getting back to it!; before & during pics

jaci232 Posts: 48 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
lately i've been losing motivation and thought i'd post some before/during pics to get motivated so to lose the rest of the weight during 2011!
so far i've lost about 31 pounds..the past 3 months i've maintained (better than gaining!) but i'm ready to get back into it and start losing again! cut my calorie goals to 1250/day, and i'm trying to stick as close to that as i can!
(hopefully this picture thing worked! haven't tried it before!!)

before (Dec 2009) about 181+

after (Jan 2011) about 150


  • thanks for sharing you look fantastic,,, very motivating :)
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Fabulous!!!! Being able to maintain is just as important as losing the extra shows that we are capable of incorporating those changes into our life rather than relying on a fast fix that doesn't last! Way to go on your progress so far and I have no doubt you will be able to meet your goal!!!
  • Congrats on your weight loss so far. I am about the same range of weight and have the goal you accomplished. It is a great motivator for me. Thanks!
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    Big difference! You've done great!!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Congrats!! You look great!
  • tgaul
    tgaul Posts: 123
    Thank you for sharing you look great!
  • Hooray! Looking good and happy! :) Thanks for sharing. When I get further down the road, I'll do the same.
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    AWESOME JOB! You look so much healthier!
  • 2hdesign
    2hdesign Posts: 153
    You look fab! (and I can't help but notice you appear to be doing something active with a dog vs. drinking (eating) - which probably says something good about your habits in and of themselves)
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
  • jaci232
    jaci232 Posts: 48 Member
    thanks everyone!! starting to really get serious now! it looks like i'm breaking through the plateau :D
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