in need of some motivation

Ok so I've tried cutting back on calories countless time and so far this is the first time I've kept it up more than a couple days! I'm so happy nd proud of myself abt this also I kno its not a huge accomplishment but its a pretty good thing anyways during the week it hasn't been that hard bec its just been me an my daughter home by ourselves an I dnt know y but I find it easier to eat healthy by myself but now that the weekend is approaching im super worried that I will overeat with my boyfriend home plus goin somewhere with my friend today and we are the worst abt overeating together I dnt kno why tho but I always crave going to sonic and getting a ot fudge sundae just abt everytime we make it to town! I kno it sounds silly but its def gone take some kind of self control any tips? Or anyone have a similar problem they've dealt with?


  • haleema93
    haleema93 Posts: 70
    i'm the exact same! i never stick to any diet plan longer than a week. and i'm the exact same on MFP, just trying to stay focused.
    and i know what u mean with eating out, i find it so hard. Maybe go for healthier options when eating out. a lot of places now have healthier options on their menus. or if ur going with ur friend try sharing the dessert rather than having a whole portion on your own. Take baby steps. you dont have to be really strict on urself, u'll probably end up binging if u put to many restrictions in place. goodluck with it :)
  • maizerage66
    maizerage66 Posts: 367 Member
    The best way to be able to stick with healthier eating is to practice moderation. There are no cheat foods or dirty foods if you are able to stay within your macros for the day. You can have sonic if you have it in moderation and don't eat too much for the rest of the day. Try looking up information on If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) theres a website called that can tell you all about it.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    If you want success and want it for the long haul, rethink your idea of being on a diet. It sounds like you've changed your mindset for weekdays, but fortunately, we have a weekend every week. Now you have to make a plan for the weekend. Do you really want a Sonic hot fudge sundae? If you REALLY do, find a way to fit it in your calories for the week. People do this all the time and it works.

    You can eat out on the weekends, you just have to make it work in your week. I've been doing this for 2 years and have lost a little over 100 pounds. I would be stark raving mad if I had had to give up everything I loved. I know now what my week needs to look like and I live my life.

    You can do it, too! For the record, it's really not about motivation at all. Success is built around the good habits you make and the strong desire to be healthy.

    edited because I can't spell without enough coffee
  • jessinicole1808
    Thanks yall! I'm gonna try my hardest to make good choices this weekend in the past I've always given up when I would mess 1 day up that's not gonna happen this time tho I'm determined to lose this weight for myself an nobody else:)
  • Joanitude
    Joanitude Posts: 171 Member
    I lost 50 pounds on what I call the Kobayashhi Maru plan. I explain it here - Just another option for you to consider.
  • jacquemo118
    jacquemo118 Posts: 5 Member
    Plan ahead! Bring lunch for you and your daughter and pack healthy snacks. Also I saw you post about lean cuisines....if you're set on counting calories and sticking to your goal I would certainly steer clear of packaged dinners! Incorporate more whole foods!! You get more bang for your buck! Beans, green leafy veggies, etc! Low cal and filling!
  • txmomma81
    txmomma81 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks yall! I'm gonna try my hardest to make good choices this weekend in the past I've always given up when I would mess 1 day up that's not gonna happen this time tho I'm determined to lose this weight for myself an nobody else:)

    I was the same exact way. If I had one bad day I'd let it ruin me and give up. But I can say with certainty, that's not how I am anymore. I'm on day 18 of logging and that is by far the longest I have ever gone!

    This time is different. I've learned that I don't have to cut anything out. If I want ice cream, and it fits in my calories, I eat it! I have to say, not restricting severely has made such a difference. I know I can't go my whole life without treats, so I need to learn now how to make them fit.

    You've got this! Just keep pushing forward. If you have a bad day, start over. No biggie! We are already friends, so go look at my diary. I'm not depriving myself :)