
MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
...does it only refer to lowering one's calories or does it mean when you are also cutting fat by a drastic percentage?

I feel like I see the term used a couple different ways and would like to understand better which is the standard use and also whether it's even necessary to go real low on percentage of fat?


  • CCSavage88
    CCSavage88 Posts: 191
    Cutting to me, is cutting to make a certain weight esp dropping water weight fast.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Cutting to me, is cutting to make a certain weight esp dropping water weight fast.

    Oh my so another understanding even than what I had? So like when you say go lower on sodium and stuff? For the short term like for an event? Like that?
  • fit_rox
    fit_rox Posts: 83
    "Cutting" typically is used in the Bodybuilding realm where "Bulking" refers to gaining weight and muscle mass/eating lots of calories, followed by a period of "Cutting" where you reduce calories to below your maintenance in order to reduce as much fat as possible and reveal defined muscles.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    "Cutting" typically is used in the Bodybuilding realm where "Bulking" refers to gaining weight and muscle mass/eating lots of calories, followed by a period of "Cutting" where you reduce calories to below your maintenance in order to reduce as much fat as possible and reveal defined muscles.

    Well that was my best understanding but I notice some people focus a LOT on fats. Even when not at a BF percentage that one would reach before bulking.

    I think that's where my confusion is coming in.

    Are there other times when cutting is valid. Or when low fat is really that necessary?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    "Cutting" typically is used in the Bodybuilding realm where "Bulking" refers to gaining weight and muscle mass/eating lots of calories, followed by a period of "Cutting" where you reduce calories to below your maintenance in order to reduce as much fat as possible and reveal defined muscles.

    Well that was my best understanding but I notice some people focus a LOT on fats. Even when not at a BF percentage that one would reach before bulking.

    I think that's where my confusion is coming in.

    Are there other times when cutting is valid. Or when low fat is really that necessary?
    Cutting doesn't apply to just lean individuals trying to get leaner. In general cutting is when your dropping weight. It doesn't have to specify anything else other than that because our objective in losing weight is always to drop fat and preserve muscle. So a 300 lb guy and a 160 lb guy trying to drop body fat are both cutting.

    Bulking we all know is to gain weight. Primarily muscle with minimal fat gains.

    Yeah, that's what I thought...

    why do I sometimes see people who are not near bulking stats cutting their fats very low? What is a good amount of fat percentage wise? For all the places a person might be?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    ^that was admittedly unclear.

    Why do I see obese people cutting their fats very low when "cutting". I thought just a balance of macro's was necessary when you are very overweight and trying to lose. I feel like amongst even the most successful members on here there is a difference of opinion/method on this point.

    Is it valid to cut just calories overall and not focus too much on cutting fats until one is lower in weight?
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    Cuts are designed for fat loss. A cutting diet can also be high fat. They are not all low fat diets.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Cuts are designed for fat loss. A cutting diet can also be high fat. They are not all low fat diets.

    Thank you.

    That's what I meant.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    "Cutting" typically is used in the Bodybuilding realm where "Bulking" refers to gaining weight and muscle mass/eating lots of calories, followed by a period of "Cutting" where you reduce calories to below your maintenance in order to reduce as much fat as possible and reveal defined muscles.

    This is how I use it.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    ^that was admittedly unclear.

    Why do I see obese people cutting their fats very low when "cutting". I thought just a balance of macro's was necessary when you are very overweight and trying to lose. I feel like amongst even the most successful members on here there is a difference of opinion/method on this point.

    Is it valid to cut just calories overall and not focus too much on cutting fats until one is lower in weight?
    In my opinion I prefer to keep my dietary fat intake at no lower than 60g which puts me at .4g per lb of bodyweight. I think that's a good place for me. You will find some people that may go a little lower and even some that will take it as low as .25g but usually and hopefully these individuals do that because over time they have found that their bodies respond well to lower fat intake to get lean. However going that low for an extended period of time can be detrimental to overall health.

    I personally know several people including a person who posts around here and even when getting lean his fat intake is 100g plus, I've seen it as high as 140g and he weighs in the 180 ' lean. That's his preference.

    I don't think you'll find a general rule of it needing to be one way or the other to get lean. It really comes down to calories and then it will take experimenting and personal preference to decide what you want to do. I think a balance is important and I like the .4-.45g guideline and going any lower than that should be done only by those people that know what they are doing.

    Yeah, I guess I'm in the opposite camp. Since I previously did a low carb/high protein/high fat diet and lost 51 lbs. Even while doing IIFYM there is a haunting thought in my brain that wants to allow me to eat as high fat percentage as possible. I'm leaning more toward high fat than low.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    "Cutting" typically is used in the Bodybuilding realm where "Bulking" refers to gaining weight and muscle mass/eating lots of calories, followed by a period of "Cutting" where you reduce calories to below your maintenance in order to reduce as much fat as possible and reveal defined muscles.

    This is how I use it.
    well this helps me understand that my general understanding is probably the accepted norm.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    okay so I know getting my protein is right, so after that what's more important to get right? fats right? then the carbs are what's leftover?
  • bv109
    bv109 Posts: 83
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member


    SO do i just get to randomly choose my fats? That's what I got from MRMR's advice? or like do trial and error and choose the lowest amount that I still feel sated?
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member


    SO do i just get to randomly choose my fats? That's what I got from MRMR's advice? or like do trial and error and choose the lowest amount that I still feel sated?

    Watch this (vismal's video):

    Fat and protein goals should be treated as minimums. Your fat minimum goal can be between 0.3-0.45 grams per lb of body weight. If you go over, no biggie.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member


    SO do i just get to randomly choose my fats? That's what I got from MRMR's advice? or like do trial and error and choose the lowest amount that I still feel sated?

    Watch this (vismal's video):

    Fat and protein goals should be treated as minimums. Your fat minimum goal can be between 0.3-0.45 grams per lb of body weight. If you go over, no biggie.

    thank to find that calculator...