Constantly Hungry


Does anyone else find that they're ALWAYS hungry on the limited calories that they're on?

How are you combatting this?


  • tambam69
    tambam69 Posts: 270 Member
    I used too but only every once in while now, it does get easier as you get used to it, and make sure you are dinking lots and lots of water because sometimes when you think you are hungry you are really just thirsty. Also make sure you are eating enough calories to sustain you for the day. Best of luck to you.
  • Emmiee4269
    Emmiee4269 Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah I have this issue. I find it helps filling up on cold water.
  • fificrazy
    fificrazy Posts: 234
    That's the point of a restrictive diet.

    Too restrictive, however, and you'll end up doing a lot of reactive eating. My advice would be to listen to your cravings. If you're denying yourself any foods, that'll definitely increase your mental hunger.
  • AmAnDuh77
    AmAnDuh77 Posts: 20 Member
    Are you taking in enough protein? Have you eliminated carbs?

    For me (and I'm completely new at getting healthy), eating higher protein/low carb meals is what helps curb my appetite. I eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. I am type 2 diabetic, so I have to also watch my sugar intake.
  • AmAnDuh77
    AmAnDuh77 Posts: 20 Member
    Yeah I have this issue. I find it helps filling up on cold water.

    Yes, drink ALOT of water!!!
  • Muffie22
    Muffie22 Posts: 77 Member
    drink more water and eat more high protein food/food with lots of good fats
  • mscleo1115
    mscleo1115 Posts: 42 Member
    Fill up on more nutrient dense food as opposed to calorie dense food. Veggies are a quick and easy way to do that.
  • KultaPanda2
    Can't see your diary, but perhaps make sure you're getting enough protein :)
    Protein fills me up a lot more for the calories worth than carby foods.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Are you taking in enough protein? Have you eliminated carbs?

    For me (and I'm completely new at getting healthy), eating higher protein/low carb meals is what helps curb my appetite. I eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. I am type 2 diabetic, so I have to also watch my sugar intake.

    For me I find I like protein and denser, whole grains (even though these are carbs, fibre can actually keep you full longer. But it depends on the person). So far quinoa has gotten me the farthest! I also will eat 1 - 2 tsp of peanut butter on a spoon to tide me over once in a while. You can also try filling up on veggies like carrots and broccoli. They're low calorie.
  • SamiDee12
    SamiDee12 Posts: 16 Member
    As others have mentioned, maybe try eating more protein/fats. I personally have been feeling like I am starving lately, but I think it's because my calorie goal has lowered and I have also increased the frequency and intensity of my workouts. If you are hungry all the time, try to drink more water and maybe chew on a piece of gum. After a few days, your body will get used to it and you won't feel so hungry anymore.
  • FitMolly182
    FitMolly182 Posts: 304 Member
    I agree that nutrient dense food will help, and focus on your macros instead of your calories. I find that helpful. Then I don't feel like I'm focusing on calories (even though you are). Plus too much of any macro can be bad. Especially carbs, but don't limit carbs too much. You function best on carbs. Aim for 45-50% carbs, just make them healthy carbs as often as possible. Don't deprive yourself.
  • SassyMoonbeams
    SassyMoonbeams Posts: 229 Member
    I agree on the protein! For me when I started to feel really hungry to the point of wanting to devour anything I could find, I sat down and had a good hard look at my meals and made healthier adjustments. I was hungry because I wasn't being as smart about my food choices as I could be, and decided to really start selecting the types of foods that would satiate my body! :-) For instance I used to eat these high caloric salami sticks and string cheese for breakfast and was really not getting much nutrition for the calories they instead I've opted to adding protein powder to vanilla yogurt, throwing on some flaked almonds and a bit of granola as well as strawberries and this meal would seriously keep me satisfied for so long for around the same amount of calories! Whereas the other I was hungry like right away after eating.

    My advice is get more bang for your buck with the foods you're picking.....high protein, healthy fats, veggies for won't believe how filled you'll feel after eating some carrots! A friend of mine also suggested fruits and veggies with high water content, like cucumbers and watermelon :-)

    Also water water water!! Girl down that water and if you think you've had enough, have another bottle. And chewing gum, peppermint is a natural appetite suppressant! I know when I sit my butt down t watch tv I want to snack so I chew gum and paint my nails instead to keep my hands busy!

    One tip for water...try adding lemon lime juice fresh squeezed....I have the juice of a whole lemon and lime in my water every day (usually spread the Jude into two water bottles). Great way to get an awesome vitamin c punch, great for digestion..... Hope these tips help! :-)
  • SassyMoonbeams
    SassyMoonbeams Posts: 229 Member
    Oh yeah one more thing.....chia seeds!!! Those things are GREAT! Lots of fibre and omega 3 fatty acids! I throw some in my morning yogurt concoction. Love them so much! You can throw them in any meal basically, they're like tiny crunchy strawberry seeds but they soften in liquid.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    Are you eating a 1,200 calorie diet?
    For a lot of people that isn't enough calories, which will cause you to be hungry.

    But when you feel hungry, and you know you've eaten recently, have a glass of water and see if you're really hungry or just thirsty.
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276

    Does anyone else find that they're ALWAYS hungry on the limited calories that they're on?

    How are you combatting this?

    Like most, I get hungry at night when my day starts to slow down. So I save calories throughout the day for that reason.

    But, I stay busy and find things to do. And yes, its that simple. Reading, sending texts or playing around on the internet only makes it worse. Go for walks, clean you home, your yard, whatever. Just find things to do that makes you move your body.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    Does anyone else find that they're ALWAYS hungry on the limited calories that they're on?

    How are you combatting this?

    No. I find that when I am, I ate wrong, so I switched it up.

    I didn't need that shake from Sonic, I replaced it with some chicken. Fixed.
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member

    Does anyone else find that they're ALWAYS hungry on the limited calories that they're on?

    How are you combatting this?

    What do you eat during the day?

    I'm 5´4´´, sedentary work (all day at a desk in front of an computer), 144.8lbs.
    MFP tells me to eat 1450cal a day, with 6 workout/week - 1200cal spent minimum/week
    Additionally I avoid to use the lift and choose the stairs (work in a 5th floor).

    My weekly routine:
    I wake up every day at 6:15 to do my exercises.
    After that, shower, breakfast time and at 8:15 I'm on my way to work .
    I have a morning snack around 11:00 and around 14:00 I have lunch.
    Afternoon snack around 17:30 and dinner at 20:00

    Some days I have difficulty reaching 1450cals a day....and I mean...without eating back my calories...
    What I aim for its the net above 1200., today that will mean 1482 cals
    It seams doable to me...but there is no way I will eat all my calories back if don't fell the need to and I'm not worried about it...or hungry

    I plan my snacks in advanced, I take my lunch to work and I dinner at home (mine, mother or mother in law)
    I only drink water (at least 85oz/day) and natural juices. No sodas.
    Breakfast: Boiled Egg+dark bread+turkey sausages+fruit+coffee or Greek yogurt+fruit+muesli+coffee
    Morning snack: 25g nuts + 1 or 2 pieces of fruit
    Lunch: soup+raw vegetables+7oz meat+some carbs+fruit
    Afternoon Snack: Greek yogurt+fruit+muesli or 1 or 2 pieces of fruit
    Dinner: soup+cooked vegetables+7oz fish+fruit
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member

    Does anyone else find that they're ALWAYS hungry on the limited calories that they're on?

    How are you combatting this?

    What do you eat during the day?

    1. Children.
    2. Puppies.
    3. Dreams.
  • CharleneM723
    CharleneM723 Posts: 80 Member
    Yes, sometimes when I go to bed, my stomach is rumbling because I am so hungry. I have found that having a bit of dairy, whether it be a glass of milk or a 1/2c of Greek yogurt helps me get thru the evenings. I make sure I save 200 calories for something to nibble on about an hour before bed.

  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I remember having a conversation about that with my dietician. I told her I was eating within reasonable range of my calorie limits, but I was ALWAYS hungry.

    She told me to increase my fiber. I did, and lost 12 pounds that month.

    All I did was add one thing to my diet: Chocolite protein bars ( (Oh, and there are coupon codes at They're about 100 calories, with about 10g protein, about 10g fiber, and they're sugar free/gluten free. My favorite is the triple chocolate fudge. I have about 2-3 a day.