first thing without doing some research off the top of my head 500 Kcal for a bottle of wine sounds pretty low so I would check that. A glass of the red I occasionally drink is around 170 Kcal making a bottle around 850 (thats a standard bottle). So I would double check to see if that entry is correct.

    The next think is it's unlikely that you need to eating as little as 1200 to lose weight most women can eat far more and still have consistent weightloss. Normally fitting the odd drink into your daily goal is OK as that's what most people do but as it takes your calories taken up by food so low and I personally think you need to be reassessing because it's just as important to get enough nutrition as it is to lose weight

    First thing is reassess and see if you are able to eat more calories. You have a relatively small amount of weight to lose so should be aiming for around .5 pound a week so if you put 2 pounds as your goal mfp would automatically give you 1200 calories. Also you should be eating a portion of your exercise calories back as well because that's how mfp work so the hour of cardio you should be eating those calories back. MFP already give you a deficit to lose weight.

    I'll give you a link have a look at it as it's a great guide on the best way to approach this. Good luck

    Pretty much.

    1. Eat more than 1200.

    2. Yes you can include alcohol in your calories.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member
    Try to cut back on the nights . I drink wine myself but at most I drink 3 nights a week. I know its nice to have a glass at the end of the day but it is harder to keep your calories in control when you are drinking . If your goal is 1200 ( and that is a whole other issue as it is probably too low) I wouldnt be taking calories from this to drink wine but you have to count them as well . Maybe cut out 1 snack or work out a bit.
  • Becre8tive
    Becre8tive Posts: 108 Member
    I am eating healthy and blew it in the evenings with a glass of wine and then another one. It became a habit to unwind after a stressful day and I hated to see it almost every day in my food diary.

    I wondered if I was the only one and posted here. Good news...I am not alone :-)

    I founded the group "weekends only" and so far we are 10 members and we decided to have our drink (wine, beer) only on weekends. So far it was fairly easy for me, knowing that I would have to "confess" the next day :-)
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    I've heard you can use the calories (in this case 200) of alcohol and divide them by 4 to exchange the alcohol for carbs. So how I log my alcohol is if it shows 200 calories, I then log in a line of "Carbs" 50. That will reduce your carb intake for the day by the amount of cals in the alcohol. I would not exchange this with fat or protein.
    You can look at my diary from yesterday as an example, just don't judge me, I had 2 get togethers to attend and a glass of wine before bed :drinker:
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 627 Member
    I have a question regarding alcohol and weight loss. On an average day I am consuming around 1200 calories with my food intake and doing an hour of cardio at the gym. However there are some nights.. probably a good few nights a week I just feel like unwinding with a glass of wine.. it usually ends up being two. On these days I reduce my food intake to 1000cals to compensate.. Should I be doing this? I always feel satisfied hunger wise by the way I wouldn't go hungry just for a drink! According to myfitnesspal a bottle of Echo falls is 500cals (I don't know how accurate this is) and I've measured there are exactly 5 of the wine glasses I use in a bottle so I usually end up having around 200cals in alcohol. My question is will this damage my weight loss in the long run? What about if I did this every night? I know it has been said that alcohol is an absolute no go for anyone dieting but I'm just wondering what effect it's actually having..

    Calories in, Calories out. If you are eating 1200 and burning roughly 600 at the gym (assuming a full hour of cardio?) You are net 600 calories for the day. 2 glasses of wine is roughly 200 calories, so you would be net 800 calories.

    I assume you have already calculated your TDEE to find out that you need to only take in 1200 calories? If that is the case, you are actually low for the day.

    To answer your post's subject line. Alcohol doesn't affect weight loss assuming you are still in a calorie deficit. It can however affect protein synthesis if you care about that portion of things.
  • xorachael
    xorachael Posts: 14
    Thanks everyone! So basically I should probably be increasing my calories anyway?? as 1200 total is without taking away anything I burn during exercise.. I know obviously it's not ideal to be drinking while trying to lose weight and it would be better not to but I was just wondering if it would be having a massive impact.
  • xorachael
    xorachael Posts: 14
    I have a question regarding alcohol and weight loss. On an average day I am consuming around 1200 calories with my food intake and doing an hour of cardio at the gym. However there are some nights.. probably a good few nights a week I just feel like unwinding with a glass of wine.. it usually ends up being two. On these days I reduce my food intake to 1000cals to compensate.. Should I be doing this? I always feel satisfied hunger wise by the way I wouldn't go hungry just for a drink! According to myfitnesspal a bottle of Echo falls is 500cals (I don't know how accurate this is) and I've measured there are exactly 5 of the wine glasses I use in a bottle so I usually end up having around 200cals in alcohol. My question is will this damage my weight loss in the long run? What about if I did this every night? I know it has been said that alcohol is an absolute no go for anyone dieting but I'm just wondering what effect it's actually having..

    Calories in, Calories out. If you are eating 1200 and burning roughly 600 at the gym (assuming a full hour of cardio?) You are net 600 calories for the day. 2 glasses of wine is roughly 200 calories, so you would be net 800 calories.

    I assume you have already calculated your TDEE to find out that you need to only take in 1200 calories? If that is the case, you are actually low for the day.

    To answer your post's subject line. Alcohol doesn't affect weight loss assuming you are still in a calorie deficit. It can however affect protein synthesis if you care about that portion of things.

    Yeah according to the machines at the gym I usually burn around 600 cals a workout, however I know they aren't accurate and tend to overestimate. However I've just calculated my TDEE and it's 1680 so does this mean I should be netting 1344cals and am really undereating? All of this is so confusing!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    On an average day I am consuming around 1200 calories with my food intake and doing an hour of cardio at the gym. However there are some nights.. probably a good few nights a week I just feel like unwinding with a glass of wine.. it usually ends up being two. On these days I reduce my food intake to 1000cals to compensate.. Should I be doing this?

    No. The wine is likely not a problem, but having one third of you calories from wine on a regular basis very well could be a problem.

    Unless you are very tiny, at your age, you can afford the wine calories. Just eat 1200 (or more) calories of balanced nutrient dense foods and drink the wine as your exercise calories.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I have a question regarding alcohol and weight loss. On an average day I am consuming around 1200 calories with my food intake and doing an hour of cardio at the gym. However there are some nights.. probably a good few nights a week I just feel like unwinding with a glass of wine.. it usually ends up being two. On these days I reduce my food intake to 1000cals to compensate.. Should I be doing this? I always feel satisfied hunger wise by the way I wouldn't go hungry just for a drink! According to myfitnesspal a bottle of Echo falls is 500cals (I don't know how accurate this is) and I've measured there are exactly 5 of the wine glasses I use in a bottle so I usually end up having around 200cals in alcohol. My question is will this damage my weight loss in the long run? What about if I did this every night? I know it has been said that alcohol is an absolute no go for anyone dieting but I'm just wondering what effect it's actually having..

    Calories in, Calories out. If you are eating 1200 and burning roughly 600 at the gym (assuming a full hour of cardio?) You are net 600 calories for the day. 2 glasses of wine is roughly 200 calories, so you would be net 800 calories.

    I assume you have already calculated your TDEE to find out that you need to only take in 1200 calories? If that is the case, you are actually low for the day.

    To answer your post's subject line. Alcohol doesn't affect weight loss assuming you are still in a calorie deficit. It can however affect protein synthesis if you care about that portion of things.

    Yeah according to the machines at the gym I usually burn around 600 cals a workout, however I know they aren't accurate and tend to overestimate. However I've just calculated my TDEE and it's 1680 so does this mean I should be netting 1344cals and am really undereating? All of this is so confusing!

    Yes, you are probably under-eating. Even 1680 doesn't sound like enough. How tall are you?

    Step 1 would be to actually eat your exercise calories.
  • bybyadipocytes
    bybyadipocytes Posts: 51 Member
    I understand enjoying alcohol on occasion but do you really want 1/6 of your cals per day to come from alcohol? It's all sugar calories in the end. Just a thought….
  • To answer your post's subject line. Alcohol doesn't affect weight loss assuming you are still in a calorie deficit. It can however affect protein synthesis if you care about that portion of things.

    What do you mean by "protein synthesis"? I was wondering the same thing as OP and just assumed that as long as I was staying below my goal calories for the day, it wouldn't matter. I'm curious to know how else the alcohol could be negatively affecting my diet. Thanks!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    To answer your post's subject line. Alcohol doesn't affect weight loss assuming you are still in a calorie deficit. It can however affect protein synthesis if you care about that portion of things.

    What do you mean by "protein synthesis"? I was wondering the same thing as OP and just assumed that as long as I was staying below my goal calories for the day, it wouldn't matter. I'm curious to know how else the alcohol could be negatively affecting my diet. Thanks!

    What about protein synthesis? Strangely enough, the acute effects of alcohol on muscle protein synthesis in normal human subjects are non-existent in the scientific litterature. It has only been studied in chronic alcoholics, which have reduced rates of muscle protein synthesis. Chronic alcoholic myopathy, which causes muscle loss, is one unfortunate side-effect of alcohol abuse. However, this study showed that alcoholics without myopathy had lower body fat percentage and the same amount of lean mass as non-drinkers. So much for the argument that alcohol makes all your muscles fall off.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Well first thing without doing some research off the top of my head 500 Kcal for a bottle of wine sounds pretty low so I would check that. A glass of the red I occasionally drink is around 170 Kcal making a bottle around 850 (thats a standard bottle). So I would double check to see if that entry is correct.

    The next think is it's unlikely that you need to eating as little as 1200 to lose weight most women can eat far more and still have consistent weightloss. Normally fitting the odd drink into your daily goal is OK as that's what most people do but as it takes your calories taken up by food so low and I personally think you need to be reassessing because it's just as important to get enough nutrition as it is to lose weight

    First thing is reassess and see if you are able to eat more calories. You have a relatively small amount of weight to lose so should be aiming for around .5 pound a week so if you put 2 pounds as your goal mfp would automatically give you 1200 calories. Also you should be eating a portion of your exercise calories back as well because that's how mfp work so the hour of cardio you should be eating those calories back. MFP already give you a deficit to lose weight.

    I'll give you a link have a look at it as it's a great guide on the best way to approach this. Good luck



    OP, I've lost weight netting 1200 calories and drinking alcohol before. Would I recommend it? No. Eat more.
  • vbernier1
    vbernier1 Posts: 19 Member
    To answer your post's subject line. Alcohol doesn't affect weight loss assuming you are still in a calorie deficit. It can however affect protein synthesis if you care about that portion of things.

    What do you mean by "protein synthesis"? I was wondering the same thing as OP and just assumed that as long as I was staying below my goal calories for the day, it wouldn't matter. I'm curious to know how else the alcohol could be negatively affecting my diet. Thanks!
  • xorachael
    xorachael Posts: 14
    I have a question regarding alcohol and weight loss. On an average day I am consuming around 1200 calories with my food intake and doing an hour of cardio at the gym. However there are some nights.. probably a good few nights a week I just feel like unwinding with a glass of wine.. it usually ends up being two. On these days I reduce my food intake to 1000cals to compensate.. Should I be doing this? I always feel satisfied hunger wise by the way I wouldn't go hungry just for a drink! According to myfitnesspal a bottle of Echo falls is 500cals (I don't know how accurate this is) and I've measured there are exactly 5 of the wine glasses I use in a bottle so I usually end up having around 200cals in alcohol. My question is will this damage my weight loss in the long run? What about if I did this every night? I know it has been said that alcohol is an absolute no go for anyone dieting but I'm just wondering what effect it's actually having..

    Calories in, Calories out. If you are eating 1200 and burning roughly 600 at the gym (assuming a full hour of cardio?) You are net 600 calories for the day. 2 glasses of wine is roughly 200 calories, so you would be net 800 calories.

    I assume you have already calculated your TDEE to find out that you need to only take in 1200 calories? If that is the case, you are actually low for the day.

    To answer your post's subject line. Alcohol doesn't affect weight loss assuming you are still in a calorie deficit. It can however affect protein synthesis if you care about that portion of things.

    Yeah according to the machines at the gym I usually burn around 600 cals a workout, however I know they aren't accurate and tend to overestimate. However I've just calculated my TDEE and it's 1680 so does this mean I should be netting 1344cals and am really undereating? All of this is so confusing!

    Yes, you are probably under-eating. Even 1680 doesn't sound like enough. How tall are you?

    Step 1 would be to actually eat your exercise calories.

    I'm 5'2. Surely I shouldn't be eating back all of my exercise calories though?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    I'm 5'2. Surely I shouldn't be eating back all of my exercise calories though?

    Why not - you probably picked a weight loss goal amount that was unreasonable for amount to lose, eating back ALL those exercise calories would at least allow workout days to balance out that too big of a deficit your eating level already has in it on non-exercise days.

    Your eating level is based on a deficit from NON-exercise maintenance.

    Eat at maintenance, no weight change. Eat less, lose weight.

    You add exercise, maintenance just went up. Eat less than that bigger amount, lose weight.

    To keep the same loss amount, your eating of course would go up too.

    That being said, most aren't noticing their true time for the workout. 600 is reasonable with a bit of weight to move.

    But if on the machine for 60 min, was it really at the intensity of the exercise you picked in the database?

    Pick running 6 mph. But did you start walking for 5 min first, slowly build up to speed to 6 mph, and then slowed down, and walked at the end? Average speed over the 60 min was NOT 6 mph then.

    Or was last 10 min of 45 min spin class actually going slow and stretching, first 5 min going slow to warmup?